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    What technology could we use in the future to reduce greenhouse gases?

    For Homework, I am required to research about a piece of technology we could use in the future to reduce greenhouse gases but I have had a look to see if there are any but I could not find anything
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    The Humble 'Virtual Chimney' Fences That Could Reduce The Impact Of Airport Pollution

    Simple 'blast' fences called baffles could deliver improvements in air quality for people living near airports, new research has found. Placed behind a runway, the baffles could serve as a 'virtual chimney', funnelling emissions from aircraft engines upwards where they can disperse more...
  3. P

    How to reduce man boobs and other fatty areas without weights?

    Hello people. I have a problem. Please tell me how to reduce man boobs without weights. I am 13 years old and I have no friends because of these man boobs. Everyone teases me because of this and abuse me. So please tell me a way to reduce man boobs without weights. I have heard that weight stops...
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    Mice With Reduced Caloric Intake Accumulate Longer Telomeres, Reduce Their Incidence

    One of the indicators of a cell's health is the state of its DNA and containers - the chromosomes - so when these fuse together or suffer anomalies, they can become the source of illnesses like cancer and/or ageing processes... More...
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    Follow-Up To REDUCE Study Shows Low Rate Of Prostate Cancer Diagnosis

    Analysis of 2 Years of Additional Data on Dutasteride Treatment Reported in The Journal of Urology® The four-year REDUCE (REduction by DUtasteride of prostate Cancer Events) clinical study evaluated prostate cancer risk reduction in men taking dutasteride, a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor (5ARI)...
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    Do Beta-Blockers Reduce Dementia Risk?

    The preliminary results of a new study to be presented at a conference in March are causing scientists to ask if beta-blockers, a class of drugs commonly used to treat high blood pressure and heart conditions, can reduce dementia risk. The study found autopsies of elderly men revealed those...
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    High Vitamin D Doses Reduce Respiratory Tract Infection Risk

    Patients who are prone to infections and are given high vitamin D doses for one year have a significantly lower risk of developing respiratory tract infection, compared to their counterparts who do not receive the extra daily vitamin, researchers from the Karolinska Institute and Karolinska...
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    Iron Supplements Reduce Behavioral Problems In Low Birth Weight Kids

    Low birth weight infants who receive iron supplements have a lower chance of developing ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and other behavioral problems later in life. The finding came from Swedish researchers at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Umeå University, along with...
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    Communications Training, Surgical Checklist Can Reduce Costly Postoperative Complicat

    As the nation grapples with surging health care costs, researchers at the University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, and Saint Francis Hospital and Medical Center, Hartford, have confirmed two simple cost-effective methods to reduce expensive postoperative complications-communications...
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    Scientists Discover Mechanism That Could Reduce Obesity

    Approximately 68 percent of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, according to the National Cancer Institute, which puts them at greater risk for developing cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and a host of other chronic illnesses. But an international team of scientists led by Virginia...
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    Does cycling help to reduce belly? What is better, cycling indoors or outdoors?

    I'm 17 and I've tendance to put up fats on my lower body. I have this excess of fats on belly otherwise I'm in proportion. I wanna reduce it back to the normal size. Does cycling help to reduce belly to normal size? How much time of cycling is advised? What are the other exercise help to...
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    B Vitamins And Folic Acid Do Not Reduce Colorectal Adenoma Risk

    Taking the supplement combo of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid has no impact on colorectal adenoma risk in females at high risk of cardiovascular disease, researchers from Harvard Medical School in Boston reported in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, October 12th issue. Dietary...
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    Studies Shed Light On How To Reduce The Amount Of Toxins In Plant-Derived Foods

    A number of environmental toxins pose considerable health threats to humans, and the heavy metal cadmium (Cd) ranks high on the list. Most of us are exposed to it through plant-derived foods such as grains and vegetables. Now, new research offers ways in which investigators can reduce the amount...
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    How can I make my face thin or how can I reduce excess fat from my face?

    How can make face thin or how can reduce excess fat from face. Please suggest me if any one know any effective way of make face skinnier. Thanks..
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    Computer Exercises Can Help Reduce Alzheimer's Symptoms

    It is estimated that 35 million people worldwide, including 5.4 million Americans have Alzheimer's disease. These figures are predicted to triple in one generation and the financial burden in the U.S. alone is around $200 billion dollars. A successful clinical Harvard trial now promises new hope...
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    RI Hospital: Use Of PMP May Increase Demand For Drug Treatment, Reduce Painkiller Abu

    A Rhode Island Hospital researcher has found that the use of electronic prescription drug monitoring programs (PMPs) may have a significant impact on the demand for drug treatment programs and how prescribers detect and respond to abuse of painkillers. The study by Traci C. Green, Ph.D., MSc...
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    Study Proves Yoga Can Reduce Disability In Stroke Victims (Not Just Viral Videos)

    A new study says that yoga could reduce disability in stroke victims by improving their balance, proving that viral videos like Arthur Boorman's*aren't just freak*occurrences. If you're willing to buy one man's experience as testament to the incredible transformational abilities of yoga...
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    Counseling Program Found To Reduce Youth Violence, Improve School Engagement

    A new study by the University of Chicago Crime Lab, in partnership with the Chicago Public Schools and local nonprofits Youth Guidance and World Sport Chicago, provides rigorous scientific evidence that a violence reduction program succeeded in creating a sizable decline in violent crime arrests...
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    Bikini Help For Memorial Day: 7 Foods To Reduce Belly Bloating

    Memorial Day weekend is here...and we all know what that means: bathing suit season has officially begun. And while so many magazines are telling us about the latest quick weight-loss tips, most of those strategies are ineffective or unhealthy. So instead of feeling tempted to try a crazy diet...
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    Does digitalizing 16mm film to DVD reduce quality?

    How much does the quality of the film get effected when transferring 16mm to DVD? I love how my film looks on 16mm.....but I'm afraid that digitalizing it will ruin it.