7 Year old weighs 400 pounds!


New member
Mar 18, 2008
How could the parents allow this to happen...

Looks like she lost 250 pounds... good. Maybe now she can live a halfway normal life.
OMG that is nuts ! ! how and earth can anyone sit there and let that child carry on eating crap food when she reaches even half that weight is beyond belief.
Easy. Daughter wants, daughter gets. Lack of exercise ETC and looks what happens.

Personally the parents should place the child into care and have hysterectomy and vasectomy as they are unwilling to look after their childs wellbeing.
un-believable. I am so shocked...

part of me thought it was kind of funny but then i remembered that the poor girl is only 7! her life is already so damaged.
Just wrong those parents should be arrested and that girl taken into care

My daughter is almost 6, and she weighs 35lbs and sometimes I think she eats too much crap.
There was a Kid on British TV who was 8 and weighed over 15 stone so their parents were threatened with the kid being taken away and put into care
Usually, obese children have obese parents. And the vicious circle goes on.

In the first instance, such families need a live-in nutritionist/lifestyle coach to get all the family members eating correct food and limiting portions - plus instigating an excercise programme.

What about the cost??? Far less than treating them for all the health problems to come.

More to the point...why didn't extended family members or the schools bring the obesity problem to light when it first became aparent.?

That's disgusting. The parents should be arrested or fed until their stomachs burst and they die in their own *****!
**** thats terrible! How could someone do that to their own child, yet alone themselves! Thats sick! I feel like throwing up..........

But good on her for losing weight and a huge congrats from me to the doctors and dietitians, That helped her.
Ther girls clearly a born athlete, she can already butt scoot at an Eddi Bravo level at the age of 7! She'll be winning the Abu Dhabi's before you can say Popcorn.

Hell, she's got a weight advantage on all the guys who've previously won the ADCC's Absolute division on top of that, seriously, teach her how to traingle and she's golden.
Slindsay - always seeing the bright side

The fact is she was going to school (i assume) why did no other adult pick this up LONG ago?! Poor child.
In fairness, I hit the gym three times a week, weigh in at over a 100kg and can deadlift more than anyone I know with the exception of two people and I couldn't pick it up. My deadlift max is only around 300 pounds.