
  1. G

    Lindsay Lohan Jumps the Pond, Dons Posh Fur: Is She Hoping to Hook Up With The Wanted

    Apparently there aren't enough parties in the USA for Lindsay Lohan. Or maybe there are too many. Whatever the case, the troubled Liz & Dick starlet has bolted these shores for...
  2. G

    Charlie Sheen Wanted in Court—to Defend Realtor Against Brooke Mueller's Mom!

    As if dealing with in-laws, especially former*in-laws, isn't tricky enough! Charlie Sheen is listed as a potential defense witness in a lawsuit filed by ex-wife Brooke...
  3. M

    POLL: Have you ever wanted to have those eyes where one is Blue and the other is...

    ...Brown? I allllways wanted those eyes!! ...anyone wanna swap??
  4. S

    Trivia game ideas wanted!!?

    I have to create a game for History based on the 3 branches and 7 principles of government. Maybe some kind of trivia game on TV I could base it on? Please all ideas welcome here(: Thanks to all who answer! Oh yeah, my project is due January 11th!
  5. G

    Lindsay Lohan "Can Party as Hard" as The Wanted, Says Max George at Jingle Ball in NY

    Lindsay Lohan "Can Party as Hard" as The Wanted, Says Max George at Jingle Ball in NY Lindsay Lohan has been spending a lot of time with The Wanted these days. Max George, the Liz & Dick star's (assumed) love interest, told E! News Friday at NYC's Jingle Ball...
  6. A

    I wrote a short story. Just wanted to share, your comments are welcome.?

    A slight breeze disheveled the hair of the man smoking a cigarette on the roof, watching the cars move on the street below. Accompanied by the city lights they disrupted the natural darkness of night. He flicked the ash off the end of the cigarette and watched it fall slowly down, breaking apart...
  7. G

    wanted to know how is eharmony?

    i wanted to try out eharmony and i wanted to see if anyone think its worth it? Plus i am confused by the billing, is a certain price a month or they charge you in one big sum? If anyone got any thoughts, ideas, or advice. please comment!
  8. J

    I wanted to know if AMP from the GNC is a good muscle enhance.?

    Well I've been working out and I just finished the eight week program. lost some weight I'm starting to see some muscle growing but I'm also over weight. I'm 18 I'm 5'8 and I weigh about 205lb, I wanna start using the AMP from GNC for that extra help to gain more muscle and gain more stamina...
  9. J

    say i wanted to buy a maserati, what would i need to bring to pay for it?

    Check, cash, cashier check, card? i want to go in and leave the same day (or hour) with one.. what would i need to bring with me?
  10. A

    Larissa Latynina wanted to present Michael Phelps with his record-breaking medal. The

    The former Soviet gymnast whose record for most career Olympic medals was broken by Michael Phelps wanted to give the American swimmer his record-setting 19th medal Tuesday night in London. Her request was rejected by the International Olympic Committee. The New York Times reports: Latynina...
  11. G

    American Idol's Kris Allen Explains Santa Monica Concert Snafu: "I Just Wanted to Go

    American Idol's Kris Allen Explains Santa Monica Concert Snafu: "I Just Wanted to Go Kris Allen wasn't trying to cause any trouble, he just wanted to share his love of music. Unfortunately, doing that at the Santa Monica pier requires some paperwork. The American...
  12. J

    i have a compaq sr5110nx i wanted to upgrade all the guts except the dvd drive?

    this is what i wanted to install on the pc motherboard:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813138283 graphics card:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161334 Cpu:http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103904...
  13. J

    What is the lowest belt you would use if you wanted to try practicing another...

    ...style along with current style? I want to try judo to go along with my taekwando eventually for on the ground fighting techniques, I really enjoy and love martial arts.
  14. L

    If you wanted to travel to a territory of the United States where would you go?

    Not the 50 states and District of Columbia. But the U.S. Territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands and the United States Virgin Islands.
  15. R

    FMA Brotherhood: When is it revealed that Father always wanted a family?

    I read that Father and Van Hohenheim had a talk in which it was revealed that one of Father's only human desires was to have a family of his own, hence his Homunculi. In what episode does this take place?
  16. G

    No Fooling! Sacha Baron Cohen's Dictator Not Wanted at the Oscars

    Well, what do you know? The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences doesn't want Sacha Baron Cohen showing up at the Oscars dressed as a nightmarish hybrid of Moammar Gadhafi and Idi...
  17. G

    Criminal Network Wanted To Use These $1 Billion Bills To Acquire Plutonium [Wtf]

    This one billion dollar bill was found inside an old trunk in Switzerland. The trunk, marked Federal Reserve System, Chicago, Motherbox, Treaty of Versailles, had a total of six trillion dollars inside. That's one third of the US national debt! More »
  18. S

    hey, i wanted to know if it's possible to download 2 movies at the same...

    ...time on the ps3? what i get is that it asks me to 'connect media storage' for the save destination. i've been told to connect usbs but i only want to know if it's possible to download 2 or more movies(from direct download sites) at the same time on the ps3 hard drive. thanks.
  19. A

    My mom has a plan with Verizon and i wanted to know can i use a unlocked phone...

    ...with verizion? My mom has a plan with Verizon and i wanted to get a new phone so I looked up some phones and I saw the palm pixi plus but the thing is that it is a unlocked phone and I was wondering whether I could use this phone with your services?
  20. F

    Could a duplicated DVD be spotted remotely by a mfgs. site if you wanted to

    knowif you had an original or not? If a series of DVDs were to be specifically designed for the purpose of being remotely identified as either real or fake, could the manufacturer of a DVD data disk identify with 100% reliability whether or not I had placed one of their original disks (or a...