
  1. J

    politics politics politics.Is it fair to say that people just like to argue

    even if they have nothing to argue? aspiring, You are so clueless. You dont even know? I could give you so many examples of people arguing with no argument man! What planet do you live on??? Tania, You have no idea what you're talking about... 1) if man didn't evolve than why do I have...
  2. S

    The Media Has Ignored Charlie Sheen's Politics. Here's Why

    I've been wondering why the media has suddenly become intrigued and perplexed by Charlie Sheen's antics. For years he's been raving about a U.S. government conspiracy to pull off the terrorist attacks of 9/11. How come that wasn't interesting enough to report about, or to stir up a media frenzy...
  3. T

    I need a funny poem about politics asap 4-7 MINUTES?

  4. E

    Insight Gov. and Politics 1-3 quiz help?

    1. Which of the following offices are naturalized citizens prohibited from holding? A) president B) vice president C) both A and B D) neither A nor B 2. Which of the following is a method of gaining American citizenship? A) taking a driving test and getting a license B) signing a form at...
  5. J

    Why do Americans know more about football than politics?

    Let's face it Americans are stupid when it comes to politics and this is why the government, republicans and democrats are screwing us! Reagen took civics out of high school back in the 80's!
  6. F

    Which is more powerful/influential, politics or religion?

    Men have had the most rights since early times, but then women were allowed to vote. That's politics. As for religion, men have always been given the role as priests while women cannot be anymore than nuns. Some say this is just the way things have been and so should stay that way, which could...
  7. B

    Politics: Do citizens moan and whine too much about law enforcement while taking

    for granted their safety? Especially in the United States. In comparison to many other countries, we have a pretty safe society and it seems that not ALL of our law enforcement is corrupt. Even if there are bad cops out there, there are still plenty of hardworking, honest people doing their...
  8. D

    Why do people discuss politics on a first date?

    I can't stand it. Yeah I just think on a first date is inappropriate, there are appropriate times.
  9. R

    Are military orientated people interested in politics?

    Just wondering? I get the feeling most are not?
  10. F

    Conservatives, what are some movies whose politics you admire?

    I know a lot of conservatives feel Hollywood and the film industry in general lean left. Maybe so, but what movies do you love for their conservative/Republican/anti-liberal, etc. values? What is it about them that works for you?
  11. T

    Bloomberg: The Politics, Investments Of Judges; Health Biz Sector Ripe For Action

    Bloomberg: The Politics, Investments Of Judges Bloomberg: Judges In Lawsuits Over U.S. Health Care Overhaul Hold Industry Stock Three federal judges overseeing challenges to the Obama administration's health-care overhaul own shares of companies in the industry, including insurers and...
  12. V

    Gandhiji used to say that religion can never be separated from politics. what did...

    ...he mean by religion? it's based on the movie-Gandhi.
  13. S

    Are people who come to YA just to whine and complain all day long about politics

    mentally ill? Get a life people!
  14. A

    Religion and politics? Are those the two biggest debates going on in the world?

    Am i missing anything.
  15. C

    Politics: Who would you rather have as President? Arnold Palmer or Roy Rogers?

    Arnold Palmer might have had 17 career "hole in ones" that we KNOW of. He might also have a beverage named after him which he probably calls a "half and half" and not a "me". Tea and lemonade? Why that's an Arnold Palmer! =D Or, would you rather have Roy Rogers as President? He became famous...
  16. H

    Do Liberal politics eventually suck out all the humor of Comedians who get drawn in?

    Why does that always happen? I just hope Ellen doesn't get there- She is too funny! Rosie ODonnell use to be just as funny as Ellen way way way back, then liberals got ahold of her, and now she is a bitter, depressing bore!
  17. T

    Do you seperate culture and politics with religion?

    ...From experience I've understood people often mix culture and politics, with religion.. what do you think?
  18. D

    What is it that gives people the urge to argue politics with americans,...

    ...what makes them different politicaly? My mates have this new american flatmate and people keep arguing till dawn with him about everything, hes getting tired but then he still argues... I think hes been brainwashed by a republican somewhere some how but this is just him but every one wants...
  19. G

    Korean Crisis "Is Not Starcraft" [Politics]

    Last week, North Korea shelled a South Korean island, sending the peninsula in to "crisis status." The South fired several test shots in response but, according to the New York Times, the country denied that any hit the North. More »
  20. S

    Which is harder to argue with people, Religion or Politics?

    Which do you find is harder to change the opinion of, Religion or Politics?