Watch: 7-year-old boy performs Australian national anthem through hiccups


Jun 17, 2007
You often hear producers of live television shows tell on-air talents and peformers that nothing can possibly go wrong when it's live. That's not true, of course, as plenty can go wrong leading to varying consequences. But it's a way of relaxing those in front of the camera and keeping them focused even in the face of unexpected adversity.
We're not sure if anyone had that same conversation with 7-year-old Ethan Hall on Friday, but the talented young singer would not let anything deter him from completing the national anthem before an Australian League Baseball game.
Not even a bout of hiccups.
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There was no hiding it either. Hall had the hiccups. But he didn't even pause, let alone panic or allow it to throw him off his game. He simply powered through them and delivered both an outstanding and memorable rendition.
Young Ethan Hall made his country proud and made people all over the world smile. Just to have the courage to stand there and sing is pretty impressive. To continue when life threw him an unexpected curveball, that's beyond impressive, and perhaps beyond what some more seasoned veterans would have done.*
Well done, young man. Keep on singing.
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813