Is anyone familiar with a children's or young adult's sci fi/fantasy book...


New member
Mar 2, 2013
...involving shape shifting? I don't remember a whole lot. I'm pretty sure it was from the perspective of a young female, who changes into or maybe communicates with animals. I want desperately to say it takes place in Ireland, at least in some point, particularly Dublin though not entirely. There's another character as well, and I believe they end up in some cold place, maybe even Arctic, and go up against a huge creature/monster of some kind. I know its not much to go on... I want to say the title was decently short, one word even, and the author was a male. I've been Googling and searching for a few years and can't find it anywhere. I live too far away from the library I grew up in and haven't been able to find anything on their website either. It's driving me crazy!