
  1. N

    Boyfriend doesn't like PDA??? PLEASE HELP?

    I don't know how to act in public with him since he doesn't like being affectionate in person even holding my hand he freaks and breaks away.. Is this normal??? Tonight we are going out with his friend one of whom I haven't met. How should I act towards my boyfriend. since he is my boyfriend I...
  2. J

    How long before PDA starts to feel normal?

    How long until PDA (Public Displays of Affection) starts to feel normal with my boyfriend? We are gay males, if it matters. It felt alittle awkward when we were at an ice cream place. Could that be cuz there were kids and whatnot? Does it get more natural feeling?
  3. Y

    what is a school PDA?

    i recently changed schools and i remember something that was called a pda at our old school and everone hated it. i looked it up and it looks like it stops people from kissing and hugging and someone even said slowdancing... my school allows a slow dance, and we can hug eachother freely but i...
  4. C

    Is holding hands PDA?

    Is holding hands considered PDA for a lesbian couple? What about laying your head on their shoulder? Or hugging? What about laying your head on their shoulder? Or hugging? What about laying your head on their shoulder? Or hugging?
  5. B

    How do i let him know i want to PDA?

    how do i let him know i want to pda.. weve never done it so im not sure how comfortable he is with it..especially infront of a group of friends i dont know.... what do i do??
  6. C

    PDA at high school in the state of Texas?

    So this morning in the Cafeteria me and my girlfriend were about to go to class (take note we had time to get to class) and we got up and we hugged and kissed. Then, as we walked past the principle (5 round tables away from where we were), the principle had told us that if he "sees us doing...
  7. N

    what are the laws for (PDA)? more details in desc?

    (PDA) or public display of affection: what are the laws for it in Michigan? sorry i meant rules and inside of middle schools. such as rules for hugging, etc.
  8. R

    My girlfriend hated PDA. Help?

    My girlfriend absolutely DESPISES PDA! I've been trying to hold her hand in public, but she really just hates it. I also can't kiss her in public or put my arm around her without her becoming extremely uncomfortable. I know that she feels badly about this, but it is a little painful for me...
  9. J

    Is there any way to recover deleted files from an iPAQ 200 PDA?

    I had pictures and videos of my dog when she was a puppy on my iPAQ 200 series internal flash memory. She died a few weeks back from intestinal complications. I have had this PDA in a box for 4 years and it still works, but the files are all deleted. I know that other than calendar and email...
  10. P

    cara naikin kompresi pda mtor?

    permisii sya mau tanya nii .. mtor sya smas 2005 udh pke seher thunder , noker keprasa , blok cop d kikis 0,9 mm , knalpot AHM racing malaysia , karbu rx special dg rameran king , nah pas sya ganti CDI racing BRT DUAL BAND ko mtor q mlah ga mau lari , mlah mbrebet mberebet gtu , gas q tarik...
  11. P

    cara naikin kompresi pda mtor?

    permisii sya mau tanya nii .. mtor sya smas 2005 udh pke seher thunder , noker keprasa , blok cop d kikis 0,9 mm , knalpot AHM racing malaysia , karbu rx special dg rameran king , nah pas sya ganti CDI racing BRT DUAL BAND ko mtor q mlah ga mau lari , mlah mbrebet mberebet gtu , gas q tarik...
  12. A

    How to Rip and Convert DVD to PDA?

    I have a PDA (personal digital assistant), also known as a palmtop computer. But it is also a portable media player. So I want to use your PDA to enjoy your favorite DVD movies. However, I am really don't know how to finish it. Who can help me?
  13. December

    What is considered excessive PDA?

    my high school school states; "students are to refrain from excessive PDA at school" ..okay so imo that's anything passed pecking. so my bf and I usually give a little peck to each other In between classes..nothing more. today some teacher was like "seriously? you'll see each other in 10...
  14. A

    What to say to boyfriend... PDA problems?!?

    Ok so don't get me wrong I LOVEEE my boyfriend but lately he's just been so touchy, and he likes to kiss in front of people. I am such a personal person and I dont like anyone knowing my business. My friends tease me when they see him kiss me and tease his kissing "skills." What can I say to him...
  15. M

    How to get Sat Nav to a PDA in a car?

    What equipment do I need to do the following :- Taxi base takes name and address of client. Then enters name and address into Desktop Keyboard connected online. The name and address comes through to a PDA or similar device in the taxi car. The name and address are on the screen of the PDA...
  16. K

    PDA question.....................?

    i have been dating my boyfriend for about 3 months, well he told me the reason he wasn't very lovey dovey as in approaching me to kiss me in public was because he was shy. but lately he has been showing affection with me in public a lot more but i want more affection so he told me to not be...
  17. K

    I don't think my boyfriends into PDA?

    Okay,here's the deal,me and my boyfriend have been dating for six monts.We have kissed(just little pecks) in front of friends before,we have hugged in front of people before.We say,"I love you" in front of people before.well,we went to a dance last night,and we were slow dancing.He says "I love...
  18. T

    Can i be written up for pda without a written warning?

    I kissed my girlfriend bye today after school(just a peck), i told her to have a good weekend and to text me when she got home. A teacher turned around at the bus stop and saw us and said she was writing us up. I have never gotten a written warning or verbal warning on the subject. Can they do...
  19. A

    How to kiss your boyfriend at a school with no PDA?!?

    I go to a no PDA school anf me and my boyfriend have been together for a while now and we still haven't kissed. I want to kiss him but I don't know how to without getting caught!! They have cameras and everything plus people complain, and were never alone, either someone's with us or someone is...
  20. December

    PDA in school?! trouble?

    i see kids all over eachother all the time in school and me and my bf of a year were in the hallway today goofing around and it looked like i was being all over him i guess but we were just joking around (NOT EVEN KISSING) w were literally just hugging and kinda close to eachother. some teacher...