
  1. K

    Period and cruise help?

    Okay so I am 18 and not sexually active if that helps. I have had a period for about 5 years and it is extremely irregular as far as predicting the date. As far as flow, symptoms, and length of cycle it is predictable down to the exact day Ex: (Day 1- Tired, Day 2- Irritable, no appetite, Day 3-...
  2. R

    4 going on 5 months no sex and period 3 weeks late scared ?

    Last time I had sex is Nov 8 had my period every months since then expect this month I have taken pregnancy test before then (I get really paranoid) and it came out negative. But I'm scared could I be? ( I already have a child I guess that's why I'm so on edge)
  3. C

    herbal remedies to make my period come back?

    I have been missing my periods for 3 months now. I went to the doctor but they said they did not know what was wrong with me and took a blood test instead to find out what was wrong. I am a virgin and I have never came in contact to semen. Any remedies to make my period start again?
  4. I

    Ive had my period for a month, I'm scared! Help ?

    Ok so I'm 22 and been on the pill for 5months and I've had my period for the last month. I went to the dr and he said if it hasn't stoped this week then I need an ultrasound I'm scared, what's wrong with me?
  5. L

    Anyone experience sore nipples before period?

    I have sore nipples, not sore breasts. The nipples are SO tender. I have irregular periods and not sure what is normal anymore. If I was pregnant, the only date I had sex was August 16th 2011 and that'd mean I would be six months now with no symptoms or weight gain just sore nipples. I haven't...
  6. A

    6 Reasons Why Your Period Might Be Irregular

    Contrary to what you may be inclined to believe by the period-shaming media, your monthly flow is not*embarrassing, not blue, not consistant, and often, not monthly at all. In fact, for most women, at some point in their lives, unusual menstruation*is the norm--and that perfect, 28-day cycle is...
  7. K

    If I start my period at 11:48 pm on Thursday, January 12, 2012 do I count that as

    day 1? I just want to learn more about how to keep track of my period.
  8. B

    What period of time does bell internet bill for (1 month or every 3 months)?

    On their site they let you track your internet usage and it has a Total Usage and 3 month average usage, Right now I am going 63.5 / 150gb but under it ; it says 211.65 / 150 over 3 months and that i exceeded it... Do they bill you every month for internet or every 3?
  9. N

    My mom is complaining bout her period what actually goes on during a girls period?

    Shes just complaining bout it
  10. I

    how long is the recuperation period after an eye surgery?

    just had laser surgery on both eyes... how many weeks do i have to wait before i can do strenuous physical activities?
  11. K

    Can i take something to get my period!!?

    I thought i was pregnant because i am two motnths late with my period. But today i took a pregnancy test and came out negative, plus i have ben using protection since two years ago when i had my daughter. So is there something i could take to get my period???
  12. P

    Embarrasing or funny period stories of you or a friend and advice?

    Im 13 and i haven't started my period yet and i think im going to soon and i want to hear some incidents of what have happened to people and hey its good to laugh every once in a while:) and i would also like some advice on what to do to prevent these funny and embarrasing moments from...
  13. L

    Is it safe to have sex with no condom 5 days before period starts?

    I know every woman is different but as a general rule, is it safe to have sex with no condom 5 days before period starts? Let's say my period starts on the 1st and ends on the 7th, what's the time frame of most fertile/least fertile? Thanks
  14. M

    Period a week after sex..? ?

    I am on birth control and have been for a year. I had sex last month and got my period a week after. This month have had spotting on/off for days. Could I be pregnant? Or since I had a period still, do you think I'm safe?
  15. S

    AH! Period lasting two days!?!?!?!? What the?

    So my periods have all been right on time (Wierd for a teenager i know! But my ancestors always had regular periods at the beginning too) My 7th one started tuesday. I went through a Super tampon and Overnight pad in 2 hours for that day (THREE TIMES) Then the next day I had A tad bit lighter...
  16. C

    where to store my period suplies in the bathroom?

    i have them in a box now but it make A LOT of noise. So and cool ideas would help. oh by the way i have no drawer in my bathroom. I use mostly tampons and pantiliners but i also use pads at home.
  17. C

    problems with my period.. i think! lol. yea.. i said i think! lol?

    been on birth control for almost a yr and im u-t-d with takin them on time! my question is, my period is tryin to show early.. i spoke with my doctor about it before from a while ago and she explained of break thru bleeding, well it's DARK red.. it's never been dark red before. my first time i...
  18. R

    Can only connect to a website for a certain period of time?

    Hi, over the last couple of days i have only been able to access a particular website at certain times of the day. Between 1.45 pm and 6pm and 9pm to midnight i can get on it no problem, but at any other time i get the "firefox cannot find server" error message. The problem still persists when i...
  19. B

    Having sex a dAy after your period is stoped.. What can happen?

    Hi I have a cycle of 21-23 days... I had unprotected sex a day after my period was finish.. What are the chances or is there any chances of geting pregnant???
  20. S

    What are Some Interesting Facts about the Renaissance Period?

    I Have a Paper To do on Interesting Things that happen in the Renaissance Period (I did not save it to the last minute, I have 4 days to do it but, I want to get it out of the way so I can do other stuff) Also, including sources and links would be nice and at most possible be on the Catholic...