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    Most UK Doctors Have At Some Point Used Placebos to Treat Patients

    A survey of UK doctors found that 97% have prescribed placebo treatments to patients at least once in their career. Researchers at the Universities of Oxford and Southampton in the UK discovered that 97% of doctors have used 'impure' placebo treatments, while 12% have used 'pure' placebos...
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    Endurance Of Total Knee Replacements In Younger Patients With Juvenile Arthritis

    When you think of knee replacement surgery, you generally envision an older adult with painful arthritis. But the procedure is also used for younger patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) whose joints have been severely damaged by the disease. Because the surgery in younger patients...
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    Weight Loss May Prevent, Treat Osteoarthritis In Obese Patients

    Obesity may trigger biomechanical changes, pathways that contribute to osteoarthritis Weight loss may prevent and significantly alleviate the symptoms of osteoarthritis, a progressive disease of the joints known as "wear and tear" arthritis, according to a literature review appearing in the...
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    New Pope Francis I Earned Compassion Points By Washing The Feet Of 12 AIDS Patients

    The Catholic Church has a new leader in time for Palm Sunday! Now, the world can get to know Pope Francis I, formerly known as*Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Pope Francis is the first non-European Pope, the fact of which has dominated the early reports of his election...
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    Chest Pain Reduction Effects Of Ranolazine Most Pronounced In Diabetic Patients With

    A commonly used anti-anginal drug reduces chest pain in patients with type 2 diabetes and appears to have a more pronounced effect in those with poorer glucose control, according to research presented at the American College of Cardiology's 62nd Annual Scientific Session. Ranolazine is approved...
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    Recurrent Cardiac Events In Heart Attack Patients Not Reduced By High-Dose Oral Vitam

    Heart attack patients given a combination of high-dose oral vitamins and minerals do not exhibit a significant reduction in recurrent cardiac events, according to research presented at the American College of Cardiology's 62nd Annual Scientific Session. However, the results of one component of...
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    Cervical Cancer Patients More Likely To Survive If Treated At High-Volume Medical Fac

    Patients with locally advanced cervical cancer have better treatment outcomes and are more likely to survive the disease if they receive care at a high-volume medical center than patients treated at low-volume facilities, according to research presented at the Society of Gynecologic Oncology's...
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    Study On Treatment For Heart Attack Patients

    A single dose of an investigational anti-inflammatory drug called inclacumab considerably reduces damage to heart muscle during angioplasty (the opening of a blocked artery), according to a recent international clinical trial spearheaded by Dr. Jean-Claude Tardif, Director of the Research Centre...
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    Up To Half Of Gestational Diabetes Patients Will Go On To Develop Type 2 Diabetes

    Women who were diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy face a significantly higher risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in the future, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM).. The...
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    Bathing Abdomen In Chemotherapy Gives Ovarian Cancer Patients Better Chance Of Surviv

    More Women Should Receive Intraperitoneal Treatment, Suggests 10-Year Follow-up Patients with advanced ovarian cancer who undergo intensive treatment with chemotherapy that bathes the abdomen are significantly more likely to live longer than those who receive standard intravenous (IV)...
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    Patients With Chronic Pain Benefit From Pain Training For Primary Care Providers

    Patients who experience chronic pain may experience improvement in symptoms if their primary care providers are specifically trained in multiple aspects of pain, including emotional consequences. A collaborative team headed by Thomas C. Chelimsky, M.D., professor and chairman of the department...
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    Focal Laser Ablation Offers Another Option For Some Prostate Cancer Patients

    Men with low-risk prostate cancer who previously had to choose between aggressive treatment, with the potential for significant side effects, and active surveillance, with the risk of disease progression, may have a new option. Focal laser ablation uses precisely targeted heat, delivered through...
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    Despite Improvement, Distribution Of Free Samples To Patients And Office Calls To Phy

    The pharmaceutical industry has pulled back on marketing to physicians and consumers, yet some enduring patterns persist. According to a new study led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, advertising peaked in 2004, with industry promotion to physicians...
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    Patients Benefit From Quality Of Care Measures

    Public reporting of how physicians and hospitals perform in quality of care measures leads to improved care for patients. A collaborative team of researchers led by Geoffrey C. Lamb, M.D., professor of internal medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin, published their findings in the March...
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    60 Percent Of Patients With Fire Ant Allergy Don't Adhere To Life Saving Treatment

    Two million Americans are allergic to insect stings, an allergy which sends more than 500,000 people to the emergency room annually. Yet, according to a study published in the March issue of Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, the scientific journal of the American College of Allergy, Asthma...
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    Research Offers Patients Hope For New Treatments For An Aggressive And Common Lymphom

    The powerful master regulatory transcription factor called Bcl6 is key to the survival of a majority of aggressive lymphomas, which arise from the B-cells of the immune system. The protein has long been considered too complex to target with a drug since it is also crucial to the healthy...
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    Side-Effects Cause A Quarter Of Heart Patients To Stop Treatment In The HPS2-THRIVE T

    The largest randomised study of the vitamin niacin in patients with occlusive arterial disease (narrowing of the arteries) has shown a significant increase in adverse side-effects when it is combined with statin treatment. Results from the HPS2-THRIVE study (Heart Protection Study 2 - Treatment...
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    Proper Eating Improves Dementia Patients' Physical And Mental Health

    Dementia patients who are given an educational program to help them remember proper eating habits not only improve their physical health, but their mental health as well. The patients who receive this intervention are less likely to show depressive symptoms half-a-year later. The finding came...
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    Why do foreign patients choose to travel to South Korea for treatment?

    Just curious.
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    Researchers Believew Clot-Busting Drug Is Worth The Risk For Embolism Patients

    When doctors encounter a patient with a massive pulmonary embolism, they face a difficult choice: Is it wise to administer a drug that could save the patient's life, even though many people suffer life-threatening bleeding as a result? Based on new findings published in the American Journal of...