
  1. A

    Is it possible for chewing tobacco to stay in the stomach for long periods of time?

    I'm having a bit of a trust issue with my husband, he has chewed tobacco on and off for years, and many times I will smell it on his breath and see it in his teeth. He has continuously lied to me about if he's using, to the point where I will catch him with some and still tries to make up...
  2. T

    Anti-Viral Agents For Consumer Products Could Soon Contain Pig Stomach Mucins

    Scientists are reporting that the mucus lining the stomachs of pigs could be a long-sought, abundant source of "mucins" being considered for use as broad-spectrum anti-viral agents to supplement baby formula and for use in personal hygiene and other consumer products to protect against a range...
  3. B

    what happens to the nutrition of a meal after an upset stomach?

    weird question i know, but i ate a big plate of pasta and some broccoli and it upset my stomach horribly and i was running to the bathroom 10 minutes after. Does that mean i got no nutrition from that meal? should i eat again??
  4. B

    What happens to the nutrition of a meal after an upset stomach?

    weird question i know, but i ate a big plate of pasta and some broccoli and it upset my stomach horribly and i was running to the bathroom 10 minutes after. Does that mean i got no nutrition from that meal? should i eat again??
  5. V

    I have ulcers in stomach but I want to excercise?

    I have stomach ulcers and whenever I do heavy weights i get to have black stools. But I am too overweight. Trying treadmill for almost a month but of no use. I want to tone my body. What all excercises can i do without having internal bleeding?
  6. V

    I have ulcers in stomach but I want to excercise?

    I have stomach ulcers and whenever I do heavy weights i get to have black stools. But I am too overweight. Trying treadmill for almost a month but of no use. I want to tone my body. What all excercises can i do without having internal bleeding?
  7. T

    My son has been complaining about his stomach hurting for a week especially at

    night he only vomited one time? i have gav him kid pepto but it work for a little bit until he eats something what could it be???
  8. G

    Could this woman harm her son, the way she holds him?

    My wife and I are quite concerned about a family friend, a young woman who has a son, age 6. She holds the boy on her lap a lot, which is great. But we're worried that she could injure him, with the way she holds him. She always holds him on her lap with her hands pulled in on his stomach...
  9. T

    Microrockets May Zoom Through The Human Stomach, Powered By Bubbles

    Scientists have developed a new kind of tiny motor - which they term a "microrocket" - that can propel itself through acidic environments, such as the human stomach, without any external energy source, opening the way to a variety of medical and industrial applications. Their report in the...
  10. Y

    My Cat-Not Eating, Stomach Irritation, Urinating..?

    Please help! I am worried my cat is seriously sick, here are the symptoms Not eating anymore Whenever he is even gently pet on his stomach, he growls with irritation He has started urinating outside his litter box He is only 9 years old as well. Will he be alright? Already scheduled a vet...
  11. haze

    My cat has a lump on his stomach after surgery?

    My cat came home today after having a bladder stone removed. I just noticed that above the stitches, there is a lump about the size of a quarter. He doesn't seem to be in any pain. Is it normal for a cat to get a lump like this after surgery? Will it go away soon?
  12. P

    Why does GNC AMP protein shake hurt my stomach?

    I recently started taking a protein shake from GNC called AMP. I use it 30 minutes after my work out as directed, but i used milk instead of water because i cant bear the thought of chocolate flavored water. Could it be the milk instead of the water? Or perhaps all the protein it has to break...
  13. S

    Stomach hurts when I sneeze or cough or laugh?

    So when i was sleeping with my babybrother he went on my stomach and the next morning I woke up and when I got up i sneezed and my stomach hurted
  14. H

    When was the last time you laughed so hard you're stomach hurt?

    Ahh i love to laugh! :D
  15. F

    Stomach burning, sharp pains, bathroom every 3 hours or so... Please help me.?

    Okay starting 3 days ago, I began having very bad diarrhea. But it's not the kind I usually get. My stomach burns like crazy, I am nauseous, have sharp pains not only in my stomach, but in top part of my back on the right hand side, About 15 minutes after I get these pains, I have to go to the...
  16. B

    Can nicotine be detected by stomach ultrasound.?

    i mean if i smoke. then is possible to detect nicotine in ultrasound like lower abdomen & uppe rabdomen thx in adv
  17. C

    Why does my boyfriend keep touching my stomach during and after sex?

    He's been doing it alot recently, like the lower part of my tummy I guess where the uterus would be? Is it my imagination or is he thinking about babies? Why else would a guy do this? It's not like I'm gaining weight or anything. I still do abs every other day.
  18. T

    What is it about grass that makes a dog's upset stomach feel better?

    So occasionally my dog gets an upset stomach and throws up. It's usually after he manages to find and eat something he shouldn't(he's a beagle so he has a knack for finding things) Anyway this is never really a big deal because I can just give him some pepcid and he's fine again. However...
  19. G

    I want to get lean and get a flat stomach but i keep binging!?

    I've got into the habit of eating fairly well within the week but as soon as i hit friday and saturday it all goes wrong! I have one little thing and suddenly im eating eveeerrryyyyttthhhhhiiinnngggggg! I have developed a little pouch of fat on my stomach from this and it sucks! I have 4-5 weeks...
  20. K

    Intense stomach pain from dairy.?

    I'm lactose intolerant and I ate a burger that had a lot of cheese in it. I am up at 1 in the morning with stomach pains(gas I think) so bad that I can't even go to the bathroom.I took 2 Lactaids thinking it would help. How long does it take the Lactaid to work? I'm 15 and I have school tomorrow...