
  1. C

    Need title of 1950s sci fi movie set in space with voices dubbed for astronauts... ending? I'm trying to recall a low budget sci fi movie at least partly set in a spaceship. The story goes that the film's budget ran out at the end and main actors were replaced by stand-ins in helmeted space suits, with the ending dialogue either dubbed over the hastily shot ending or...
  2. C

    Need title of 1950s sci fi movie set in space with voices dubbed for astronauts... ending? I'm trying to recall a low budget sci fi movie at least partly set in a spaceship. The story goes that the film's budget ran out at the end and main actors were replaced by stand-ins in helmeted space suits, with the ending dialogue either dubbed over the hastily shot ending or...
  3. D

    What's a good sci fi book to read?

    No aliens. It could be a trilogy, series,....or not. Preferably something recently released, but just looking for a good read.
  4. J

    Anyone know of any sci fi books based on a (false reality scenario) like...?

    the Truman show or the matrix yes i know both are movies but the concept where the world the main character is living in is a false reality
  5. O

    What is sci fi movie w/female bounty hunter entering virtual reality & has

    friend who swims w/dolphins in VR? Bounty hunter is blond and wears a western duster coat. She pursues in both real world and cyberspace. A secret organization is playing games with the world, literally, and one of them hires her. In one scene He communicates with her via a robot dragonfly which...
  6. S

    Netflix movie?!!!? sci fi / comedy?

    I'm wanting something sci fi and not the obvious.. I want it funny like mom and dad save the world...or mars attracts....I've starship troopers... The thing...ext something I would have missed thank you!!!!!
  7. T

    Best All Time Sci Fi Novels?

    Novels like end gamers please. Any other recommendations
  8. E

    Is anyone familiar with a children's or young adult's sci fi/fantasy book...

    ...involving shape shifting? I don't remember a whole lot. I'm pretty sure it was from the perspective of a young female, who changes into or maybe communicates with animals. I want desperately to say it takes place in Ireland, at least in some point, particularly Dublin though not entirely...
  9. S

    Good Sci fi/ fantasy novel?

    I need to read a sci fi, or fantasy novel. I need to read 400 pages, so it would be nice to just read one book. Any good novels about a girl? Give me a list if you know more than one. Thanks, I'd really appreciate it. I might try the hunger games. i hear its really good
  10. J

    a tv show/film sci fi fantasy. cant remember the name?

    i remember when i was younger watching a tv show or perhaps film. i think the genre was sci fi/fantasy perhaps a little star trek like. all i can remember is people running away from something and a woman in the group saying something along the lines of, first rule of chan always turn left...
  11. R

    Good sci fi movies/tv shows?

    I've been looking through netflix for good sci fi and or fantasy tv shows or movies and all I can find is horror. Does anyone know good non horror sci fi? I really enjoyed shows like stargate, star trek, and eureka. I've always liked medieval movies and stuff like star wars and star trek...
  12. G

    What sci fi movie is this from the 90's?

    All I can remember is a group of people sitting in chairs and they are plugged into like a biological virtual machine that takes their mind into another world, it's weird I know I but that's all I can remember I think there was a guy that shows up and starts shooting the people that are plugged...
  13. M

    Is there anything as sensitive and smooth as the X-Files, not necessarily sci fi?

    Thats one of the reasons I love the X files - I think a lot this was in Mulder and Skullys Characters - the commentry from them together is very fair, balanced, respectful, plain, kind, funny, dry -----I'm also wondering what shows inspired these characters? I'm half way through the 9th season...
  14. A

    Help identify this childhood young adult fiction, sci fi?

    Basically it's about this lone space pilot, I forget his mission but he's the last of his kind. He also has this Familiar, it's an imp or little goblin. At one point he's tied down and shot with an energy weapon, which is lethal only to the point that it causes such pain and contraction in the...
  15. B

    Any tips on how to start a sci fi story?

    i have been working on a sci fi story for a while but i dont know to start :/ tips anyone
  16. T

    I'm looking for an old sci fi show.?

    It is a show that started/ended somewhere between 2000 and now. The show was about a post apoctaliptic time. In the past a great plague wiped out "everyone under the age of inocense." There's no electricity, no gas to drive the cars, the world has turned into chaos. Does anyone know about this...
  17. W

    What Sci Fi horror move is this? (Girl covered in blood)?

    All I can remember is some guy/girl stepping in a puddle of blood and she shows up. Also, at the end the girl walks off in the woods and some other creature comes and kills her by stabbing its arm through her body (I don't even know)
  18. S

    Can anyone suggest me a good sci fi/fantasy novel?

    I dropped out of college due to my crazy acts and am really depressed.please suggest something other than harry potter and hunger games but a similar kind that makes you believe its real and make you keep on reading..
  19. K

    please tell me what this sci fi movie is?

    It is a star wars rip off film. It was a comedy. It had a han solo type character with a chewbacca side kick called Gofax. There was a scene in the fim ripping off return of the jedi, with the chewbacca creature falling for the booby trap in the forest, and the han solo rip telling a joke. Any...
  20. J

    Sci fi reccomendations?

    I really like movies like Prometheus. Ive already seen alien. Please name a few. thanks