
  1. V

    Islam is a religion of peace, justice and freedom? wat is the religion Judaism about?

    i no islam is a religion of peace, justice and freedom, and christianity is about justice and equality but i want to no wat judaism is about? thnx alot
  2. K

    Do you think there will ever be peace between Syria and Israel in your lifetime?

    Other than the possibility of Israel bombing Syria or occupying more of its territory, I don't see any other way for there to be a peace agreement. The Golan Heights is much more valuable than the Sinai and will never be returned.
  3. M

    Seeking peace in first lesbian relationship.........?

    I have been in my first lesbian relationship for 2 years now (at 30 years old). We have lived together for almost the same amount of time. She is amazing and we can do and share anything and everything together. My life with her is perfect, and I see her and I until the end. I struggle though...
  4. B

    Will the mass production of cruise missiles by Taiwan ensure peace in the

    Taiwan Strait? Wall Street Journal reports that Taiwan has begun mass production of a long-range cruise missile that could reach mainland Chinese cities. Will these cruise missiles deployed against China, be able to...
  5. B

    Will the mass production of cruise missiles by Taiwan ensure peace in the

    Taiwan Strait? Wall Street Journal reports that Taiwan has begun mass production of a long-range cruise missile that could reach mainland Chinese cities. Will these cruise missiles deployed against China, be able to...
  6. B

    Will the mass production of cruise missiles by Taiwan ensure peace in the

    Taiwan Strait? Wall Street Journal reports that Taiwan has begun mass production of a long-range cruise missile that could reach mainland Chinese cities. Will these cruise missiles deployed against China, be able to...
  7. T

    has the Noble peace prize become a laughing stock?

    Scandinavians trying to change the world through bribery of stupid stuff, never going to work was it. Mr Jagland of the prize committee is backtracking in the light of Chinese mussel that's seen half the developing world boycott the ceremony. Obama getting one for sod all now, Arafat, Dalai...
  8. G

    Lock Your Tablet to the Table and Poo With Peace of Mind [Ipad]

    You wouldn't just leave your bike unattended in the middle of Starbucks if you had to take a bathroom break, would you? OK maybe you would. But an iPad is much easier to steal! The solution: lock. it. up. More »
  9. D

    Why didn't peace prevail after Christ?

    Wasn't Jesus supposed to be God's ace in the hole? The be all and end all has failed.
  10. G

    Women, wartime and the dream of peace

    Read the comments on this post... More...
  11. P

    Debate between an Atheist and a Muslim - Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

    Christopher Hitchens vs Tariq Ramadan Is Islam a Religion of Peace Sorry my linking is bad. So you're going to have to click on the title when you follow this one. And a quick warning. The site hosting the Video kinda has it out of order so pay attention to the numbers on the right instead of...
  12. M

    Why does Islam claim to be a religion of peace when this occurs? Look at the best answer yes Christians burn Korans but we dont massacre Muslims in where there is a large portportions of us like in Latin America or Europe!
  13. Z

    Abbas warns against rise in extremism if peace talks fail

    JERUSALEM (AFP) – Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas warned against a rise in extremism if the ongoing peace process failed, in an interview to Israeli public television. "Desperation will feed extremism," Abbas said in the exclusive interview aired Sunday, adding that he...
  14. J

    Religion of PEACE: Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, other or none

    or none of the above? It seems to me each of these religions has some level of control over people and diversity in interpretations of their holy book ? All produce a sect of extremist who is said to violate certain principles of their holy book ? Are those who violate: " Thy shall not steal...
  15. H

    Followers of Religion of Peace exhorted to "mow down Enemies of Allah", is...

    Followers of Religion of Peace exhorted to "mow down Enemies of Allah", is... ...this peaceful? While we may pretend we are not at war with Islam, their continued exhortations makes it...
  16. G

    Is Gene in A Separate Peace gay?

    I read the book for school recently and really enjoyed it but I got the feeling that Gene was maybe gay, especially in the beginning. Did anyone else feel this way when they read it?
  17. G

    Nobel Peace Prize: Liu Xiaobo

    Imprisoned Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo won the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for "his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights" - a prize likely to enrage the Chinese government, which had warned the Nobel committee not to honor him. Thorbjoern Jagland, the Norwegian Nobel...
  18. T

    Also In Global Health News: Tentative ARV Approval Under PEPFAR; 50 Years Of Peace Co

    Matrix Laboratories Recieves Tentative FDA Approval To Provide Generic ARV Under PEPFAR Pharmaceutical company Mylan announced on Tuesday that its "subsidiary Matrix Laboratories Ltd. has received tentative government approval for atazanavir sulfate capsules, an AIDS treatment that will be...
  19. E

    Religion vs. Peace

    Global evidence showing how religiosity and peace conflict with each other Check the article: The geopolitics of morality | Natural Philosophy of Life Or watch the video: YouTube - Religion vs. Peace
  20. C

    If Islam is the religion of peace, how can anyone even manipulate it to be a...

    ...terrorist religion? Can you do the same with Buddhism no matter how you try? No. So if Islam is peace, how do they manipulate people to kill other people if the Koran is all about peace and not war??