
  1. S

    Green smoothie recipes? Would like recipes including fresh spinach?

    I'm a big fan of green smoothies but I am growing tired of my typical go-to smoothies. I have fresh spinach in the fridge as well as romaine lettuce, and oranges, strawberries, raspberries, and apples. The only juice I have on hand is orange juice. Any ideas? I need something energizing, low...
  2. K

    Left cooked spinach out- ate a spoonful?

    I cooked spinach yesterday, put it in the fridge, took it out earlier and left it in the counter for like 6-7 hours. I ate like a spoonful before deciding it wasn't worth it. Do you think one spoonful is enough to possibly get a stomach bug?
  3. A

    Yes, There’s A Spinach Recall Going On, Too–But It’s Not As Bad As It Sounds

    Well, this is unfortunate. In addition to*that pretty major mango recall*that's going on, there's also a worrisome recall of bagged spinach. Kroger grocery stores in 15 states have already pulled the leafy greens from their shelves due to fear of listeria, and are warning consumers to check the...
  4. C

    any delicious vegetarian dish with spinach?

    or what about a mushroom dish
  5. A

    Spinach Can Hinder Calcium Absorption; Here’s How To Make Sure It Doesn’t

    Call me Popeye (or maybe Popette?), because I'm absolutely obsessed with spinach. I eat it constantly, cooked and raw, in everything from nachos to pasta to salads to hummus. The other day, I tweeted about my deep, abiding love for the leafy green and one of my friends replied to my tweet...
  6. I

    Anyone have any recipes that include pasta and spinach?

    no seafood please.
  7. T

    Electron-Beam Irradiation Reduces Virus-Related Health Risk In Lettuce, Spinach

    A team of scientists studying the effects of electron-beam irradiation on iceberg lettuce and spinach has had its research published in the February issue of the leading microbiology journal, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, said the study's lead investigator. The study quantified the...
  8. N

    Did I cook this lemon chicken & spinach recipe right? Can you look at the picture?

    Did I cook this lemon chicken & spinach recipe right? Can you look at the picture? The chicken was pretty juicy but the spinach was a bit bland. I browned the chicken in a pan with PAM first then I put in cornstarch, water & chicken bouillon mix into the chicken pan, drizzled lemon juice...
  9. R

    What is a healthy spinach dip recipe? Or another veggie dip that is healthy?

    I'm trying to eat more veggies but its so hard. I went to the food market the other day and all the veggie dips were high in fat and sodium. Any good recipes you have?
  10. L

    Can you give cats spinach?

    i give my cat a little bit of spinach sometimes and i'm wondering if its ok to feed cats spinach or no
  11. M

    Baked spinach dip recipe? ?

    And cooking instructions :) I plan on making this next week & I've seen some recipes online for this but I want to see how other people make this side dish as well! So what ingridients do u use and exactly how do you make this? & on a scale of 1-10 (1 being lowest) how good did it come out...
  12. A

    stuffed bell peppers; i chopped tri-tip into tiny pieces i got rice and spinach...

    ...and large bell peppers? im browning the meat with season salt[ is that a tendorizer] and onions. what do i do next ? what do i do with the rice ?make it first then put it in the pepper.? help thanks
  13. C

    We are trying to make a spinach con queso cheese dip does anyone have any recipes

    out there? We are using a roux, pepperjack cheese and Mozzarella cheese, oh any don't let me forget the Spinach
  14. S

    Is it still Worthwhile to Cook with Wilted Spinach?

    I can never seem to get through a bag of fresh spinach leaves before they wilt and start to get yucky. My thinking is: Maybe it won't be fresh enough for a salad, but if I saute it and use it in a stir fry or spaghetti sauce, then who cares if it's a little wilted? But my question is: Am I...
  15. B

    Fresh spinach recipes?

    After washing and chopping well, take olive oil and crushed garlic in a pan, heat it and wait until it is tender and add spinach and little bit salt and paper. In 8 to 10 minutes it will be ready to eat. You can cook with garlic and curry powder and lemon juice before serving.
  16. K

    How were you effected by the spinach recall in 2006?

    How did you hear about it initially? What contaminant was carried? How many individuals were personally affected (how many got sick)? Where did the food come from (company and geographical location)? What were the dates this was happening in the US? How was the information communicated to...
  17. N

    I have strawberries and spinach and would like to come up with a good dressing I...

    ...looked around but internet? but only found ones that have poppy seeds and some things i don't have I have oils and vinegar and cooking wines I and seasonings but have never made or had a strawberry spinach salad before can anyone help me
  18. N

    Filipino Term For Spinach Or Watercress Anyone?

  19. C

    Does eating spinach really help your forearms get bigger?

    Today in the weight room at my high school, a friend of mine, who is a freshman whose three rep bench is 195 pounds, told me that eats a lot of protein foods to build muscle and he eats spinach because they make your forearms grow. Is this true? Please don't make any smart-ass Popeye remarks.