6 Bible prophecies you are seeing fulfilled!! ?


Apr 9, 2008
1. Earthquakes
2. Famine
3. Disease*
4. Lack of natural affection
5. Ruining of the Earth
6. A global preaching work*

Better times ahead.
Revelation 21: 3-4
Death no more nor Paine anymore former things have passed away.

Would you like to know more??
Those are not prophecies; those are commentary on natural events. Please at least learn what a true prophecy is.
Same as it's been since the beginning of time...

No, I would not.... especially if you see those as 'prophesies'...

I might not be as educated about the Bible as I should be but have read many parts of it (King James version).
I'm right there with ya darlin. I've always believed in what the "good book" is about.
Wish more people would pick it up. I swear I think some people believe if they did there eyes might burn out of there sockets.
Funny how so many people ask so many questions regarding religion and how negative they come across. But yet how hard have they looked to find the answers. Many of which are right there in the Bible.

Some place (sorry, I can't quote) it says something to the effect that even those who can see will be blind.

Keep on putting out the information regardless of how hard they come at you. You never know who's eye's might be opened to something you've written.
Every single one of those "prophecies" have been happening since the beginning of time. Before and after Jesus.

Please stop being stupid.
that counts for a prophecy now!??

Well let me tell you it's gonna rain again and the sun will come up tomorrow
All these were (1..6) were happening all the time!

Do you like to know more?

Every huckster since circus maximus has said they have been fulfilled. The "end of times" has come a few hundred times in the last 2000 years. Every huckster who sees a sucker on the horizon has said that. At least a dozen times in the last century alone. Three times I have seen it in my life time. Just like P.T. Barnum said - there is a sucker born every minute.
Earthquakes... happen anyway
Famine... happens anyway
Disease... happens anyway
Lack of natural affection... completely subjective, and unsubstantiated
Ruining of the earth... completely subjective and unsubstantiated
A global preaching work... subjective and happens anyway.

Earthquakes have happened throughout the earth's history. Most people already know this. Famine and disease have happened throughout the history of life, and has affected all species in all areas of the globe. As for the lack of natural affection, that doesn't really mean much unless you explain what you mean and how it is lower than previous ages. Ruining of the earth is, I assume, relating to the use of resources and the impact on the environment that this has. Well, if there is anything that specific in the bible, I'd love to hear it.
And Global Preaching work? really? people have been preaching all over the place from the moment we had religion. It DEFINITELY has not begun recently.

D- Must try harder
what are you talking about? your describing mother nature and human stupidity. if you what a real prophecy then read the Quran 10:90-92.