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    Picture: Bradley Harris Enjoys Nick Saban Photobomb

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    Nick Saban uses Mariano Rivera example to motivate Alabama for championship

    One might expect to hear names like Pop Warner, Bear Bryant and Vince Lombardi drop at a press conference for the BCS championship. But if reporters can get a football coach to talk long enough, legends from other sports are bound to come up. Even one from our greatest game, baseball. Alabama...
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    Nick Saban berates the media for all of their praise on the Crimson Tide (VIDEO)

    It wouldn't be football season if Nick Saban didn't berate the media — or any season for that matter. On Wednesday, Nick Saban blew up at the media after days of hearing how his Crimson Tide was the best team in football and were well on their way toward defending their national title. The...
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    Agent Ralph Cindrich says ?everyone has something? on Nick Saban

    Agent Ralph Cindrich was on a Pittsburgh radio station on Thursday to discuss the Penn State scandal and sanctions and in the course of the discussion, brought up Nick Saban, saying that "everyone has something" on the Alabama coach and that, under oath, his players would say they were being...
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    How can Alabama pay Nick Saban $4 Million but not have enough to help its own...

    ...citizens and whine for FEMA cash? Why are they crying poor and need FEMA help when they obviously can pay a football coach 10 times what they pay the governor? It's a Socialist State School!!!! It's part of the government of Alabama. Saban IS A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE!!!!
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    Stephan G. Erberich, PhD, Named Director Of Biomedical Informatics At The Saban Resea

    Stephan G. Erberich, PhD, has been appointed to the newly created position of Director of Biomedical Informatics at The Saban Research Institute of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles. In his new role, Dr. Erberich will lead the team's efforts to apply the principles of computer science and...