
  1. H

    Imperial Germany: why did the military influence domestic politics?

    I am aware of how the military was able to influence politics and infiltrate into society - I am looking for the reason WHY the military influenced domestic issues. Many thanks.
  2. B

    what are two small objects that have to do with politics? please...

    ...help!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!?!?!?!?!!!!? im doing a project on shirley temple and i need two objects that have to do with politics. if you have any ideas please tell me!
  3. A

    Did anyone see Bob Crow on The Daily Politics - was he right that we need a

    new workers' party? http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/the_daily_politics/7952812.stm If you didn't a link is above to the clip. Croxx - you are spot on with the link you add - New Labour are a disgrace. Bob Crow (leader of the RMT) should now better than anyone because it was the forerunner...
  4. Y

    Do you ever have to take a day off from Politics to keep sanity?Do ya dare...

    ...too with the sneaky bunch in office? I know some times I feel like, what good is it knowing ,and being able to prove that we are being screwed so bad.Its like here I am I know my country is being ruined ,and I can't stop it no matter how informed I am, or How much I care .My blood pressure is...
  5. K

    Why are the people in this section a lot more normal than the ones over in Politics?

    Or even some of the guys over in R&S?
  6. C

    If deadlines are not met, is this because for office politics reasons,...

    ...someone didn't want the deadlines to be? met ?
  7. J

    Ppl are more interested in the government and politics?

    O.K. So i'm a republican through and through. But i have to say that maybe having Obama in office is actually a good thing. Here me out on this: If you would have asked the average adult person and especially teenager / young college kids what they thought of the government, president and/or...
  8. R

    Why do you have to be smart to be in politics?

    I mean the way I see it all you need is common sense really, what could be so hard about telling others what to do through policy. I personally would not care if there was a middle schooler in there as long as they wanted to be a symbol of integrity to the world
  9. Z

    Is it funny how the word 'politics'...?

    is made up of the words 'poli' meaning 'many' in Latin, and 'tics' as in 'bloodsucking creatures’?
  10. V

    Does Yahoo Answers Politics sections remind you of our actual government?

    A lot of anger, frustration, gnashing of teeth, and finger-pointing, but nothing ever gets accomplished.
  11. M

    Does anyone remember a movie from Argentina about politics and protests - filled

    with violence. Late 80s/90s.? I've been trying to find this movie for some time - I can't remember its name, but it is about politics and struggle in Argentina...
  12. B

    Regardless of your political affiliation isn't it hard to take politics...

    ...serious when it's so corrupt.? Anyone who is successful in politics gets that way by becoming a world class people pleaser. They pick and choose a lotof what they want to endorse based on vote value not personal convictions. So important is public perception that these people work closely...
  13. S

    Are Barry Obama and Chris Dodd the two biggest crooks in American politics?

    Barry Obama and Senator Chris Dodd each took about $104,000 each in campaign donations from AIG http://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/recips.php?id=D000000123 Chris Dodd now openly admits that he changed the stimilus bill that Barry Obama signed into law, to permit AIG execs to keep their fat $1...
  14. O

    A Level subjects for law...English Literature, History, Politics,

    Geography..are these good? Hi, i am currently in year 11 studying my GCSE. Im predicted 6A* and 5A. Unfortunately my school will not allow me to do any sciences or maths because it goes through a recommendation process. I was wondering if English literature, history,politics,geography would be...
  15. O

    A Level subjects for law...English Literature, History, Politics,

    Geography..are these good? Hi, i am currently in year 11 studying my GCSE. Im predicted 6A* and 5A. Unfortunately my school will not allow me to do any sciences or maths because it goes through a recommendation process. I was wondering if English literature, history,politics,geography would be...
  16. T

    Fellow Y!A politics contributors, is there something wrong with this question I

    tried to ask? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Aq12HLGIzpbc1CdiObeKquDsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090319102108AAAvoxO
  17. J

    Aside from politics, what is the European opinion of America?

    Leave politics out of it. What is your perception of America.
  18. S

    why do people in the politics category think that?

    obama or any other politician cares about the people? why do you choos to be SHEEP? i dont understand, the truth is in front of you all , ALL the time. but still so many people are here asking the most ridiculous questions, that are so far from reality it makes me sick to know you inhabit...
  19. A

    Regardless of war, religion and politics how can people not be proud of thier...

    ...country? They were born and raised in. In terms of sport. I see many people in N.Ireland wearing ROI football shirts. And they say they hate N.Ireland. But Protestant or not if I was born and raised in ROI I would support them because it is the country I was born and raised in. 9 minutes...
  20. C

    do you have a favourite poster here in the politics section?

    just thought we could try be nice for a question and say who our favourtie posters were and why