
  1. K

    My 2nd day on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo Birth control, and I am extremely nausea and tired?

    will this go away, and how long does it normally last?
  2. M

    I feel tired all the time, despite getting more than 8 hours sleep and eating...

    ...healthy nutrious foods? How can I lose my weakness + tiredness?
  3. K

    I am so tired of losing things between my car seat and the console.?

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep this from happening? I drop all kinds of stuff down there and it is so hard to get out. Help!
  4. E

    I need tips on how to fall asleep easier. Because at the moment i am never tired...

    ...at night but i want to sleep? Also i have a paper round and i have to be up at half 6. So its really hard for me to get up in the morning. . . I really don't want to keep to have to struggle to wake up every morning and i just want to know how to fall asleep easier! Im desperate! ps... Im...
  5. B

    I have been tired every day ?

    Since Track and Field season started i have been really tired. I have been weight lifting every day also. I have been going to sleep earlier, like at 9:00 P.M. and I have to wake up for school at 5:30 A.M. Maybe i am not getting enough sleep, I don't know. Should i go to bed earlier? I need...
  6. J

    Why am I always tired? I get plenty of exercise and I eat pretty healthy. I also...

    ...get quite a bit of sleep.? Im a 14 year old guy. 115 lbs. Pretty skinny. Exercise daily (swimming) I get like 8 hours of sleep.
  7. M

    I'm tired of my parents saying crap about my boyfriend?

    Ok, I get it they don't like him. But that doesn't mean that they have to freakin talk sh*t about him either. Especially not to me. I'm tired of all the arguments my parents and I get into because of this. I'm seriously ready to just walk out of my house, I can't take all this crap anymore. My...
  8. Y

    What reasons could there be for me being so tired?

    I am always so tired. I have felt like this for over a year now and It's really bugging me. It'd not diabetes because Ive had a blood test for it before and it wasn't that. I eat fine, I go to the gym but I just have no energy. I can sleep for 12 hours and still feel tired for the whole day...
  9. N

    Does anyone get tired of trade rumors that are hyped out and eventually crash

    and burn? Like Amare Stoudamire(he's supposedly staying with the Suns now). I meant hyped UP!!!!!!!!
  10. L

    Is anyone else sick and tired of Republicans being negative and constantly whining?

    My husband and I consider ourselves "conservative" independants, who usually tilted toward Republicans, but this year we voted for President Obama, because we didn't like the way McCain/Palin ran their campaign and honestly, I really agree with Obama's policies. But lately, I'm getting more...
  11. G

    What is wrong with my mother, she is tired all the time?

    She's in her middle 50's and she's been talking about how she doesn't have any energy and is tired all the time. She works as a receptionist m-f 8-5 . She comes home and is so drained and tired after she gets home. She goes to bed at 8pm and wakes up again at 2m and she can't get back to sleep...
  12. U

    IF you get so tired of seeing Pascal's wager that you want to scream and...

    ...break things...? does that make you Pascal's Rager?
  13. A

    Any good Movie converts? Looking to convert a movie to iPhone format. Tired of

    all these lame software? I'm tired of spending hours downloading movie converts only to see "Purchase to remove ad off movie", or the quality sucks, or something stupid, you know? So is there any movie converters out there that gets the job done as it says without any other tricks?
  14. V

    Is anyone else tired of white people complaining of counter racism?

    Can you please tell me what your reason to complain is, then?
  15. K

    Tired of gossip and mean people! Please help!?

    Ok well at my old school there are many girls saying that when they saw me after 3 years of not seeing them, that i changed in a bad way. I don't even know them anymore and they say im too materialistic and that i have bad friends at my new school. Which i know i have really great nice sweet...
  16. M

    Is anyone else tired of people complaining about ?

    octo-mom. ok we get it she is insane, she is inconsiderate with money. Whatever. Im tired of hearing about her. There was actually this mad woman with a heavy accent that saw me out in public with my baby and started yelling to me all her opinions about her. I was like shut-up. Seriously, it...
  17. S

    is anyone else tired of joey crawford's antics?

    now, i am no cavaliers fan, but it does appear that joey crawford robbed the cavs against the pacers the other night with what appeared, at least to me, to be a make-up call for a similar foul on the previous play...and it isn't his first time with this team, as earlier this year he looked...
  18. M

    Anyone else on here tired and cranky and just want to be left alone?

    Maybe its because I started my "friend". Ugh who knows! Anyone else?
  19. R

    Who is tired of the same question....what is wrong with my car. Why can't people...

    ...be more specific and tell us? the year, make and model. Maybe even add a scenario to inform us what they (or the car) were doing when the problem happen.
  20. T

    Do any of you women get tired after sex?

    I thought women were supposed to be energized. I thought men were supposed to be tired after sex. I had sex with Paul yesterday, and it was all sweaty. I was tired after we had sex, but he was not.