
  1. M

    What was that song on oprah?

    Did anyone just see Oprah? What was the name of that song at the end? "And when you get home you have arrived, twenty-five years.....
  2. F

    Did oprah remove her sixth toe?

  3. F

    Did oprah remove her sixth toe?

  4. S

    How to contact Oprah's book club?

    I got an email I expect is spam from someone claiming to give me the chance to be associated with Oprah's Book Club. Its from an Alexander Argentina with TPI Network. I'm thinking it's spam. The email provided me with two links: Link # 1: http://tpinetwork.com/oprahbooks.htm and Link # 2...
  5. G

    Alicia Keys-Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart (Oprah Winfrey Show 03-05-10)-HDTV-720p-

    Category: Music-Video Size: 173.99 MB Files: 9 (5 pars) Group: a.b.mpeg.video.music .NFO: View NFO Posted: Wed March 10th 02:48:44 UTC Download NZB
  6. C

    Looking for the Oprah interview with Michael Jackson at his Neverland Ranch,

    on Dvd. I have looked? on Oprah's sight and her production company, and all I can see is the transcript. Please, help me, it's very important. If you have nothing good to say about Michael, please do not leave your imput. TY>????????
  7. C

    Is Oprah Winfrey the Talk Show Fuhrer?

    Is she the Fuhrer of talkshow along with her Oprah effect?
  8. J

    Did Oprah cry on 11-4-08 because she had a premonition of how much 0bama

    would hurt the US? ... because she realizes hispanics are becoming more powerful than blacks?
  9. P

    When Obama is running GMC (Gov't Motors), will cars be given away to Oprah fans &...

    When Obama is running GMC (Gov't Motors), will cars be given away to Oprah fans &... ...poor people just to be fair? It already looks like we'll have Britain style healthcare, so . . . once the government takes over the banks, they can give them alot more money. . . and when the government...
  10. R

    When Obama runs GMC (Gov't Motors), will cars be given away to Oprah...

    ...fans,strawberry pickers, or medicaid? recipients
  11. J

    where can i get old recordings of oprah when she worked at WJZ-TV off the internet?

    Like videos to watch
  12. K

    Do You Agree With Oprah?

    When I use to work at a womens shelter, unfortunately some women chose to run back home to their husband or /b/f because of "love". Only to come back later on under the same circumstances. But I think Oprah paints with too broad of a brush. What about men (and women) who I've seen that have...
  13. L

    Props to Oprah for speaking out against Chris Brown! Why aren't other black...

    ...female celebrities doing the same? GO OPRAH! She said that Rihanna is nuts for going back to Chris Brown so soon and that once a man hits you he's an abuser for life!! I'm jusr wondering why haven't more Black celebrity women spoken out and are outraged? Every black female celebrity I saw...
  14. J

    What is taking Oprah & Hollywood celebrities who voted for Obama so long to

    share their $$ with Octomom? Her mom is $23,000 behind in her mortgage and there are 14 kids to support. Don't Dems believe in sharing their wealth? Isn't that why the Celebs were excited about and endorsed Barry? Have they been too busy burning 50,000 gallons of jet fuel to warm the globe on...
  15. S

    Does anyone know when or where ( on the internet) ) I can see the Roloffs on Oprah?

    I missed the Roloffs on oprah, so i was wondering if anyone knew when it would re-run or where i can find it on the internet! any answers are appreciated!
  16. D

    is oprah winfrey or bill gates rich enough to travel to jupiter?

    okay maybe not jupiter a bit over the top but maybe the moon or mars?
  17. 1

    How can i get tickets for Oprah in Hollywood after the Oscars?

    ?? Please help find me tickets... i want to get them for my mom for her birthday!!! THANKS!!!
  18. K

    Where was Oprah sitting on Inauguration day? I can't find her on the podium or in...

    ...the lower sections.? I would have thought Oprah and Gail and Stedman would have been right up there with Steven Spielburg but she isn't. Does anyone know where she was sitting?
  19. ReTrout

    Is the rumor true that Oprah is in love with President Obama?

    just curious
  20. M

    Poll ? Do you think Oprah Winfrey is the most Attractive Celeb in the United States ?

    If you think "that's not," then Star ! .