
  1. L

    Facebook Profile Spy? You can see Who views your profile?

    I was at my friends house today and we were on her facebook and I noticed a little icon on her updates that said (10 New Views). She showed me and it shows you all the people who looked at your profile. I wanted to get the Profile Spy for my Facebook but she wouldn't give me the link to install...
  2. C

    how do you remove your anniversary from your facebook profile?

    me and my ex broke up a while ago, and on my facebook profile, it says single, but it still says our anniversary. any ideas on how to remove it?? please help! :)
  3. M

    Hide profile photo from non-friends?

    Is it possible with these new settings? I've checked option for friends only (for my profile picture) and I have disabled the search option for my profile...I don't wont my picture to be visible to "everyone", just that blue background...
  4. D

    my friend changed his profile picture to the google can i make a joke

    against him in comment formmm? its just the google logo and i wanna say something mean like something thats factual about google that appears as an insult when said about him or something along those lines.
  5. S

    mazda cx-7 delete bluetooth profile?

    I want to delete a voice profle thats on my bluetooth setting in my car. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance
  6. Y

    Facebook Profile Spy? You can see Who views your profile?

    I was at my friends house today and we were on her facebook and I noticed a little icon on her updates that said (10 New Views). She showed me and it shows you all the people who looked at your profile. I wanted to get the Profile Spy for my Facebook but she wouldn't give me the link to...
  7. L

    Facebook Profile Spy? You can see Who views your profile?

    I was at my friends house today and we were on her facebook and I noticed a little icon on her updates that said (10 New Views). She showed me and it shows you all the people who looked at your profile. I wanted to get the Profile Spy for my Facebook but she wouldn't give me the link to...
  8. J

    how do you make profile pictures on facebook private?

    this new facebook is do you make profile pictures private so only you or your friends can see it?
  9. T

    how do i add the bumper sticker box to the left side of my facebook profile?

    my mom accidentally deleted her bumper sticker box on her facebook profile and she has tried everything to get it back and she cant figure it out..can anybody help me...
  10. M

    How Can I Delete My Intrests And Details If I Have Profile 1.0 On Myspace?

    I Have Profile 1.0 And I Just Want The Details And The Interests To Be Hidden. Can You Please Tell Me How To Do This? Is There A Code I Can Use? (:
  11. G

    Facebook Profile Spy? You can see Who views your profile?

    I was at my friends house today and we were on her facebook and I noticed a little icon on her updates that said (10 New Views). She showed me and it shows you all the people who looked at your profile. I wanted to get the Profile Spy for my Facebook but she wouldn't give me the link to...
  12. C

    Is there no way to keep my last name private on my MSN profile anymore?

    MSN updated some things and I don't think this is an option anymore. There used to be an option somewhere that would let you keep your last name hidden so that whenever somebody clicked on your profile they'd only see your first name. Well, it seems to be gone. >[ The advanced privacy settings...
  13. B

    mkv subtitles missing after user profile corrupted?

    I am running Windows 7 Home Premium and recently I got my main user profile corrupted. Created a new user profile, data is all unharmed but why only subtitles for .mkv files won't show? The subtitle file is there but it won't show when I play the video. I am using Media Player Classic with CCCP...
  14. M

    How to put a background layout on my neopets profile?

    I have been looking up how to put a background layout on my page for weeks but i cant find out how
  15. M

    How to put a background layout on my neopets profile?

    I have been looking up how to put a background layout on my page for weeks but i cant find out how
  16. K

    what is a funny facebook status i can put on my profile?

    i need something humerous
  17. B

    Why can't i view this persons facebook profile?

    A few days ago i was able to view this person profile, and now i cant even find it in my list of friends. We have a lot of mutual friends so i went and looked at there friend list and i couldnt find her profile on there ethier. Does anybody know why? Thanks.
  18. U

    When you look at someone profile on facebook do they know?

    ive been looking at peoples facebook profiles because i want to know their schedules for school, can they know that im looking at their page? i dont want to be stalkerish
  19. Z

    If a girl says in her dating profile she is not interested in sex, should...

    ...she expect any interest from guys? If her profiles says no to intimate encounters or sex, I go to the next girl on the web site.
  20. T

    Experts Confirm Favorable Benefit-risk Profile Of Combined Oral Contraceptives

    Leading experts in the fields of gynecology, reproductive endocrinology, hematology and epidemiology have affirmed that for most women the low absolute risks of combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are outweighed by the well-established benefits of hormonal contraception. Their consensus opinion...