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    Link Discovered Between Formula-Feeding, Metabolic Stress And Increased Risk Of Later

    New evidence from research suggests that infants fed formula, rather than breast milk, experience metabolic stress that could play a part in the long-recognized link between formula-feeding and an increased risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and other conditions in adult life. The study appears in...
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    Infection With Roundworm Quells Obesity And Related Metabolic Disorders

    Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, have shown in a mouse model that infection with nematodes (also known as roundworms) can not only combat obesity but ameliorate related metabolic disorders. Their research is published ahead of print online in the journal...
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    Metabolic Model May Predict Parasite Metabolism, Disease Ranges Under Climate Change

    Knowing the temperatures that viruses, bacteria, worms and all other parasites need to grow and survive could help determine the future range of infectious diseases under climate change, according to new research. Princeton University researchers developed a model that can identify the prospects...
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    Clasado Announces Positive Results Of Clinical Study Of Bimuno® For Metabolic Syndrom

    Clasado, the manufacturers and suppliers of Bimuno®, a unique trans-galactooligosaccharide prebiotic, have announced the results of a clinical study on the use of the Bimuno (B-GOS) to alter bacteria in the human gastrointestinal tract as a candidate to help prevent and manage Metabolic...
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    Scientists Create Roadmap To Metabolic Reprogramming For Aging

    In efforts to understand what influences life span, cancer and aging, scientists are building roadmaps to navigate and learn about cells at the molecular level. To survey previously uncharted territory, a team of researchers at UW-Madison created an "atlas" that maps more than 1,500 unique...
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    Brain Tumors Nurtured By Metabolic Protein That Launches Sugar Feast

    Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have tracked down a cancer-promoting protein's pathway into the cell nucleus and discovered how, once there, it fires up a glucose metabolism pathway on which brain tumors thrive. They also found a vital spot along the protein's...
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    Pompe Disease And Other Metabolic Disorders Likely To Receive More Efficient Treatmen

    VIB researchers from UGent and Vrije Universiteit Brussel , together with a team of the firm Oxyrane have developed a new technology that can lead to a more efficient and possibly also cheaper therapy for diseases such as Pompe disease. Oxyrane will now start developing a clinical program for...
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    Researchers Identify Novel Metabolic Programs Driving Aggressive Brain Tumors

    Researchers at Moffitt Cancer Center have identified metabolic signatures that may pave the way for personalized therapy in glioma, a type of tumor that starts in the brain. The study appears online in Cancer Research, a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research. According to...
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    Biochemists Open Path To Molecular 'Chaperone' Therapy For Metabolic Disease

    University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers, experts in revealing molecular structure by X-ray crystallography, have identified two new small "chaperone" molecules that may be useful in treating the inherited metabolic disorder known as Schindler/Kanzaki disease. This offers hope for...
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    Hormone Levels Linked To Risk For Metabolic Disease

    Working with a national team of researchers, a scientist from the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute has shown for the first time a link between low levels of a specific hormone and increased risk of metabolic disease in humans. The study, published online ahead of print in The...
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    Honey Bees Reveal Link Between Sugar Sensitivity And Metabolic Disorders

    Scientists studying the genetics of honey bees found they reveal some insights into the link between sugar sensitivity, diabetic physiology and carbohydrate metabolism that may also be relevant to humans. Lead author Ying Wang, a research scientist, in the School of Life Sciences in the College...
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    Birth Weight May Identify Future Metabolic Risk In Girls

    Heavier female babies are more likely to develop diabetes and related metabolic risks when they grow up compared with their male counterparts, according to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (JCEM). The incidence of...
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    Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors Reduced By Soy-Based S-equol Supplement

    A 12-week treatment of the fermented soy germ-based nutritional supplement containing S-equol significantly lowered hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), LDL cholesterol and improved vascular stiffness, all factors that occur as part of metabolic syndrome, according to a first-of-its-kind peer-reviewed study...
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    Early Signs Of Disease Detected By Metabolic 'Breathalyzer'

    The future of disease diagnosis may lie in a "breathalyzer"-like technology currently under development at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. New research published online in February in the peer-reviewed journal Metabolism demonstrates a simple but sensitive method that can distinguish normal...
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    Cause Of Metabolic Disease Identified By Whole Exome Sequencing

    Sequencing a patient's entire genome to discover the source of his or her disease is not routine - yet. But geneticists are getting close. A case report, published this week in the American Journal of Human Genetics, shows how researchers can combine a simple blood test with an "executive...
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    Innovative Metabolic Weight Loss Program Perfect Way To Shed Holiday Pounds

    The Metabolic Weight Loss Program, a new initiative at LifeBridge Health & Fitness in Pikesville, Md., can help a person lose weight with some breaths of air, a few facts and figures, and a grocery list. The program focuses on a person's metabolism, the process through which food is converted...
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    Differences In Two Key Metabolic Enzymes - Why Some People Are More Susceptible To Li

    Differences in the levels of two key metabolic enzymes may explain why some people are more susceptible to liver damage, according to a study in the October 17 issue of the Journal of Cell Biology. Some forms of liver disease, particularly steatohepatitis, are marked by the formation of...
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    Is ALL known chronic metabolic disease diet related?

    I watched a retro presentation on cancer recently. One of the statements made was that to date, all successfully cured chronic metabolic diseases have found their remedy in something related to diet (generally speaking, what you should consume but don't, or what you are consuming which you...
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    Psychiatrists Failing To Adequately Monitor Patients For Metabolic Side-effects Of Pr

    People treated in psychiatric settings are receiving inadequate medical monitoring following high risk antipsychotic medication. New research from the University of Leicester demonstrates that psychiatrists are not offering adequate checks for metabolic complications that are common in patients...
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    Metabolic Syndrome Affects Breast Cancer Risk In Postmenopausal Women

    Metabolic syndrome, associated with the sedentary lifestyle and energy dense diet of Western industrialized societies, may be an indicator of breast cancer risk in post-menopausal women, according to a new study to be released at the National Italian American Foundation event, "Let's Talk About...