
  1. G

    Ipod touch album artwork skipping songs?

    I recently tried to add album artwork to my iPod touch for all my songs and now my iPod is skipping over songs an only pLay certain songs I have restored It twice and it is still doing the same thing
  2. P

    itunes skipping only with firefox?

    i downloaded firefox the other day and the only problem im having is that it makes my itunes skip.. it never used to do that with internet explorer or safari. is there anyway i could AT LEAST decrease the skipping?
  3. E

    What do you think of Obama skipping the Salute to Heroes Ball to hang with the...

    ...Hollywood crowd?
  4. J

    Ok so I have a 1999 Jeep Cherokee straight 6 4.0 liter. It keeps skipping...

    ...and hesitating every now and then.? If i stop at a stop sign the car almost sounds like its going to die but it never does. It just sound like the car is skipping. IT never stalls out though just hesitates. The fuel pump and spark plugs and wires have all been ruled out. I also replaced the...
  5. N

    How much calories do I burn by doing some skipping 200 times?

    If I want to lose 20 pounds by early March, will this kind of exercise be enough? (I do it almost every day) - 200 times skipping - 50 sit ups - 30 crunches - about 25 times lifting a 4-pound barbel It's not that I'm a lazy bum, it's because my daily schedule is SO SO hectic. This is all I can...
  6. N

    MY PS3 for the last 2-3 blu ray movies has been skipping. I thought it was the disc

    but i think it's the PS3? I've had this PS3 for a while now and I thought that maybe the first time it skipped on the a blu ray disc it was probably the disc. Now i'm on the 3rd disc i think and it's been skipping on those as well. Not sure what's going on. Works fine on CD vids or DVDs. I guess...
  7. N

    MY PS3 for the last 2-3 blu ray movies has been skipping. I thought it was the disc

    but i think it's the PS3? I've had this PS3 for a while now and I thought that maybe the first time it skipped on the a blu ray disc it was probably the disc. Now i'm on the 3rd disc i think and it's been skipping on those as well. Not sure what's going on. Works fine on CD vids or DVDs. I guess...
  8. I

    y is my dvd player skipping a brand new dvd?

    i just bought a new season of roseanne. and in one episode it skipped a couple times and returned to the episode selection screen. i don't understand why a new dvd would do this so i'm assuming it has something to do with the dvd player. does it need cleaned or something? if so, where can i buy...
  9. L

    Skipping birth control pills?

    I am visiting my boyfriend in a week-we have recently gotten back together after more than a year apart-but we are doing a long distance relationship. i am going to visit him next week but i am going to be on my period-is it true you can do something with your birth control pills to skip your...