Seeking peace in first lesbian relationship.........?


May 14, 2008
I have been in my first lesbian relationship for 2 years now (at 30 years old). We have lived together for almost the same amount of time. She is amazing and we can do and share anything and everything together. My life with her is perfect, and I see her and I until the end. I struggle though because my family has treated me horribly and nobody acknowledges my relationship (2 parents and 3 siblings). No communication. I have been scared to tell my grandparents with whom I am very close. Hate having to pretend, feel guilty, and not live openly and freely---holidays, day to day, etc. I am not at peace because I do not feel peace. I love my girlfriend, but miss being able to be unafraid or ashamed in my life---family and work. What do I do and where do I go from here? I know I could never find anything like this relationship again. How do I learn to be strong and fight for my feelings and my life--no matter what? Thanks for reading...........
Well, you're obviously lesbian which means if even if you left your GF, you're gonna end up in another relationship, still struggling to find peace with your family. So, there's no point in leaving her if that thought ever crossed your mind.

You have to first find inner peace and I don't think you have. Are you secure with yourself? I know you're happy with your girlfriend but are you happy with yourself? You mentioned you feel guilty for hiding the relationship and the truth about yourself. You should open up and let it go. If your family wants anything to do with you they WILL come around eventually. My God, being gay isn't a disease! They need to open their eyes to reality and stop being so ignorant. I can understand why it's hard for your parents to accept but nonetheless, you're still their daughter and they should accept you. If they can't then hunny, you gotta go on with your life, with this girl and be happy. Completely, 100% happy with yourself, with your relationship and with the fact that you're lesbian. It's not the end of the world. Tell your family you're tired of hiding and you're tired of feeling bad that you like the same sex rather than the opposite. You can also apologize for not being what they wanted you to be but God gives us free will and choice and your feeling is to be with a girl. That's not a crime. I'm Christian and I still don't disagree with same sex relationships/marriages. If your family can't handle it then let them be and live your life. You're still very young. Stop living it in fear. If you're not comfortable with yourself then no one around you will be. You and your girl, that's all that matters from here on out. Good luck to you!
this is really hard, but telling your parents is very important. They might not accept it at first, i know after a while they will come around. Nothing at work should change for you just because of who you love. Finding this person might never be possible, if you need to choose whats more important then maybe these people dont deserve to be in your life. Good luck