
  1. B

    When a man puts an older photo on his eharmony profile, can he be trusted?

    I don't really understand why he is trying to sell what he was rather than what he is...the photo was taken in 2008...and he has lost quite a bit of hair since then and doesn't really resemble his 2008 self. What exactly is he expecting for the first date as far as reactions go?
  2. A

    what have been some of the highest profile transfer rumors for Liverpool FC?

    please no bashing of my team! :) Thank you Ive heard some wild ones, but which ones are emerging as some likely options?
  3. A

    what have been some of the highest profile transfer rumors for Liverpool FC?

    please no bashing of my team! :) Thank you Ive heard some wild ones, but which ones are emerging as some likely options?
  4. A

    What anime is the girl in this guy's Profile Picture from? I really want to know as I am interested in watching Anime again. Oh and uh, this is the full picture by itself if it helps you out more.
  5. O

    Multiple Twitter Accounts to one Facebook profile?

    Right this is probably going to sound confusing! I have two Twitter accounts that I want to link to my two facebook pages (ie I want what I post on the Twitter to post directly to Facebook) I have this done for one of the accounts using the inbuilt feature on Twitter however, I can only do this...
  6. M

    can you copy someones skype profile picture?

    I might put a picture of me for my skype profile picture but I am just wondering can anyone still copy it? I just don't want anyone copying it. thanks guys!!
  7. M

    can you copy someones skype profile picture?

    I might put a picture of me for my skype profile picture but I am just wondering can anyone still copy it? I just don't want anyone copying it. thanks guys!!
  8. N

    Hi! How do I change my profile picture on this I'm on iPhone website anyone know?

    I'm new by the way! :D
  9. S

    How should I take my facebook profile picture?

    Please be descriptive and detailed in the instructions i should take to take it good
  10. R

    How do I remove interests from my profile on Facebook?

    I recently went in to clean up my profile a bit and realized that I cannot remove any of the items listed in my "Arts and Entertainment" section. The Facebook Help Center isn't helping me at all. Can anyone tell me how to do it?
  11. R

    How can I add Apple Game Center profile picture on iPad (2)?

    I know it's possible on the iPhone, but how it can be done on the iPad?
  12. D

    Why are women getting such Publicity just for sleeping with higher profile...

    ...Male Celebrities? I can't figure this stuff out. Tiger Woods chicks. Charlie Sheens chicks Amber Rose. Those chicks on the Basketball, Baseball, Football Wives. They're getting paid for opening their legs wtf?!
  13. M

    if i am not subscribed to eharmony can others still see my profile pictures and

    imformation? i just joined eharmony for free but unless i suscribe i cant veiw others pictures and i also cant see who looked at my profile. since i am not subscribed does that mean that people who look at my profile cant see my pictures or my information??? please give me any help you can.
  14. R

    Can I add Apple Game Center profile picture on iPad (2)?

    I know it's possible on the iPhone, but is it possible on the iPad?
  15. S

    How does my facebook profile picture look lol? idk, is that considered a cool way to pose for a photo lol if you add me too that'd be so great! Thanks!
  16. M

    How do I log into my HTC sense profile on my android?

    My phone was recently stolen/lost, and I was told that I can log into my HTC sense profile. Where do I go to do that?
  17. V

    I want yo know when my friends visit my profile they should display my INFO...

    ...and not my wall,Cur? I want to know when my friends or outsiders visit my profile they should display my INFO and not my wall,Currently many of them when they visit my page they see my WALL, I am confuse using VIEW AS please help me
  18. Y

    How to make profile picture album shown only to me in facebook via mobile or

    computer ? Write step by step detail also tell how to make it shown only to me I m asking how to hide whole profile picture album not a specific one from others. i do have made all other albums shown to only me but profile picture albums are not getting hide from others when they click it on...
  19. S

    How to promote your profile on twitter?

    Hey, just looking for a little tips to get twitter followers. NOT ASKING YOU TO FOLLOW. I know most guides to twitter say "promote your profile by emailing, face booking, blogging your twitter URL", but I don't have a blog, and I'd prefer not to Facebook or Email people about it. I don't want...
  20. R

    How to put profile picture in news feed on facebook?

    My friends is always on thereand its the same picture every time. Is there a way to keep the same picture with the original likes and comments and make sure your picture is on the news feed? I already know that you can share the picture, too. I'm talkin about like John Smith and 40 other friends...