
  1. $

    Is it good or bad to have an active metabolism ? explain in terms of fat and thin

    -lol? i really wanna about this in terms of weight
  2. M

    Is this high metabolism?

    I eat a lot. I eat a lot of junk food and i rarely watch calories. I don't exercise. And after i eat a full meal, i have to make #2 less than 5 minutes after? By the way, i've lost weight and now i'm not gaining any weight what-so-ever.
  3. T

    Learn about Cleansing: Spring - Summer Transition Cleanse - RESET Your Metabolism - J

    This is your chance to learn all about CLEANSING and reclaiming your energy and LIFE. You will learn: WHAT IS RESET?RESET is 5-day, simple program that is all set up for you and easy to do, createdby USANA Health Sciences. It is a high-fiber cleanse and gentle detox (not a fasting program)...
  4. A

    Weight Loss: Foods to Boost Your Metabolism

    You’ve been dieting for weeks, and you fit in a workout every few days. Still, you just don’t seem to be losing any weight. The problem may be what you’re eating. Even if you’re eating healthy foods, you may be missing some key ingredients in your diet that will speed ... MorePost from...
  5. L

    Jillian Michaels Banish Fat Boost Metabolism DVD?

    I've been doing this every day for about a week now, sometimes with an additional work out to tone legs or something, and I am in love with it! I was wondering if anybody knows of any DVDs similiar to this one? I'm looking for something effective and also has diversity to it. My favorite part of...
  6. M

    How can peanuts be bad for metabolism if its a perfect source of nutrition?

    I don't get it. It has such variety of micronutrients and macronutrients. The thyroids can be affected by these or something? How is that possible???
  7. T

    Increasing Understanding Of Drug Metabolism Provides Key Knowledge About Drug Toxicit

    Research led by Wayne L. Backes, PhD, Professor of Pharmacology and Associate Dean for Research at LSU Health Sciences Center New Orleans School of Medicine, has found that drug metabolism depends not only upon which enzymes are present in an individual, but also how they interact, and that can...
  8. R

    Best Diet/Nutrition Strategy to Get Your Metabolism Back to Par?

    I've been partying a little too hard lately (woops!), and with that I've lost the reigns to what I used to be doing, which was 5-6 days of exercise a week and a pretty heavy nutrition plan, for the most part protein (but don't worry I didn't forget about the greens!). So essentially, would it be...
  9. R

    Best Diet/Nutrition Strategy to Get Your Metabolism Back to Par?

    I've been partying a little too hard lately (woops!), and with that I've lost the reigns to what I used to be doing, which was 5-6 days of exercise a week and a pretty heavy nutrition plan, for the most part protein (but don't worry I didn't forget about the greens!). So essentially, would it be...
  10. J

    i have a fast metabolism, cant put weight on?

    im 25 and weigh just 8 stone im so slim. ive always been like this i thought i would of put weight on by now. i eat lots and cant even put a pound on or an inch. is there a vitamin you cant take
  11. K

    how do fitness / excercise and diet affect metabolism?

    i need 2 sources for a bibliograpgy
  12. B

    if you have a healthy metabolism, how long after you eat would you defecate? see

    details? after i eat a big meal, i usually have to go to the bathroom a few minutes after. i know that this is most likely not the food i had just eaten, but rather the food i had eaten in the previous meal. is this because the food i had just eaten PUSHES the digested food out of the system...
  13. U

    So I have slightly elevated TSH... but what does that mean? Is my metabolism

    slower, or faster? My TSH was like 0.04 over the limit (high). But what does this mean? Is my thyroid working more than normal? Or less than normal? In which case is my slow thyroid making me fat? What influences thyroid function? How do I get my TSH values down?
  14. C

    How can i gain weight if i have a high metabolism?

    i have a very high metabolism. i want to know how can i gain weight. i know later on i will be healthier than my friends. but want to know how to gain weight.
  15. E

    Which parts of the day are when your metabolism is at the highest?

    easy 10 marks=)
  16. A

    How do I maintain an optimal metabolism rate?

    'm trying to maintain an optimal metabolism rate. I have found something that works for my body at this time. But I want to make sure that its not going to cause problems down the road. (slowing my metabolism) This is what I'm doing now. I ride a stationary bike six times a week for an hour and...
  17. B

    What is a for sure way to lose weight, Burn calories, & Increase metabolism?

    I'm 5'1'' and about 110 lbs. That may not seem like much, but yes I am chunky. I have atleast 15 lbs to burn to look right, and not anorexic. What are some great ways to go about this? Excercise, diet, ANYTHING!!!! Please & Thank you very much :D
  18. L

    I'm looking to increase my metabolism! will this help?

    I've now come to the conclusion; that I've got a VERY slow metabolism. (it also runs in my moms genes) someone had told me, if i run in the morning like even just quarter of a mile, and then again by noon, and again in the afternoon, and once in the evening.. that it would keep my metabolism...
  19. J

    Best Fat Buner/ Metabolism booster?

    I use to play basketball everyday for Hs and a traveling team so i use to be in really good shape plus i use to skimboard and wakeskate so i was always doing something never had a problem with weight or eating food. Now i work 24/7 and don't have time to do like anything, i go to 3 diff...
  20. B

    what are easy ways to speed up your metabolism?

    i know that excercise and drinking lots of water. any other ways?