
  1. K

    DivX plus player audio skipping?

    I'm trying to play this movie I downloaded and the audio and video skip.
  2. D

    Could this be reason for the chain on my bike to keep skipping gears and

    changing gear spontaneously? I got a new bike on tuesday (Norco Ryde) and since I have had it, the chain keeps skipping gears (For example when I change from 4th to 3rd it goes to 2nd gear and misses out 3rd), and changing gear without me touching the gear changer. This is only happening for...
  3. D

    New moon DVD is skipping?

    Is anyone elses?
  4. D

    New moon DVD is skipping?

    Is anyone elses?
  5. B

    Bike Exercise & skipping routine.....?

    So i just got a new bike the other day I started riding my bike around the block 10 times in a row it takes about 5 minutes to go all the way around and then when im done that I skip for about 15-20 Min's or longer depending how hard I push myself...eating half of what i normally would for...
  6. L

    does cardio like pilates, jogging, skipping, biking, cycling and swimming make... BULK UP or tone down? i really want to have strong muscles and i want to have very slim calves (well, i already do have slim calves so i want to keep them this way). what exercises can make me tone down and stay healthy and in good shape WITHOUT making me bulk up! I do not want to lift...
  7. T

    Hydroplaning / Water skipping on a dirt bike rally ?

    I have seen guys on youtube skipping water on a dirtbike (riding across a lake basically) is this real or what ?! i mean they must sink ? or is there something under the water ?
  8. T

    Hydroplaning / Water skipping on a dirt bike rally ?

    I have seen guys on youtube skipping water on a dirtbike (riding across a lake basically) is this real or what ?! i mean they must sink ? or is there something under the water ?
  9. S

    Dammit, The "Rotate" Gizmo In My 3ds max 8 Started only And skipping to 45 then

    Dammit, The "Rotate" Gizmo In My 3ds max 8 Started only And skipping to 45 then 90 then 120 and 150 ect. Help? ~sigh~ Guys, i Access other rotation Co-ordinates v_v
  10. J

    the base in my car keeps skipping why? is it because my amp is going out or is it... subs? my subs are still hitting hard when i turn my music down really low, then when i turn it up loud the base skips like every other verse on a song. So it sounds really good for about 7 words then goes out for about 8 words. Any ideas what is going on is it my amp going out or is it my...
  11. A

    Skipping periods.........?

    I've had a blood test recently....nothing abnormal, blood count was fine, however I haven't had my period in over 2 months now. Before this it was very regular (always on time). I'm thinking it might be anemia but wouldn't that show on a blood test? What else could it be?? (and no i'm not...
  12. B

    Why is my internet browser skipping frames?

    I will scroll down a page or be typing text and the frame will skip. I am using mozilla firefox. I know that it isn't my monitor because only the browser freezes.
  13. N

    ipod touch skipping songs in shuffle mode?

    i have 194 songs on my ipod touch 2g, and whenever i put it in shuffle mode, i leave it until it has gone through all the songs. lately i've been noticing that it will skip over a lot of songs, like it will go from the 10th song on shuffle straight to the 60th, skipping over all the songs in...
  14. R

    Any ever get SAW V and it just kept skipping in no matter what player you put it in?

    we bought the dvd of saw 5 and everything we tried to play it in, it would skip and stall
  15. L

    What is the severity of minors skipping on court appearances and meets w/...

    Failure to show can be way more serious than the original charges, its your state and the judge, hes already doing two weeks, sounds pretty tough and this is just the begining of it
  16. B

    skipping a period on Ortho Trycyclin Lo?

    ive been on the pill for a couple of years im not asking "OMG I SKIPPED MY PERIOD AM I PREGGO?!?!?" what i am asking is, is it ok NOT to take the placebo pills at the end of a pack and just start a new pack so i dont get my pesky period?
  17. S

    Why does Gossip Girl keep skipping air dates?

    I love the shows Gossip Girl and 90210 but how come they keep skipping air dates? Last week Gossip girl aired at 8PM on Monday like normal, but the previous week it was totaly mia. Now this week it's off the air again. Same thing goes for 90210. What's the deal here?!
  18. G

    How can I stop my TV from skipping channels?

    I bought an old TV from the thrift store without a remote. I wanna go to channel 3 to use the digital cable, but it goes from channel 7, to channel 98. The settings dont help, so how can I stop it from skipping channels or to be combatible with the digital remote. PS IT DIDNT COME WITH A REMOTE
  19. H

    Sony Vegas 8 Audio Skipping?

    When editing in Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro, my audio files, such as songs, are randomly skipping, but in videos with sound, the audio is fine. Nothing I've tried so far is fixing it, such as lowering preview quality or increasing RAM use.
  20. L

    I have fast internet but bbc iplayer and are always skipping?

    Why is this, it always skips? Is it browser settings? Here is my speedtest result