According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is -..Very,...


Mar 17, 2008
...very..- popular with Chinese people? According to some Reports Cooked by our Media , Barack 0bama is "..Widly.." popular with Chinese people..?

I have read Media reports that Barack 0bama is widly popular in Asia , Africa , America & entire world - How people around the the world "..Love.." him..!!
We people cannot have enough of such huge popularity
Another "...Popular..." President was JFK
Ok Friend , we people must feel Lucky - that he has done us a favour by becoming US President
And he is NOT Abnoxious and his very "...popular..." amongst all world citizens
Picador - Chinese arent most Racist -
I think it is the Russians - They known to even kill kids - even Russian Women Approve of it.
Obamas not a horrible president. I mean we've had worse. Obama has just been very positive on an international setting. In America however he is critiqued, hated by some and liked by others. It's like this with every president.
Great! Let him move THERE, then! We've had ENOUGH of him HERE!

“I support the two party system… one on Friday night, and one on Saturday night.” -- HeeHaw

Republican since before she was born… and PROUD of it.
Everyone, with the exception of US conservatives and other religious extremists, love the President.
maybe chinese people over there elected obama as the next president.
not american people.
Along with the Japanese, the Chinese are the most racist people on Earth. They are also among the most intelligent people on Earth. If they feign approval of Obama, they are doing no more than any good salesman would do in the face of a prospective customer.