
  1. M

    7 month old sleeping in pack n' play on vacation?

    My husband, son, and I are going on vacation next week for the first time since our son was born. Obviously I am not going to take my son's crib with me and I'm not going to have him sleep in bed with us because we go to bed later than him and I don't want him in the bed by himself. So I thought...
  2. M

    7 month old sleeping in pack n' play on vacation?

    My husband, son, and I are going on vacation next week for the first time since our son was born. Obviously I am not going to take my son's crib with me and I'm not going to have him sleep in bed with us because we go to bed later than him and I don't want him in the bed by himself. So I thought...
  3. L

    Why is sleeping not allowed in the library?

    I see people sleeping all the time; however, just recently, I witnessed someone woken up by a security guard at my university's library. I was confused.
  4. P

    My dreams are becoming so real that when i wake up i cant tell if im still sleeping

    or not what should i do? my first couple of questions will explain what i mean.
  5. S

    Could I get brain cancer from sleeping with my phone next to me?

    My friend said that the radio waves or whatever can mess with your brain, she's not the smartest, but is this true? Because I have my phone right next to my pillow every night! Should I stop?
  6. J

    Puppy has been sick, sleeping a lot, not eating or drinking.?

    Hello all, thanks in advance for any advice. I have a 4 month old female lab/border collie mix, usually extremely energetic, outgoing etc. Yesterday for a few hours she was totally out of it and looked almost like she was going to pass out walking around. She didn't eat anything almost all day...
  7. O

    Where can I get a PAL region copy of Waking Sleeping Beauty?

    I watched Sleeping Beauty online and really liked it so I want to buy the DVD. But, I live in Australia, so I'm in the pal region and the main site that has waking sleeping beauty DVD's is Amazon which only has NTSC copy's as far as I'm aware. Has it come out in a PAL format yet and if it has...
  8. B

    Is there anyway of keeping a guy interested after sleeping with them really

    soon after meeting them? I'm a 22 year old girl and I dj, as well as promote for different bars in the city I live in. I have met a lot of people in the past four years, and social events have become my life. I am out five nights a week at least. I love to have fun, and meet other guys. I'm not...
  9. M

    What would happen to a student if he was sleeping in class and he slept

    through the bell? My friend Josh always sleeps in class and im afraid that one day this'll happen lol. Will he get in trouble? :s thanks all xoxo
  10. B

    Recurring dreams that always take place where I am sleeping at the moment?

    I keep having these dreams or nightmares that always take place where I am sleepig at that time and I can't move or talk in them but what exactaly happens varies and they seem very realistic and when I go back to sleep they keep repeating over and over agin until I wake up. Does anyone know why...
  11. A

    What is good music to listen to while sleeping?

    I really like piano music, my favorite to listen to is the song Light Lights Up Light (for piano) (its a Death Note Soundtrack song) what are some songs that are similar. Here is a link to the song.
  12. M

    Country music song sung by male that doesn't sound country! About him sleeping

    around with other women? I am trying to find the name of a song that I heard on the radio. It was on a country music station, and was sung by a male. The style was NOT country.. more like.. pop/rock ish . What I remember about the song is he is out messing around sleeping with all these women...
  13. S

    What would original disney art drawing from Sleeping Beauty sell for?

    My father recieved it from an elderly gentlemen who actually worked on the Disney team of animators and artists who worked on Sleeping Beauty. It is a draing of the prince leaning over sleeping beauty right before he kisses her and breaks the spell. If we sold it, how much do you think we would...
  14. S

    Is an over-the-counter sleeping aid healthier than taking seroquel?

    I was prescribed seroquel several years ago as a sleep aid (in order to counter the effects of Effexor). Over the last 4 months I've gradually decreased my dosage to 25mg. In the last month I have not had a single night of good sleep but have resisted upping the dose. Will I eventually adapt...
  15. I

    does sleeping late make you fat?

    i fall asleep at like 4 am every day and wake up at 12 or 1 pm sometimes 10 am and my mom says its making me gain weight is that true? i've had this sleep schedule since summer last year
  16. L

    Does listening to music on iphone 3g while sleeping bad for my ears?

    I put the iphone 3g on its speaker and I do not listen to it with earphone, I put it on medium volume, not low volume or loud volume, but MEDIUM volume, and it happens that last night that I fell asleep without turning off my music and I had one song play over and over until I woke up. Does that...
  17. B

    I'm having sleeping problems?

    Hi for the past six months I haven't been sleeping properly I can get to sleep just fine it's just I keep waking up 3am in the morning then sometimes I might get back to sleep for like 30 Min's but that's it. My problem is I'm waking up way too early I've tried going to bed at later times but...
  18. J

    what are some good sleeping pills?

    I need some strong sleeping pills. i can't sleep any that are easy to get.please n thanks
  19. Z

    Taking PEP after sleeping with a man, Am I being paranoid ?

    Hey guys, I recently slept with a guy I don't know that well. Just happens that during for play he inserted the tip of his erect penis into my anus for about 2 seconds. I remember telling him off about it and insisted he put on his condom. He had one in his pocket which , to me , is a good...
  20. K

    What are the reasons of..??? sleeping question..?

    what maybe the reasons that lead to "Sleep Paralysis" please dont give me websites, cz i've read all of them and they explain the situation without saying the reasons. thanks