
  1. M

    Theists, Do you think all other religion is wrong besides yours?

    I mean obviously if yours is right, none of the other ones could be, so they'd be wrong. So why do you think your particular religion is right and all other ones are wrong? And FYI, if you plan on using the bible as your reason, it's not a very good one. There are Thousands of Holy Books and...
  2. N

    Theists, if we are so important?

    Why does nature behave as if we don't exist?
  3. K

    Poll: How many theists do you think will be added to the wall of shame by xmas?

    Otherwise known as the "Religious Yahoos" group on Flickr I've screen-capped 8 images so far of unforgettable quotes from our theistic members of R&S of Yahoo Answers. If you had to guess what that number will be on December 25th 2013; what would you say? DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying all...
  4. kowalskil


    The following advice is from a prayer book: "Pray as if everything depended upon God, act as if everything depended on you." I think that this is consistent with the idea of NOMA, formulated by the biologist Stephen Gould. We exist in the material world; God exists in the spiritual world...
  5. P

    Theists: What would you say if I told you that I have seen far into the future ?

    And you're not in it.
  6. P

    Theists: Do atheists sound like they have mild to moderate Asperger's Syndrome when

    they argue with you? Appeals to emotion are irrelevant. The triumph of logic and reason is inevitable. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Thank you, drive through. @Omar: Troll deez nutz. @Homosexual Agenda: No doubt. But you have to admit, we get to channeling Spock pretty...
  7. D

    Do you think many theists resent atheists for not persisting in feel-good...

    ...know-all-the-answers religions? Being an atheist means getting through life by yourself, through the hard times, and not constantly thinking you have a divine power on your shoulder, it also means enjoying life acknowledging that it's the only life we have, not convincing ourselves that we...
  8. P

    When it comes to Medicine & Science, why do we humor Theists?

    I'm not kidding... I'm not trolling... Contraception isn't just for preventing pregnancy. It's a TREATMENT for dozens and dozens of medical conditions. There's absolutely no difference between a woman with Polycystic Ovarian Disorder taking Contraception and a man with High Blood Pressure...
  9. Y

    Atheists and Theists, how's this for a fantasy sci-fi movie?

    "THE MAGIC ROCK THAT CAME ALIVE" ....should I keep it in the sci-fi children's section? Or would I be able to make it believable enough to call it a cheap novel.
  10. GAURAV

    Survey: Theists and Atheists - About Death?

    1) Would you prefer to end as an elderly person or have it at a younger age? 2) Would you prefer to end in a quick way or while in sickbed? Why? 3) Theist or Atheist? You may state your religion if theist or what you believe in if atheist. thank you. Please, this is just a survey. No need for...
  11. H

    Theists and Atheists have you hear of this guy call david icke he a english writer

    and public speaker,? best known for his views on what he calls,''who or what is really controlling the world he has written 18 book explaining his position, i first hear of him from a friend on here YA he tell me to look up david icke and i did and i saw him on youtube talking about NWO and...
  12. H

    Atheists and theists is a homophobe someone who afraid of gays or some one who... them? i have no problem with Anyone not even glenn beck, i all way hear when some one say they don't like gay people i hear some one else say that prison is a homophobes is that true what do you say or do i need to ask glenn beck he would know
  13. B

    Why do theists ( specifically christians ) constantly rant about faith being...

    ...necessary to live? in a realistic view of life, faith serves only as comfort for people who are too weak-minded to face the facts of life, if you are capable of surpassing the need for faith, that mind set alone already has a potential to surpass the average mind set that limits the...
  14. H

    Theists who don't believe in evolution: do you realize that when arguing against...

    ...evolution, the focus should..? My question is: when arguing against evolution, the focus should be on your religion, not on evolution. Why? Because evolution DOES NOT say that God is not part of the process. Evolution only describes how natural diversity arises, but it does not exclude the...
  15. N

    Theists: Do you think that atheists secretly agree with you?

    I've heard this before, basically, 'Why do you talk about god so much? You must secretly believe in him and you're just covering it up!' People will make claims like this for just about any issue. I want to know how many theists on here actually think that.
  16. C

    Why do theists argue that an atheistic worldview is not good, rather than argue that

    it isn't true? It seems like many religious arguments end up misaligned, like cars passing each other on a 2-way highway instead of meeting head on... when the crux of the argument is reached, the theist is arguing that belief makes them happy while the atheist is arguing that belief is wrong...
  17. J

    Theists: does the fact every religion claims to be the right one ring any...

    ...alarm bells? take two people, one born in pakistan the other in america. the pakistani is raised muslim because he happened to be born in pakistan where islam dominates. the american is raised christian because he happened to be born in america where christianity dominates. difference? but...
  18. S

    Are atheists naturally more witty than theists?

    They always give witty responses on my questions.
  19. J

    theists: does the fact every religion claims to be the right one ring any alarm

    bells? take two people, one born in pakistan the other in america. the pakistani is raised muslim because he happened to be born in pakistan where islam dominates. the american is raised christian because he happened to be born in america where christianity dominates. difference? but YOUR...
  20. H

    Isn't it interesting that atheists have better morals than theists?

    According to the statistics, countries with the highest levels of organic atheism are the ones with the best education, health care, and violent crime rates such as murder and rape. There's also less discrimination and better life satisfaction ratings. Isn't it interesting that atheists have...