
  1. L

    Was Mitt Romney really a better candidate than Herman Cain? Why wouldn't

    Republicans vote for Cain? He was charming, had a clear simple message, was a self-made man (unlike Mittens), and was obviously a great manager. What gives?
  2. G

    GQ's 25 Least Influential People Alive: Ryan Lochte, Amanda Bynes, Mitt Romney & More

    GQ's 25 Least Influential People Alive: Ryan Lochte, Amanda Bynes, Mitt Romney & More As GQ*so kindly stated, among the leaders of the world, there is also "a collection of people so uninspiring that we should round them all up and stick them on an...
  3. A

    Mitt Romney Finally Addresses His Bogus Plan To Cut FEMA Spending

    After dodging reporters' questions (up to 14 times) about his stance on cutting FEMA spending*and federal disaster relief, Mitt Romney's campaign is finally responding. And it looks like some major backpedaling in the wake of Hurricane Sandy and how he would help such victims, although it still...
  4. S

    If Mitt Romney wins, will he make me get a job, take away my food

    stamps,housing,medical.section 8,cell phone,? cab fare,etc etc? I don't want to get off my butt and go to work, it is so much easier having other people give me money, I can even get cash advances from my welfare card at casinos and resorts.Do you know that many of my friends actually work, but...
  5. T

    Obama has won the second debate, poor Mitt lol?

    Even Fox News admitted that and everybody knows that they are biased towards Republicans! I give them props tonight! They keep showing how Romney was being rude to the President. The moderator even had something to say about that! And the whole audience laughed when she did! Then even brought up...
  6. B

    In how many minutes will Republicans complain that Mitt Romney was rude &

    disrespectful during the 2nd debate? Remember cons complaining about Joe Biden. Mitt Romney was very rude and disrespectful to the moderator and the president of the United States.
  7. G

    Why do women hate Mitt Romney? Lol even GW Bush did better?

    Bush managed to get 48% of women to vote for him in 2004, which is pretty close to an even split with Kerry's 52%. However, right now Mittens is 20 points behind Obama in terms of female support. Why the Mitten ain't getting no love?
  8. D

    How could anyone say Mitt won the debate on taxes? He completely dodged the question?

    do you numbers add up? "Of course they add up, but instead of telling you how, let's talk about Obama's deficit"... LOL your* it wasn't even rope-a-dope... Romney just jumped into a different ring... lol
  9. G

    Mitt Romney's "Binders Full of Women" Goes Viral Fast: See the Best of the Memes

    Mitt Romney's "Binders Full of Women" Goes Viral Fast: See the Best of the Memes No Muppets necessary this time—Mitt Romney created his own pop-culture phenomenon from scratch during his second debate with President Barack Obama. The Republican presidential...
  10. G

    Lindsay Lohan: I'm Voting for Mitt Romney

    Lindsay Lohan should have enough issues to focus on in her life (like, say, the blow up fight she had with her mom and subsequent fight she had with her dad) but she has another on her mind:...
  11. E

    Will Mitt Romney attempt to fulfill the White Horse Prophecy?

    "The Lord took of the best blood of the nations, and planted them on the small island now called England, or Great Britain, and gave them great powers in the nations for a thousand years, and this power will continue with them, that they may keep the balance of power, that they may keep Russia...
  12. N

    Mitt Romney wants to maintain defense spending at 4% of GDP?

    Compared to Obama's proposed defense budget that is $2 trillion more. Is he planning to start a war if he is why won't he let voters know now. Or maybe he already did let us know, he have spoken in support of the Iraq war several times. Is this okay with you?
  13. E

    Will Mitt Romney attempt to fufill the White Horse Prophecy?

    "The Lord took of the best blood of the nations, and planted them on the small island now called England, or Great Britain, and gave them great powers in the nations for a thousand years, and this power will continue with them, that they may keep the balance of power, that they may keep...
  14. A

    Planned Parenthood Is Wasting $800,000 To Diss Mitt Romney

    Planned Parenthood is spending a shitload of money to tell Colorado residents not to vote for Mitt Romney. A full $800,000 to be exact. It's a colossal waste of money that could be better used to serve more women, but like a lot of dollars in the political race, it's being used to serve an...
  15. T

    Why did cowardly Mitt Romney dodge the military draft during Vietnam?

    He ran away to France.
  16. A

    Mitt Romney’s Newest Health Care Plan: Saving Virginia From Lyme Disease?

    Mitt Romney has gone in all kinds of directions when asked about his position on health care, but we weren't aware that he was campaigning so hard against Lyme Disease. Apparently, that's his campaign's tactic for winning over concerned moms in suburban Virginia, where deer and other wildlife...
  17. V

    Video: Homer Simpson Votes for Mitt Romney

    When it comes to comedy that stands the test of time, nothing can match The Simpsons. What a recent example? Check out this video of Homer Simpson voting for Mitt Romney in the 2012 United States Presidential election. During this video, which is about a minute and a half long, The Simpsons...
  18. A

    Ann Romney, We Are Not ‘Lucky’ To Have Mitt Who Doesn’t Understand Our Health

    Ann Romney wants all of us who’ve criticized her husband this week to “stop it” and realize just how "lucky” we are to have Mitt Romney as our presidential candidate. Except we won't stop it and we don't realize how lucky we are. How can we when our Republican candidate clearly does not...
  19. A

    Mitt Romney’s Self-Tanner Trouble: What You Can Learn From His Bad Bronze Job

    Regardless of your political leanings, it's hard not to notice that Mitt Romney looked a little...Snooki-esque when he took the stage at Univision forum last night. The goal of the forum was for the campaign to try to appeal to Latino/a voters, but this morning, all anyone can focus on is what...
  20. A

    Mitt Romney Sabotages His Race By Saying Americans Think They’re Entitled To Food

    Apparently Mitt Romney doesn't realllly want to be our next president. Because if he did, he wouldn't go around saying stupid things (even if they are caught on hidden camera) about half of Americans being a bunch of freeloaders who think they are "entitled" to food and healthcare, among other...