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    Horray…New Obesity Vaccine Could Make Us Thin Without Lifting A Finger

    Good news fellow couch potatoes: If sweating your ass off in this summer heat in an effort to lose a few pounds is not exactly appealing, a new vaccine could help "cure" that expanding waistline--without ever leaving the comfort of our couch, of course. More »Post from: Blisstree
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    No Refrigeration? Single Silk Device Can Store And Deliver Vaccine Or Antibiotic With

    Researchers at Tufts University School of Engineering have discovered a way to maintain the potency of vaccines and other drugs - that otherwise require refrigeration - for months and possibly years at temperatures above 110 degrees F, by stabilizing them in a silk protein made from silkworm...
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    New Vaccine Candidate For Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, The Cause Of Many Hospital-Acquired

    Researchers at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) have discovered a new vaccine candidate for the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa taking advantage of a new mechanism of immunity. The study was published online in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. Pseudomonas...
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    New Smoking Vaccine Using Gene Therapy Being Developed

    By using gene therapy to create a novel antibody that gobbles up nicotine before it reaches the brain in mice, scientists say they may have found a potential smoking vaccine against cigarette addiction. However, there is still a long way to go before the new therapy can be tested in humans. In...
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    Nanoscale Protein Containers Could Aid Drug, Vaccine Delivery

    UCLA biochemists have designed specialized proteins that assemble themselves to form tiny molecular cages hundreds of times smaller than a single cell. The creation of these miniature structures may be the first step toward developing new methods of drug delivery or even designing artificial...
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    3 Common Myths About Child Vaccine Safety Refuted

    In the limited time of an office visit, how can a primary care physician make the case to parents that their child should be vaccinated? During National Infant Immunization Week, a Mayo Clinic vaccine expert and a pediatrician offer suggestions for refuting three of the most common myths about...
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    Brain Cancer Vaccine Looks Good

    An interesting announcement at the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) meeting in Miami today, Tuesday 17th April, looked at the effectiveness of a vaccine against brain cancer, which showed promising results. The multicenter phase 2 clinical trial included more than 40 patients...
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    Vaccine Yielded Encouraging Long-Term Survival Rates In Certain Patients With NSCLC

    Long-term follow-up of a phase II clinical trial showed encouraging survival in some patients with stage 3B/4 non-small cell lung cancer treated with belagenpumatucel-L, a therapeutic vaccine. The findings were presented at the AACR Annual Meeting 2012. "This is a novel immunotherapy that...
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    Clues About Protection From HIV From Follow-Up Studies To The RV144 HIV Vaccine Trial

    Researchers have gained important clues about immune system responses that could play a role in protecting people from HIV infection in follow-up studies from the world's largest HIV vaccine trial to date. Results from laboratory studies based on the trial were published in the New England...
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    For An Enhanced Flu Vaccine, Four Works Better Than Three

    An intranasal vaccine that includes four weakened strains of influenza could do a better job in protecting children from the flu than current vaccines, Saint Louis University research shows. Before each influenza season, scientists predict which strains of flu will be circulating and make a...
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    Rotavirus Vaccine Not Linked To more Intestinal Problems In Infants

    After an evaluation of 800,000 doses of pentavalent rotavirus vaccinations in U.S. infants, researchers reported in the February 8 issue of JAMA that there is no increased risk of intussusception after vaccination, despite some previous data indicating that those infants who received the vaccine...
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    Hep C Vaccine Shows Promise In First Trial

    An experimental vaccine against the chronic liver disease hepatitis C has shown promising results in its first clinical trial in humans, say researchers from the University of Oxford, UK, who write about their findings in the 4 January online issue of Science Translational Medicine. However...
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    Monkey Study Raises Hope Of HIV/AIDS Vaccine

    Scientists have tested a trial vaccine that protects rhesus monkeys against infection from a potent form of the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), a distant relative of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS in humans. Monkeys that received the vaccine were more than 80% less likely to become...
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    Prophylactic Vaccine Results To Be Revealed At Global Vaccine Forum In Vienna 1 - 2 M

    Microbes causing infectious diseases are associated with more than 30% off all cancers. In the recent years several prophylactic vaccines that have been developed have proved to be an important advancement, impacting the incidence of liver cancer and cervical cancer. Prophylactic vaccines and...
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    Dendritic Cell-Based Cancer Vaccine Receives Approval For Clinical Tests And Also Sec

    Immunicum's patented cancer vaccine is based on over 20 years of research in the field of transplantation immunology and activates the body's own immune system to attack tumor cells. The Nobel Prize in Medicine was recently awarded the discoverer of dendritic cells and their role in...
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    Cancer Vaccine Impact May Be Limited Unless Drug Industry Focuses On Tumors That Are

    Drug companies currently developing therapeutic cancer vaccines may be determining the cancers they target based on the number of annual cases, not the number of deaths they cause. This approach may limit the patient benefits of such drugs, according to a new University of Michigan report...
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    Grant To Study Microneedle Patches For Polio Vaccine

    The Georgia Institute of Technology will receive funding through Grand Challenges Explorations, an initiative created by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation that enables researchers worldwide to test unorthodox ideas that address persistent health and development challenges... More...
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    The Efficacy Of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Vaccine Demonstrated On Dogs

    An experimental vaccine developed by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine is the first veterinary cancer vaccine of its kind that shows an increase in survival time for dogs with spontaneous non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The work shows for the...
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    Why isn't there a malaria vaccine, and could there be one soon?

    There are several reasons why there is no vaccine for malaria, but the thing you might want to know is that malaria is not a virus, and it is not even a bacterium. It's a protist. Generally speaking, there are not really vaccines for such organisms. One metastudy that looked specifically at...
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    New Way To Inactivate HIV Brings Vaccine Step Closer

    Removing cholesterol from HIV's membrane stops it damaging the immune system, bringing the idea of a vaccine that uses this way of making an inactive virus a step closer. You can read how scientists at Imperial College London and Johns Hopkins University and colleagues came to these...