
  1. E

    Has Pelosi apologized yet for calling the American people stupid, etc?What would... like to ask? So even Congress can get away with anything ... UNLESS they're a Republican?
  2. C

    Why is HR3200 supported by people who hate Nancy Pelosi, she wrote it,

    I'll read it, then I'll decide. I'm sure as hell smarter than to decide based on your opinion of her or what she wrote.
  3. W

    Joe the Plumber on Pelosi: I Would "Beat the Livin' Tar" Out of Her. People are...

    Joe the Plumber on Pelosi: I Would "Beat the Livin' Tar" Out of Her. People are... ...surprised . . .? that someone would say this about Pelosi? Pretty sure if a vote was taken most would vote this way. Besides he said "back in the day" not that he was jumping in his car to drive to her house now.
  4. O

    Do you think OBAMA & PELOSI specifically chose a stimulus strategy that...

    ...won't create more jobs to push agenda? Do you think OBAMA & PELOSI specifically chose not to deliver stimulus immediately to the parts of the economy most likely to pay more revenue to government in future years after the economy grows back. Generally most Presidents choose to cut tax rates...
  5. N

    Nancy Pelosi, her false teeth almost fell out. Did you see ?

    Yesterday on PBS.
  6. R

    Why did Pelosi say this and isn't this just a slap on the face on LEGAL immigrants?

    Nancy Pelosi is a world class embarrassment to all intelligent individuals on the planet.
  7. E

    What's this rumor that Pelosi's husband works for the MExican government?

    Just read the LA times today and saw that Nancy "Lunatic" Pelosi's husband, Reuben, consults for the MExican government????? Pelosi is hot and heavy to reward all the illegals with amnesty and destroy this country. GET THIS LIBERAL NUT JOBS OUT OF THIS COUNTRY.... OUR FOUNDING FATHERS WOULD...
  8. H

    Would Pelosi & Obama support immigration that leads America to bankruptcy...

    ...if they got enough future votes? Aren't the Dems promising only to accelerate the bankruptcy of America?
  9. D

    Do You Think Californians Will Blame Arnold or Pelosi For Tax Hikes?

    Poor California folks - their gas is going up 50 cents a gallon. Licence reg.fee or plates? are doubling and much more in the way of state tax hikes to put towards the outrageous spending the gov did! I would blame Pelosi, she is the one who won't allow any natural gases, drilling etc. I...
  10. L

    Why is Pelosi meeting with the Pope?

    The United States is in dire straits and she is off spending our money in a meeting with the Pope? How is this suppose to help the citzens of this country. We are suppose to tighten our belts and here our elected official are running all over the world on our dime! Your thoughts? You say to...
  11. M

    Obama ignored ALL republican input, Pelosi locked them out, stifled ALL...

    ...debate/ why the whining? over lack of bipartisanship? The Democrats never wanted ANY other ideas, they just were mad they cannot blame this DISGUSTING MESS OF A BILL on the Republicans. They OWN it. PLUS THEY DIDN'T EVEN POST THE ENTIRE BILL TIL THURSDAY and then it was on...
  12. M

    Is Nancy Pelosi's Salt Marsh Harvest mouse worth our grandchilden's future?

    This is in the stimulus package along with things like Urban Canals and science with money to be spent as needed. These people voted for this bill without even reading the thousand plus pages. Obama promised transparency in this but instead of 5 days to read it they were given 2. How will we...
  13. A

    Will Pelosi be hunting wolves next?

    Is Nancy Pelosi's decision to give up her pay increase a and COPYING the Awesome and Genuine Mrs. Sarah Palin another political PLOY. This Pelosi thing has never given up anything before.
  14. H

    Was that what she said? Nancy Pelosi ? 500 million lose their jobs every month?...

    ...year? what? Do these liberals go to great extent to get their way with the laws they want passed?
  15. B

    Nancy Pelosi today made a speech on CSPAN and I truly believe this person is...

    ...insane, do you? She spoke much like the aging actress in "Sunset Blvd," "I am ready for my close up (pause), Mr. Demille." She is so whacked out. "Love one another, she kept repeating." My aging hippy sister is still living her glory days in Calif. of the Late Sixties, birds of a feather. OMG!