
  1. ©

    Do you let your pets play with your gadgets?

    Lol @ this cat @ Sahar - I don't like it when I hear of birds in cages... Let it fly around the house, don't keep it in the cage!
  2. M

    How do I breed cats on the Sims 3 Pets for xbox?

    My cats are best friends, and they're friends with the owners, but the option for the two cats to mate isn't showing up. What am I doing wrong?
  3. P

    How do I return a stolen object in Sims 3: Pets for Xbox 360?

    My cat stole my Sims friend's car and I wanted to give it back by mailing it back but it wont let me, its in my Household Inventory, do I have to take it out of there and if so how? Can someone help me?
  4. W

    How to find pets chip number?

    My dog was stolen from my backyard. The pet store gave him a chip but I don't remember any af the information. The store is now closed. What can I do?
  5. D

    Can yhoo make ur sims have sex n babyz in the Sims 2 Pets PS2 ??? x ?

    Just wondering :D
  6. R

    Better pets chinchillas or african pygmy hedgehogs?

    Pros and cons of both if you've had experiencr with them thanks
  7. V

    Does anyone know any cheats for 'The Sims 3 Pets' for the Nintendo 3DS?

    If you know any please comment.
  8. M

    Any talking pets apps available for Blackberry phones?

    We all know the cute iPhone talking pets apps, the cat, the giraffe...just wondering if there are any for the Blackberry devices.
  9. E

    what are some creative headlines for a pets page in yearbook?

    im doing a pets page in yearbook,. and i cant think of anything to use as a headline. i need lots of creative thoughts please.
  10. K

    I've torrented ts3 pets, what will happen if I torrent ts3 world adventures now?

    Will it mess up my game? I'm curious if I can do that, or if I should uninstall, torrent world adventures, and THEN ts3 pets?
  11. D

    Jackie, when do you want to play Sims 3 Pets together?

    It just came out, i can't stop playing!!!
  12. M

    For sim 3 pets for xbox 360, do you need sim 3 xbox360 game first?

    I need to see if I need to buy it or not.
  13. L

    how to have a baby in sims 2 pets in psp?

    my sims are couple but they can never had a baby they are married
  14. A

    Sims 3 Pets for Xbox HELP?

    Alright, so I have a few questions regarding the video game, Sims 3 Pets for the xbox 360. *Is there any possible way to delete a sim or pet? (Or some better method that may help) I know I could kill my sim or age, but when it comes to pets I need help. *Can you add a sim or pet to your...
  15. C

    Do you go on vacation with your pets?

    Or do you leave your pets (cats,dogs etc.) to a pet hotel, thanks
  16. S

    whats better with sims3 pets on xbox or ps3?

    because im gonna get a xbox or a PS3 soon (when i have some money) and i want to know which ones better and with heaps of detail please. thankyouu :) but what about on kinect it said on the sims 3 pets trailer for both better with kinect how so?? really need to know i have all the sims 3 games...
  17. T

    Rabid Fox In Baldwin County Prompts Reminders To Immunize Pets

    Sixty-six percent of publicly-insured children were unable to get a doctor's appointment for medical conditions requiring outpatient specialty care including diabetes and seizures, while children with identical symptoms and private insurance were turned away only 11 percent of the time...
  18. R

    Do you talk to your pets much ?

    If so you need help .
  19. M

    Question about the control harness from Pets at Home?

    I got a medium sized control harness for my border collie pup (He is about the size of a springer spaniel now) and it was too small. It was even too small for our Jack Russell terrier! Bearing that in mind, what sizes will be best for the border collie and the Jack Russell? And has anyone else...
  20. M

    Question about the control harness from Pets at Home?

    I got a medium sized control harness for my border collie pup (He is about the size of a springer spaniel now) and it was too small. It was even too small for our Jack Russell terrier! Bearing that in mind, what sizes will be best for the border collie and the Jack Russell? And has anyone else...