
  1. A

    How's this opening paragraph for a rant on auto-tune?

    Rant for english class on auto-tune. Auto-tune, why does it exist? To emphasise the artists' "angelic" voices? To bring outstanding, true and raw vocal talent to your homes? If you have recognised its distinctive character in music, you know that this is simply not the case. The truth is that...
  2. K

    Starting a novel, first paragraph here. Whaddya think?

    "The house was a piece of shit. Even through the pouring rain, Jeremy could see that the tall and salty house would never be his home. It wouldn’t matter if he lived there for the usual three years and moved on like they always did. It wouldn’t matter if this was just one of those “permanent...
  3. A

    How would you rewrite this? (Just a short, simple paragraph!)?

    Something about this sounds... clunky? I'm not sure how to rewrite it, though. Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks! _____________________ You are unique. You are talented. You have a bright future ahead of you. Whenever you start to think those depressing thoughts, just remember...
  4. C

    Read over my paragraph?

    I had to write a formal paragraph for English and I'd appreciate it if i got some feed back! Genes Optimistic Outlook through Finny’s Vision Finny’s great gift of remaining innocent, and the last lines in the book that contribute to him, leaves one to wonder if his worldview was ultimately...
  5. C

    Help me make an introduction paragraph for this topic? DUE TOMORRROW HEEELPPP?

    The mission of IMSA, the world’s leading teaching and learning laboratory for imagination and inquiry, is to ignite and nurture creative, ethical scientific minds that advance the human condition, through a system distinguished by profound questions, collaborative relationships, personalized...
  6. A

    How did Siddhartha Guatoma become the Budda? (Short Paragraph)?

    This question will be on my test tomorrow I know how he became the budda but i don't know how to all sum it up in one paragraph. Help =) Thanks
  7. R

    Please read my introduction paragraph and 2 body paragraph and let me know what... think please hellp? Introduction paragraph: From the present negative personal and family economical impact to the environmental impact, swapping, trading, or bartering is becoming more of a fun, necessary, and smart choice for all of us. A revolution called collaborative consumption is...
  8. M

    Can someone help with my introduction paragraph?

    Okay so in my essay I write my first paragraph. The teacher said that all of it is a thesis. I don't get it. My thesis is: Having friends from other cultures can effect how others view theme selves and their culture: 1) experiencing other cultures 2) appreciate their own culture 3) ashamed of...
  9. M

    Can someone suggest an Intro to my paragraph?

    Okay so in my essay I write my first paragraph. The teacher said that all of it is a thesis. I don't get it. My thesis is: Having friends from other cultures can effect how others view theme selves and their culture: 1) experiencing other cultures 2) appreciate their own culture 3) ashamed of...
  10. S

    Is this a good introduction for a 5 paragraph essay?

    This is just an example, but is this how an introduction should look like? Many people have been debating whether gay marriage should be legal or not. The bible states, " a marriage is between a man and a woman". However, the government shouldn't tell people who to marry because it's...
  11. J

    Is this a good starting paragraph to my story...?

    I don't think I'm very good at writing but you know... I'm trying to improve. Here it is: His hand came swinging, slapping me full force on the cheek leaving behind a stinging sensation, and suddenly something snapped inside me. It wasn’t my heart, for that was as tough as steel now, but I...
  12. F

    How would your write a paragraph to discuss your impressions about humor as a...

    ...vehicle for social commentary?
  13. L

    is this a good introduction paragraph?

    I have to write about "My favorite business person" is this a good start? In order to be a good business person you must be persistent, learn to easily adapt to change, assess risks, take charge, and be creative. Walt Disney had all of these characteristics and that’s why he is my favorite...
  14. L

    What are the contents of an introduction paragraph ?

    (Just like a regular introduction paragraph with like the grabber and all that)
  15. L

    What is my introduction paragraph missing?

    I am writing a research paper on the causes of teen pregnancy. I need a really good opening paragraph and I feel like mine is missing a lot. Would anyone please be willing to read it and help me out? THANK YOU!! Did you know that the United States has a higher rate of teen pregnancies than any...
  16. B

    Can you edit my introduction paragraph?

    I have to write an essay persuading readers that To Kill a Mockingbird is a book that should be read in the 9th grade. Please make any and all corrections you can find to my introduction paragraph. It's an honors course, so the teacher is tough as nails. I won't take it personally. Thank you so...
  17. B

    what to write in the introduction paragraph if......?

    so I read the play "Steel Magnolias" and i have to write an essay of 3 paragraphs....the 1st is introduction...the 2nd is explaining the plot of Act 1....3rd explaining the plot of Act 2 ... How should i start my introduction if I'm already gonna talk about the play it self in the 2nd and the...
  18. K

    HOW to turn off ALL paragraph numbers in Open Office?

    NUMBERS in open office are pure torture. They don't work right. I want to TURN OFF numbering ALL OFF FOREVER I've read 10 million pages on line and I still can't figure it out
  19. D

    Help with introduction paragraph for my essay?

    I need help with my introduction paragraph about my essay.i have to explain what characteristics i think would make a good teacher. I need help with the thesis statement and basically the whole paragraph. The introduction for some reason is always the hardest part for me. The characteristics i...
  20. A

    Essay introduction paragraph: Help/opinion?

    I have to write an essay comparing "the balcony scenes" in the 1996 Baz Luhrman version of Romeo vs. Juliet (Romeo+Juliet) and The 1968 Zeffirelli version. This is my introduction paragraph; this is my first time writing an English essay. Any grammar corrections? Is it any good? Please help ...