
  1. G

    Why Your Thanksgiving Meal Makes You Tired [Thanksgiving]

    Today, you're gonna shovel one hell of a lot of turkey and pie down your throat, then collapse in a food-coma in front of the TV. But why does your huge meal make you feel like snoozing? More »
  2. eee

    Is it weird that when I get tired I?

    start to laugh for no reason? Just like now lol
  3. M

    Is anyone else tired of some "wwe fans" whining about how today's ppv sucked?

    Is anyone else tired of some "wwe fans" whining about how today's ppv sucked? They're never satisfied with anything. The rock can come back, rock bottom John Cena, and they would still find a way to hate it. Anyone else agree with me? Some of them are cena fans, yeah, but what irritates me...
  4. N

    Do people really think by complaining about how tired they are, this will

    give them a burst of energy? I hear it all the time at work about how tired they are. How do they think this will help them? Does anyone else know people like this? Thanks, Nolan
  5. D

    Super tired laughing fit this morning?

    I stayed up until 3AM last night on my computer playing MW3, when I woke up at about 9AM I went for a crap, but when I was on the toilet I started to have a mega laughing fit, almost to the point of crying. I was really tired and have almost no recollection of this morning, and I don't even know...
  6. I

    I love writing but im losing motivation, always tired and after school I just...

    ...can't be bothered.? I know I need to get more sleep, *sigh* but I've already looked for a solution on yahoo answ, ers not even the medication I was prescribed even worked. Im 16, I feel my life is boring, well I suppose every teen life is. Get up, get dress, go to school by afternoon am...
  7. R

    Ok I have a question, late Sunday night I was a bit tired lol and the was a...

    ...few times that I was short, ? A bit snippy with my wife! She asked why are you being mean to me? I told her that I wasn't being mean, told her that I was just a little tired, and ok a bit snippy lol here's the question; is being a bit snippy, because I'm a little tired, is that mean? There...
  8. W

    When you feel tired,do you like to use portable massage bed to have a rest?

  9. F


    i was at glamis sand dunes and my buddy rides a dirt bike and i ride a quad i was wondering in a long ride what gets you tired faster a dirtbike or a quad?
  10. F

    Anyone else tired of people complaining?

    All I ever hear lately is people complaining about the stupidest things like their parents getting them the wrong shoes getting their hair cut the wrong way when there are kids starving in Africa children getting blown to pieces in Iraq it really annoys me.
  11. G

    Aren't you tired of hot 97 playing the same songs over and over?

    I Mean i think this is the station that drove me to get tired of Lil Wayne and Like Rick Ross because they constantly play them every day..... Don't they have some hood rap to play or something. like french Montana, Max B, or some Hopsin or some shit
  12. G

    The gScreen SpaceBook Is Too Big and Tired to Launch You Anywhere [Laptops]

    I can understand needing the extra screen real estate to accomplish more visually-intensive work, but I can't understand anyone who'd lug this behemoth anywhere. Because the gScreen SpaceBook is too much size and not enough Space Age to do you any good. More »
  13. B

    Am I the only one who is sick and tired of some irrelevant 2% minority

    whining all of the time? I think we have much more important issues to worry about right now
  14. P

    Anyone as tired of all the mud slinging,dirt dishing ads running on TV,radio and

    newspapers? Every opponent trashing the next guy preempting my favorite programs just to dish dirt really bugs me. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the privilege to vote and do so in very election, I'm just tired of all the crap, like He said he was born on Mars and I have proof he was born on...
  15. G

    We are tired of blacks, negrahs, muslims, and hispanics calling us racist

    Tea party clarifies its position on race and racism. Not current, but increasingly relevant: Read the rest of this post... | Read the comments on this post...
  16. J

    I currently have a Blackberry Torch 9800, but now I am getting tired of it. Should...

    ...i get the Bold 9700? When I got my torch I bought it my self and i was in a rush and did not want to wait. I loved my phone at first but now its so slow and freezes all the time. Plus I am not really one for sliding phones. My friend who has a bold says he loves it and never had a problem...
  17. P

    Anyone as tired of all the mud slinging,dirt dishing ads running on TV,radio and...

    ...newspapers? Every opponent trashing the next guy preempting my favorite programs just to dish dirt really bugs me. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the privilege to vote and do so in very election, I'm just tired of all the crap, like He said he was born on Mars and I have proof he was born on...
  18. T

    Why am I always so tired?

    I am an 18 year old boy first of all. I get about 8 hours of sleep a night. When I wake up in the morning, regardless of what time I wake up, the first thing I think of is how excited I am to go back to bed later. All day until I am sleeping again I am tired. I may not be about to pass out, but...
  19. D

    why do i feel tired even if i got 10 or 11 or 12 hours of sleep ?

    i've been feeling super tired lately. i'm only 16 years old. i try to keep myself busy to stay awake but makes me more tired. if i lay down for atleast 3 minutes i knock out. for the past 2 weeks i've been sleeping like around 9pm or 10pm and wake up at 7:15pm for school and still wake up tired...
  20. M

    What is a fast meal to make when your too tired to cook?

    What do you make when your too tired to cook? Thanks.