
  1. D

    What song is this? Oprah Winfrey is my name And talk show gossip is my...

    ...game - Hawaiian comedian? There's this one song by a Hawaiian man and/or comedian that I heard a few years back that is a parody of the famous song from Carmen, the opera, but it's about Oprah Winfrey. It goes: "Oprah Winfrey is my name And talk show gossip is my game Juicy rumors, and idle...
  2. H

    What does Oprah think about the release/pardon of prisoners Ramos and Campeon?

    Now that Bush has commuted their sentences now.
  3. S

    What channels are "Oprah" and "Prototype This" on in Atlanta, Georgia on Dish...

    What channels are "Oprah" and "Prototype This" on in Atlanta, Georgia on Dish... ...Network? I know Prototype this is on Discovery Channel, however, I am not sure what time it is on. Also is Oprah on ABC? What time is she on? I am looking for the shows so that I can record them to my DVR...
  4. A

    Many of you might have heard of the Oprah, Tommy Hilfiger rumor?

    All a big fat lie, and here's proof. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HdRLSCJWgo&feature=PlayList&p=F2CC75C2B292614B&playnext=1&index=3