
  1. F

    How to get stronger with out lifting weights?

    I dont wanna lift weights yet. please help
  2. D

    Needing a cardo program on dvd thats uses no weights just the body.just

    quit smoking about 1 1/2 months ago? 40 yr old male .insanity is just too damn hard body cant keep up yet.walking 1 1/2 miles fast plus lifting weights now what disk program do you recomend and why please give as much details as possible to me to choose from and thanks
  3. D

    If I went to the gym and did too much cardio and weights could that make me feel...

    ...sick? After I came back from the gym I didn't even want to eat. I felt sick to my stomach and was shaky. Could it be that I burned out all my sugar and my sugar levels were low?
  4. B

    When should i start going to the Gym? (Lifting Weights) and What age do i

    start taking supplements? Im 14.5 years old, i am turning 15 in about 19 days and was thinking of joining a gym. Im 6ft tall and weigh around 180 pounds. Ive heard rumors that you stop growning when you lift at a early age, is that true ? because ive known some people who been working out since...
  5. G

    why are women so afraid of lifting weights?

    alot of women think lifting weights will get them too bulky but the reality is that lifting weights can't get you big unless you eat more than you should and continuously lift heavy. lifting weights are important for keeping your body fit and in shape. why can't women understand this?
  6. P

    How to reduce man boobs and other fatty areas without weights?

    Hello people. I have a problem. Please tell me how to reduce man boobs without weights. I am 13 years old and I have no friends because of these man boobs. Everyone teases me because of this and abuse me. So please tell me a way to reduce man boobs without weights. I have heard that weight stops...
  7. J

    How heavy handheld weights should I buy?

    I can't afford to go to the gym at the moment, and I'm pretty skinny so I want to gain a bit of muscle. I eat the right foods - I've looked into it, that food is really important also. But all I can afford at the moment are small handheld weights, and I'd like to build some arm muscle, I'm 16...
  8. R

    my friend weights 250lbs could she buy insanity dvd and lose weight not tone?

    she wants to get firm but not have abs or very ripped muscles.. I just see that everyone that uses insanity workouts are kind of skinny and get very toned out... soo could she just lose the weight and not tone? ohh and what diet could she use to lose fast?
  9. A

    Little Big Weights: Lifting Light Weights Isn’t A Total Waste Of Time, Says Research

    Most of today's top trainers will tell you that lifting light weights to slim down isn't a grand plan, despite fears of "bulking up" from heavy lifting. But a new study says that, on the flip side, adults who are intimidated by heavy weights shouldn't despair: Lifting little weights can still...
  10. A

    What are the weights of famous people?

    Have any celebrities or famous people revealed their weight? if so what are they?
  11. A

    Daily Fail: The Average British Woman Weights 154 Pounds, And Doesn’t Like It

    At first glance, The Daily Mail's post about the average woman's weight seems vaguely body positive: They announce that the average British lady may weigh 11 stone (that's 154 pounds, this side of the pond), but she it comes in many shapes. But to demonstrate the point, they line up a group of...
  12. K

    NEED ANSWER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE LOL about ankle and wrist weights?

    what are the best exercises for ankle and wrist weights worn at the same time? not running something like pushups? etc..
  13. D

    how important is lifting weights in basketball?

    our coach tells us that we need to start lifting weights but idk what it really helps for a guard? will it help me handle the ball better or what?
  14. J

    Going on a vacation..Exercise help (Weights or no Weights) Please read?

    I will be going on a vacation for a month and I want to keep exercising. I'll probably do cardio with all the walking from place to place and shopping and etc. But I have this dvd exercise for strength training and I was wondering if I should take weights along with me or can I just do body...
  15. A

    How can I get strong legs for martial arts (without weights)?

    Is that even possible? I noticed that my legs are way too weak for martial arts. Went to the gym before and I squat way less than everyone else (only the bar = 45lbs). I don't live close to a gym at the moment and don't have weights. I could use some dumbbells and add weights. But what exercises...
  16. A

    How can I get strong legs for martial arts (without weights)?

    Is that even possible? I noticed that my legs are way too weak for martial arts. Went to the gym before and I squat way less than everyone else (only the bar = 45lbs). I don't live close to a gym at the moment and don't have weights. I could use some dumbbells and add weights. But what exercises...
  17. A

    Should I lift weights everyday?

    I recently started lifting weights at the begining of the school year (September) And I have been doing it every day since then besides weekends, I also run a mile and a half 400 situps, and 60 pushup's. My friends say to alternate my running and weight lifting though.
  18. P

    Best diet pill to lose weight while lifting weights from gnc?

    What is the best diet pill to use from gnc while lifting weights. I lift weights 3 times a week for about an hour and a half.
  19. T

    Help! Smashed finger between two handheld weights, concerned!?

    Today at about three o' clock pm i smashed my right ring finger in between two ten pound hand held weights. It's about twelve hours later and it has turned a maroon-ish purple an is significantly swollen. The nail is not broken, and there aren't any visual signs of bleeding under the nail. It is...
  20. T

    Help! Smashed finger between two handheld weights, concerned!?

    Today at about three o' clock pm i smashed my right ring finger in between two ten pound hand held weights. It's about twelve hours later and it has turned a maroon-ish purple an is significantly swollen. The nail is not broken, and there aren't any visual signs of bleeding under the nail. It is...