
  1. G

    Paws and Claws Pampered Pets USA NDS-SirVG

    Category: Console-NDS Size: 30.59 MB Files: 15 (6 pars) Group: .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed January 21st 11:31:04 UTC Download NZB
  2. G

    Duplex Bird Cage/Fish Tank Blows Your Pets' Tiny Minds [Design]

    People who have birds and fish probably set the cage near the tank, but the Duplex stacks the two—cage on bottom, tank on top—in a genius move that everyone except the pets themselves will enjoy. The fish tank has a deep concave bottom like a wine bottle, so that the bird can fly up "into" the...
  3. T

    Are my pets conspiring against me?

    Every night for about a week at about 9:30 or 10 my Parrot has a meow-off with my Bengal Cat. The other two cats seem attentive, but don't participate. They start quiet and each one gets louder and louder and LOUDER. What do you think its going on?
  4. M

    Is there a Max all motives cheat for Sims 2 pets on ps2? If you know please tell me.?

    It is so hard to play a game when ever your Sim is so depressed all the time.
  5. T

    do dobermans make good pets?

    i want to get a puppy but i have 2 jack russell terriers and a dashound
  6. M

    If you own any pets please look here!?

    Hey, thanks for looking :) I'm making a speech at school, and my speech is about a raw food diet for animals. Well, mainly it's about a raw food diet for cats and dogs. I'd just like to hear from real people if you have ever (or do) own any cats or dogs. Please don't post all your pets just cats...