
  1. R

    Girls,does your BF ever do PDA in front of your parents?

    Does he ever make out with you in front of them? Or has he ever put his hand down your panties while they watched?
  2. C

    Pet names, PDA, and labels?

    I hate being called sweetheart, and baby, I also don't like kisses and hand holding in public and I don't like labeling relationships i don't know, I'm 17 and in highschool, like is there something wrong with me? I'm constantly picking apart guys that like me, how can I get over this, what's...
  3. M

    what is PDA Personal plan?

    How much is it, and can i use that for my iphone? If not, is there a way to trick into getting the iphone and still use that plan? is it similar to the 9.99 date plan? i dont see it online at&t. and how does that differ from the more expensive date plan? or does at&t only shows the more...
  4. B

    PDA question: is it wrong to kiss goodnight infront of boyfriends parents house?

    We're in our 20's, not little kids or something. The other night when he was walking me to my car we hugged and I could tell he wanted a kiss...not anything crazy, just a kiss goodnight. I got shy because we were right out front of his parent's house and in the street. I am being too cautious or...
  5. Y

    my premature baby has a heart PDA = 1.8 mm, a pulmonary hypertension and a PFO with

    3.5 mm.is she safe? she is now 4 kilos, 1month 15 days, with high breath pattern (not all the time). she didn't take any medications for this issue.
  6. K

    Uncomfortable with PDA with my girlfriend...?

    Yesterday I went on my first date with my very first girlfriend. It was a movie date, and we kissed in the theater, nothing too major... (Oh, what am I talking about, it was my first kiss! It was AMAZING!) ...but it wasn't like we were making out or anything. xD We were in the back row where no...
  7. S

    Why Am I Uncomfortable With PDA??

    im 15(guy) i find it kinda hard to show any type of pda or interest in girls....in a way i want to tell a girl how i feel but i just cant and when i hug a girl(which is hardly mabey like 2 times a year) i feel awkwared..then i get shy around cute girls that im not around alot or giirls that i...
  8. L

    How do I tell my strict mother I got in school suspension (ISS) for PDA...

    ...without making her mad? I've never even gotten a detention or tardy or anything before, and I'm nervous to tell my mom. I didn't kiss or anything, it was a short huh because someone caught me when I was falling so I hugged them to thank them... Thanks~
  9. E

    What's your sign and what's your opinion on PDA?

    Lol I asked this before but it got deleted... State your moon, venus, and mars too. **Clarification: I am NOT talking about PDA devices.... Lol to certain people ;P BQ: Who else thinks this section has been really dead lately? :/ Kita - Lol yea I did but it got reported -_- Tae - Lol it's ok I...
  10. 3

    Besides the apple iPod and Archos 5, Are there any other PDA's still in production?

    By PDA I mean non cell phone handhelds like palmOnes (but those are dead).
  11. B

    How to deal with friends and PDA? Is it ok to kill them if they don't stop?

    My best friend and roommate has been a bit unlucky in the girl apartment a while now. And I am really happy that he has finally met someone. But we were out on a double date. Me and my girl basically had ringside tickets to soft core porn. Or the other day when I got home from a brutal boxing...
  12. C

    My bf won't kiss me in public he's really shy how can I get him to do more PDA? ?

    I've tried asking already he knows he's shy n isn't great when it comes to PDA also, I'm not talkin bout making out or anything just pecks n affection.
  13. S

    What's wrong with PDA?

    My boyfriend doesn't really like kissing or hugging in front of other people. Is a kiss and a tight hug really anything to be embarrassed about? It's not like we're full on making out and stuff. :/ btw we've been dating for 6 months..
  14. L

    Don't you find PDA too much and rude sometimes?

    I don't mean to be a prude but I find PDA to be so gross and rude to others (especially around them). I get it - you love your boyfriend/girlfriend and it's nice to show some cute, small affectionate behavior - small kisses, holding hands, holding each other around the waist while walking but...
  15. A

    Do homophobes give you problems when you when you're having PDA with your partner?

    My hubby stays strapped
  16. M

    Looking for a cheap PDA..?

    All it needs to do is store to-do lists and have a calender. Preferably under $30. Can be used. Anyone know any good websites besides the obvious Amazon/Ebay?
  17. M

    When someone comes with a package and you have to sign on a PDA type device (the

    one that isnt paper) do you? generaly give your real signature or do you just scribble and hope no one ever checks?
  18. S

    Teend: Don't you hate when people complain about PDA?

    I think making out is fine. But sex in public...Eh...
  19. M

    if hugging your boyfriend in school is PDA, then why can't I even hug my guy friends?

    I'M SORRY, BUT I JUST CAN'T GET OVER THIS. My guy friend from another grade came into my classroom this afternoon after hearing that classes were suspended due to a storm. Then, I offered a hug, like I always do. LIKE I ALWAYS DO. My (only) strict teacher passes our door and suddenly, she...
  20. K

    Opinions on PDA (esp in school)?

    Hi, Im a teen in a high school and im just wondering how many of you are anti-PDA. Im not talking about sex, but kissing (with/without tongue) and cuddling, in the halls of a high school or whatever. I was told by numerous friends to 'get a room' but affection like that (or worse) on a screen...