
  1. S

    quit smoking and lost weight?

    I recently stopped smoking have have been losing weight since I quit. Is this normal? Last time I quit I lost about 13 pounds...I have heard horror stories about people who gain weight when quitting. Could it do the opposite as well??
  2. B

    How do you quit fitness for 10?

    What needs to be included in the letter that you send?
  3. W

    my compaq laptop quit reading dvd's?

    my compaq presario CQ62-209WM stopped reading DVD discs, but will still read CD discs. i've tried everything, but can't get it to read DVD's.... i can't find any drivers.... is there any help out there?
  4. C

    just quit smoking. what are normal nicotine withdrawal symptoms?

    so i just quit smoking and all i smoked was rolled cigarettes. i've been coughing horribly lately especially at night, and coughing up phlegm. is this normal? i did not cough this bad before i quit. would having rolled my own smokes make a difference?
  5. Y

    I don't know if i want to quit smoking cigarettes?

    Sometimes after an event or anything I've worked towards, like I dunno a day at school or working hard at something a cigarette just seems to top off it off. But other times I feel ridiculous after i've been around a group of people and I just "have to" light one up, so I don't feel so awkward...
  6. A

    I quit smoking 3 weeks ago.. Coughing up clear/brown mucus?

    I quit smoking 3 weeks ago, and i'm coughing up clear phlegm with brown specks in it? Just wondered if it was normal after quitting! Thanks :o)
  7. R

    Quit masturbation, urge is coming back?

    I quit for a good month after someone telling it was a sin to catholics, is it? and I need more tips to stop myself. please..
  8. L

    trying to quit smoking. nicotine cravings making me horny?

    welp, the question says it all. my nicotine cravings are making me extremely horny. this is not a joke. i dont want to sit in my room all day watching porn. i need to find a girlffriend but all the girls around here suck. also i dont have much experience with females. unfortunately, the only way...
  9. G

    Brad Pitt Plans to Quit Acting, But May Have More Kids With Angelina Jolie

    All good things must come to an end. Even, it seems, Brad Pitt's acting career. In an interview with Australia's 60 Minutes, Pitt reveals he has an exit strategy planned for his...
  10. T

    i just quit my job, and i turned in a paper to input my vacation hours i had left.?

    is it illegal if they dont put it in like i requested? cant i cash in my vacation hrs and sick hours that i worked so hard for?
  11. S

    my motorola clique just completely quit working-suggestions?

    I was sitting @ my desk at work all morning and had my motorola clique charging next to me. I went to lunch and when I came back the phone was on and fine. I pulled it off the charger and laid it on the desk and a few minutes later it was completely dead-won't even light up when I plug it into...
  12. P

    Why did my 96 Dodge Stratus just quit running while I was on the interstate?

    I have a 96 Dodge Stratus 4 cylinder. It just quit running while I was on the interstate. The gas was being pushed all the way down and speed was decreasing. Now it won't start. It attempts to turn over, but won't actually start. It makes the sound as if it were about to start but it won't...
  13. B

    DVD burner quit working in HP Slimline?

    I have a Hp Slimline and my DVD burner quit working. i found the same exact model DVD burner on eBay but it says its for dell. Will it still work in my HP?
  14. M

    Help me quit smoking pots?

    I have been smoking pots everyday for 2 and a half years, Im a singer and im trying to quit, its been on and off for a while but i wonder if i could clean my lungs completely and how long will it takes? and will my voice be recovered like how it was before? whats the best way to recover my body...
  15. O

    How do I quit from feeling sick when my flatmates cook chicken and ham?

    the smell is so damn nauseating. They also know I'm vegan but it's very hard to find vegan housemates.
  16. G

    Atheists: Why don't you just quit smoking?

    The statistics indicate that every single atheist smokes, and every one of them is a serial rapist. Why don't you just stop now while you're ahead?
  17. J

    2002 jeep grand cherokee overland tail lights quit working, not fuse or bulbs.?

    Front lights work as well as break lights and headlights. Changed bulbs and checked fuse, neither helped. I'm calling tomorrow to have it put in shop, just wondering what it could possibley be as I'm hoping it'll be a simple low cost problem. Thanks a lot in advance.
  18. C

    Any ex-cigarette smokers have tips for someone wanting to quit smoking?

    I have been smoking for 4 years (started when I was 17, am now 21). I'm sick of smoking. I hate the way it makes me feel. I want to live a healthy lifestyle and have a better chance of living a long life. The reason I started smoking was, as stupid as this sounds, to look cool. My dad is also a...
  19. D

    What song is playing in the background of Arnetta the Moodsetta's "I quit this

    Bitch" rant? You can find the video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zoqJx5zQb6w It's the song that starts at 0:23 and I'd like to know the name or artist.
  20. B

    What is the best way to quit smoking while pregnant?

    I've heard that you shouldn't quit cold-turkey because withdrawal is bad for a fetus, but I've also heard that you should stop instantly. What do you think? And...the "you shouldn't have started" answer is not helpful. Thanks if you can help!