
  1. A

    Very heavy truck, bulky but light recycled scrap. Does recycling reduce or...

    ...increase our carbon footprint? Ralfcode, the few kilogrammes of old tin cans on that 15 tonne 20 mile journey truck might make sense, I expect you've done the sums. Perhaps you could elaborate with your calculations.
  2. V

    How to reduce fat storing in my face (jaw), don't have much fat in stomach, bum...

    ...or hips but my face is problem? Thanks everyone. I am between 20 - 30 years.
  3. S

    How do you reduce lag on a PS3?

    i dont like lag >=o
  4. Y

    Does masterbation reduce muscle tone, and make your body flabby?

    Masterbating makes you lose muscle tone, and it turns muscle into flab...think about it, what comes out of you when you ejaculate??? your testastrome...why are guys naturally more muscular than girls??? because they have more what?? if you remove that from your body, your muscle...
  5. B

    I just started wearing a night guard to reduce my sensitivity caused by

    grinding. When can I bleach my teeth? I want to bleach, but I don't want to do it too soon because I know that it will cause increased sensitivity on top of the sensitivity I've already been experiencing due to my grinding. I just started using my night guard about four nights ago. I've worn...
  6. J

    I'm young and financially struggling and I need to reduce my food expenses

    drastically, any cheap meal ideas? I usually spend about $200 a month on groceries for just myself, but I would like to spend under $100. I like things that are quick and tasty. Thanks
  7. A

    Fasting to reduce stress?

    I have been compulsively overeating due to stress, and i jusst cannot concentrate on work. I have exams coming up and I want to know i f I could maybe improve my concentration through fasting with fresh juice or raw vegetables - and stop myself from gaining a lot of weight, which I have started...
  8. S

    Toyota Corolla 1998 making noise when I reduce the speed?

    Hi In the morning it does not give any noise and when i drive about 3-4 miles it starts giving noise when I take leg from the gas pedal.Also I started moving my car in neutral and give noise.Its kind of loud noise. One mechanic said cause is transmission bearing problem and another mechanic...
  9. J

    How can my brother reduce his stress level over his upcoming track meet?

    He is SO nervous about running the mile in this important meet, and I do not know what to do about his anxiety anymore! Help!
  10. S

    how can i reduce my weight?

    i am a marriage employee, my age is 26yrs, my wright is 60-62kgs, i want a perfect body.
  11. B

    Does ESC ( Electronic stability control ) reduce car performance?

    I have ESC in a Hyundai Sonata. It's not a V6 or anything it's the slower version I beleive it has 166hp. I was just wondering if having ESC reduces acceleration and top speed in a straight line not during cornering because I know it does there if you start losing traction. Example : I floor...
  12. M

    Where do I find plugs which reduce amperage when tv left on standby?

    just watched a rerun of Dragons Den. An invention of a plug which reduced the amperage used when tv is left on standby (not the plug that automatically switches the standby off) was demonstrated. Is this product on the market yet and if so where can I buy it?
  13. S

    How can I reduce my weight without doing any excercise?

    And without quitting my eating habits?
  14. N

    Is there a pill or topical to reduce shedding?

    I thought I had heard of something. I just got a long-haired Chi and she sheds alot. I am not used to this as my other dog doesn't shed at all hardly. I do brush her.
  15. J

    Will a 10m USB cable reduce the Internet speed from a mobile Broadband dongle?

    I have just acquired a unit for my new business and need the Internet. I do not wish to reconnect the telephone line with BT as it comes with a 5 year business line rental contract so my alternative is mobile broadband. Here's my problem; I can receive Internet signal outside of the premises...
  16. K

    how can we reduce global warming?

    any ideas post them to me!
  17. A

    how to REDUCE saliva secretion and frequency of swallowing?

    please, practical and essential advice needed It all began with a private tutorial class which was so quiet and I started swallowing, and my teacher seemed to realize that, since then, whenever I have a lesson there again, I begin swallowing consciously, and my teacher does that too. the...
  18. samithax

    Will Sri Lanka Telecom reduce the Broadband Internet package charges?

    Recently I heard that they will going to unlimited their Entree package and increase the speed of other packages. Is it true?
  19. S

    by drinking hot boiled water in empty stomach will help me to reduce fat is it true.?

    want to know about it because every single person suggest me for drinking hot boiled water in empty stomach.
  20. T

    Do good microphone/speaker cables reduce feedback?

    I'm the singer in a band, and i recently bought a new p.a. system. It is average quality, and it does sound really good, until i start turning it up more than half-way. After i do it more than half-way, the feedback kicks in, so i have to turn it down. My members say i should buy better quality...