
  1. T

    The Sleeping Brain Behaves As If It's Remembering Something

    UCLA researchers have for the first time measured the activity of a brain region known to be involved in learning, memory and Alzheimer's disease during sleep. They discovered that this part of the brain behaves as if it's remembering something, even under anesthesia, a finding that counters...
  2. L

    Is smoking weed, barely eating, and sleeping too much making me lose weight?

    Normally when people smoke weed they get the munchies and eat a ton...i use to be that way but lately my sober habits are interfering with my high habits and im barely eating and on top of that i sleep for wayy more than 8 hours a day, but when i do sleep i sleep for like 5 hours wake up for 3...
  3. T

    Antidepressants, Sleeping Pills And Anxiety Drugs May Increase Driving Risk

    Drugs prescribed to treat anxiety, depression and insomnia may increase patients' risk of being involved in motor vehicle accidents, according to a recent study, published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. Based on the findings, the researchers suggested doctors should consider...
  4. A

    Tom Brokaw Rushed To Hospital This Morning After Mistakenly Taking Sleeping Pill

    While in Charlotte for the Democratic National Convention, Tom Brokaw felt ill and was taken to the hospital this morning. Turns out, he took the sleeping pill, Ambien, when he shouldn't have. More »Post from: Blisstree
  5. Quiz! What does your sleeping position say about you...?

    Find out... :) .
  6. D

    Kilimanjaro sleeping bag?

    I'll be travelling around africa most of next year and will be needing a sleeping bag for when i climb mt. kilimanjaro only thing i will be carrying the sleeping bag on me all the way so the smaller the better! This is the one im looking at but wandering what others sugest, Its the Lifventure...
  7. A

    Afternoon Links: Sleep Better…By Sleeping Next To Someone

    •*Want to*sleep better? You may need a bed mate (The Frisky) • How not to be the weirdo doing yoga in the park (FitSugar) • Yummy soda alternatives that will help you quit, once and for all (HuffPost Healthy Living) • Are you missing a pair of lungs? Because some were found on a sidewalk in...
  8. G

    Sleeping Bag With a Built-In Headlight Will Make Midnight Bathroom Hunts a Lot Easier

    Sure, the lack of streetlights and glow of the city makes stargazing spectacular in the great outdoors. But it also makes finding the bathroom a real challenge when you wake up in the middle of the night inside a completely dark tent. More »
  9. B

    What is it like sleeping on a cruise ship?

    I imagine its not too comfortable. All the rocking back and forth.
  10. L

    Is it because of my sleeping schedule? or just from exhaustion of college?

    So I think I been getting enough sleep. I usually get 7 hours of sleep. Yesterday I went to sleep at 12am to 7am. So then then that day I went to school morning class and it was pretty busy day. I got home ate, then was at the computer when I felt exhaustion and sleepy. Then 5:00pm-11pm I slept...
  11. Z

    12 months after 5 year relationship breakup, still have trouble sleeping?

    Hi all, so my fiance of 5 years cheated on me last year and left me... for the first 2 - 3 months I got... almost no sleep... I was a wreck now... almost 12 months later... I'm sleeping more, but no where near as much as I used to... I used to be a great sleeper when I was with her... not I...
  12. D

    Why are women getting such Publicity just for sleeping with higher profile...

    ...Male Celebrities? I can't figure this stuff out. Tiger Woods chicks. Charlie Sheens chicks Amber Rose. Those chicks on the Basketball, Baseball, Football Wives. They're getting paid for opening their legs wtf?!
  13. T

    Since when was sleeping with Donald Trump an initiation ritual for

    Republican presidential candidates? Why do GOP candidates have to kiss reality TV star Donald Trump's ring and perform fellatio on him in order to be considered worthy enough for the presidency?
  14. Lisa

    Laptop still use battery when sleeping?

    My laptop doesn't have much battery charge so I was wondering if I put my laptop to sleep, would it still use the battery charge? Also, does anyone know whether using your laptop while charging is bad for the laptop? Cause my friend says it shortens the battery life but lots of people say it...
  15. M

    Telling future when sleeping?

    Hey, it's highly unlikely and maybe just me... buttt... once every few months something happens in my dreams, which i have a lot of lucid dreams, and whatever happens in a place that I dont even know of. but then, sometime later in life, I see that place, and I play along with whatever was...
  16. R

    I went away for vacations and when I came back my hamster was sleeping. He hasnt...

    ...woken up in 4 days.? Is he hibernating?
  17. C


    Hi, I had 13 hours of sleep last night and the night before I had 6. I'm extremely exhausted at the moment and my sleeping pattern is all over the place. Help me please! is this normal for a thirteen year old?
  18. B

    Dreaming of being stepped on while sleeping?

    I had a dream that I was sleeping and got trampled by people
  19. V

    A weird outter body experiences while I'm sleeping.?

    I haven't been sleeping for the past couple days. Last night I was having a dream I was standing outside (somewhere) and it was night time and raining. A little indian boy yelled "everyone! look out your window!!!" I was already outside so i looked up. There were millions of stars. BUT as he...
  20. M

    7 month old sleeping in pack n' play on vacation?

    My husband, son, and I are going on vacation next week for the first time since our son was born. Obviously I am not going to take my son's crib with me and I'm not going to have him sleep in bed with us because we go to bed later than him and I don't want him in the bed by himself. So I thought...