
  1. M

    I need to write a paper on a short story and no it relates to its time period.?

    I am having trouble finding a short story that relates well to its time period. I was wondering if anyone knew of any.
  2. G

    Why is my period so irregular, and what do I do if it comes when I'm on vacation?

    Hi. I'm 13 years old and I got my first period in may of 2012. May 5, to be exact. Then I got it again around June 25th (I remember because I had softball tournaments which sucked while I was on my period). Then I got one July 14, and my 13th birthday was on the 21st. Then after that, I didn't...
  3. C

    Did I get my period...?

    So I just went to the bathroom and I saw this brown gooey stuff on my underwear... And a lot of it. It's nasty... I don't know if it's my period or not because isn't the blood supposed to be red? I'm 13 by the way. I also have a weird feeling in my stomach and feel a bit nauseous.
  4. N

    Prolong period for vacation?

    So im on yasmine for nearly a year already. Ill be going on vacation this may 1-5 and apparently my menstruation falls on those days. And ive read that i can do the back-to-back taking of the pills for april and may. But i dont really want to cause i heard that it makes you feel bloated and...
  5. R

    Did i have a weird period or was it implantation bleeding?

    I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend Jan 4th, 7th, & 9th. He didn't ejaculate inside of me, but after he pulled out, 15 mins later we had sex again. So the next day I go on my app for my period to mark dwn the days tht I had sex & I was ovulating the 4th. My period was supposed to come the 23...
  6. S

    What is the gestation period of danios?

    I have 3 golden danios, 2 zebra danios and 1 leopard danios and 2 of them look pregnant as they have large stomachs and a small black dot at the back of their stomachs
  7. F

    PERIOD QUIZ girls only!!!!!!?

    1)what pads do u use 2)how bad are your cramps 3)how old were you when you got ur period 4)what cravings do u get on ur period 6)tips to help me with my period plz 5)do u share anything about ur period with ur friends
  8. A

    Vaginal Pains, is this a sign of my first period? Please help!?

    I just turned 13 and lately I have been having random vaginal pains, what is this? I have never had my period before. Also I'm around 5'4, and recently gained a lot of unintentional weight so I am now 130! :( I have pubic hair, armpit, crazy amounts of discharge, bloating, mood swings, cramps...
  9. M

    Period problems on vacation?!?

    I'm going to the Bahamas over winter break and I'm going to be in my period the WHOLE week were there, were renting a yacht and its goin to be when my periods at its heaviest. A super plus tampon will only last an hour it's so heavy so what do you recommend I do? Also due to the fact sharks like...
  10. B

    I have my period and bad cramps what should I take ?

    So I have really bad cramps idk if I should take my midal or Advil and idk of I should take 1 or 2 I'm at school so I can't ask my parents ... Plz help ASAP thanks
  11. A

    I’m Trying To Keep My Daughter’s Period Away With Hormone-Free Food

    Thanks to exposure to hand soaps that contain xenoestrogens and hormones in our food supplies, kids as young as six years old are starting to reach precocious puberty, especially girls. As a mom to an 8-year-old, the idea of her getting her period or breasts within the next year scares me to...
  12. S

    Unusually light period? Bit concerned.?

    Okay so last month when I had my period I was about a week late, so around the 13th I got it (my mums and my sisters cycle for some reason were slightly off as well) so I didn't really think anything of it and at this point in time I wasn't having sex. At the end of the month I was having sex...
  13. H

    Period.. girls or doctors only lol.?

    Ok so this is kinda embarrassing but I need help.. I don't wanna ask my mom Kuz I don't want her to make a big deal about it. Ok so I've only had my period 2 times and on the 3rd I forgot to keep track of the days So I could know when it's coming next month. So I'm pretty sure I haven't had my...
  14. S

    Are Mazda MX5s safe to drive during the British winter period?

    Hi... I'm going to view a Mazda MX5 at the weekend. I've never had a sports car before, and have always driven front wheel drive cars such as a Ford Fiesta and a Vauxhall Astra. I've had a few off the cuff comments from my mates such as 'enjoy being stuck in the ice' and 'you'll crash in...
  15. W

    What is the recovery period for liposuction?

    Hello All, I am thinking of getting liposuction in the legs and buttocks. What is the recovery period for this kind of surgery and have you had any success with it? Any personal experiences would be great to share. Thanks for any help! ______________________ boca raton liposuction
  16. A

    Study: Your Period Doesn’t Make It Harder To Quit Smoking

    So apparently there's an old wives' tale that says it's harder for women to quit smoking because they a) don't want to gain weight, and b) their period makes the withdrawal symptoms particularly unbearable. The former reasoning seems plausible; quitting smoking can cause weight gain both because...
  17. Beeyourself

    Why is my period so early?

    I am currently ttc, went to the bathroom and done what you do there and when i wiped there was blood, i felt no cramps or anything, didnt even know it had started! (im only on cd 20 and 3 dpo) so checked my cervix and it was very low and hard and tmi there was more blood, and its proper period...
  18. Beeyourself

    Why is my period so early?

    I am currently ttc, went to the bathroom and done what you do there and when i wiped there was blood, i felt no cramps or anything, didnt even know it had started! (im only on cd 20 and 3 dpo) so checked my cervix and it was very low and hard and tmi there was more blood, and its proper period...
  19. T

    Why is it that we tend to look at period 3 elements when studying trends in

    melting points, solubility, etc? I am doing a Alevel chemistry course and it seems that when studying trends such as melting points and solubility, or trends of oxides etc. We generally look at the period 3 and beyond not perioid 2, why?
  20. K

    Does anyone know any recipes to make out of period blood?

    OK, so I really like to drink my period blood, I don't know why, but I just do, it tastes good. It makes me feel alive, like when I run with scissors or go down an up escalator or push all the buttons on an elevator. I've heard that you can make it into soup or something, but I'd like to know...