Advise on my workout regime?


New member
Nov 21, 2012
I used to run for 1hr 6 days a week and do 30-45mins weights. I got really bored of the hour running so a trainer at my gym suggested I cut it back to 30mins but add on a fitness class. So now I do a fitness class everyday..however I've found that if I run first I am tired in the class and if I do the class I am tired when running and don't run as fast as I could! Is it ok to maybe run for class then run for 15 after? I always do weights in the evening so could even maybe run for 10-fitness class run for 10...then a few hours break and do my final 10 before I do weights in the evening to make it up to 30minutes. Will it still be effective if I do short runs 3x a day or should I just stick it out and do 30mins at a time?
From what you've described here, I have gathered two points.
1. The amount of time you put into your workout is great no matter what type of schedule you have.
2. You get bored of routine very easily

My suggestion is to not have a set schedule if that's possible - I'm not sure how your attendance at the fitness class works. One day, run for an hour if it's a nice day and skip the fitness class. One day do JUST the fitness class. Another day, do the third scheduled you suggested which is 10 running, 10 fitness class and another 10 of running in the evening.

Just change it up for yourself and don't necessarily have a set schedule. Seems like you already have a good habit of working out so I don't think switching up your timings will affect your will power.
I don't know if you will achieve your goals but you can do it to get started. And while you are doing that, take a look at some of the programs michaelduff suggested. If you go to the gym knowing exactly what you are going to do it will be a lot less intimidating. Along with a good diet that provides all the nutrients and calories you need to enable you to gain muscle, you could try.