
  1. T

    Liver Disease Exacerbated By Cigarette Smoking, Fructose Consumption

    Recent studies suggest that modifiable risk factors such as cigarette smoking and fructose consumption can worsen nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). With NAFLD, fat accumulates in the liver of overweight individuals despite drinking little alcohol, causing in some cases liver scarring...
  2. T

    Liver Disease Exacerbated By Cigarette Smoking, Fructose Consumption

    Recent studies suggest that modifiable risk factors such as cigarette smoking and fructose consumption can worsen nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). With NAFLD, fat accumulates in the liver of overweight individuals despite drinking little alcohol, causing in some cases liver scarring...
  3. T

    Liver Disease Exacerbated By Cigarette Smoking, Fructose Consumption

    Recent studies suggest that modifiable risk factors such as cigarette smoking and fructose consumption can worsen nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). With NAFLD, fat accumulates in the liver of overweight individuals despite drinking little alcohol, causing in some cases liver scarring...
  4. T

    Potential Benefit Of Dark Chocolate For Liver Disease Patients

    Doctors could soon be prescribing a dose of dark chocolate to help patients suffering from liver cirrhosis and from dangerously high blood pressure in their abdomen, according to new research presented at the International Liver CongressTM 2010, the Annual Meeting of the European Association for...
  5. T

    Living Donor Exchange Poses New Option For Liver Transplantation

    Two major transplant centers in Hong Kong and South Korea released results from their paired donor exchange programs for living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). A single paired exchange, performed by the Hong Kong team under emergency circumstances, was a success. The Korean team reported 16...
  6. T

    Post-Op Liver Cancer Complications More Frequent At Low-Volume Hospitals

    The frequency of post-operative complications following surgery for liver cancer is associated with a hospital having a low volume of liver surgery. Investigators at The Cancer Institute of New Jersey (CINJ) are presenting that finding at the 63rd Annual Society of Surgical Oncology Symposium...
  7. D

    Christians: would you accept a liver transplant from an atheist?

    What if you accepted it but then, after a few months, you noticed yourself beginning to be more skeptical about the things without evidence you believed were true for your whole life? Would you demand the doctors take the liver out? And if you think this is silly, there have been studies carried...
  8. T

    Liver Stiffness Measurements Identify Patients With Rapid Or Slow Fibrosis

    Life-Saving Therapeutic Interventions Possible with Early Detection of Hepatitis C Recurrence A recent study by doctors from the Hospital ClÃ*nic in Barcelona, Spain determined that repeated liver stiffness measurements (LSM) in the first year following liver transplant (LT) could discriminate...
  9. M

    Is Nicotine processed by the Liver?

    if so , how much? Thanks
  10. M

    Q&A: High-fructose corn syrup and liver damage?

    [No message]
  11. T

    What Is Liver Cancer? What Causes Liver Cancer?

    Liver cancer begins in the cells of the liver. The liver is a football-sized organ that sits in the upper right portion of the abdomen. The liver carries out many vital functions, such as digesting proteins and fats, removing toxins from the body, producing chemicals that stop blood clotting...
  12. L

    How many softgel of cod liver oil should I take in sunny days?

    I am 20 male.
  13. K

    Liver flush recipe, does it HAVE to be hot water?

    half a squeezed lemon in hot water, can it be cold water too? what does this recipe acually do??
  14. I

    Whats the point for monthly Liver Function Panels?

    i have back pain, significant back pain and for whatever reason my dr is constantly ordering monthly liver function panel tests, is he doing this to check to see if im using too much vicodin, because if you take more than 4000mg daily of vicodin can cause liver damage due to the apap, im curious...
  15. N

    is it true that eating liver is not healthy !!?

    we all know that liver is purifying our bodies from toxins ..,in the same time it's a good source for menirals as food .. our doctor think that it's not halthy to eat liver even if it's well cooked !! so my qustion is should we stop eatng liver ???!!
  16. P

    Is it a Christian conspiracy to get rid of atheists by way of liver cirrhosis?

    Is that like an atheist poptart Markie?
  17. G

    what is mild hepatomegaly in liver with diffuse increase in echotexture?

    i under went ultra sound scnning.the bove is report copy
  18. H

    serious problems with my liver?

    my liver nction test came back at 476. (normal 35). doc says it may be due to a medication I was on and to stop it and see him in 3 weeks. im worried. who has had liver problems and did you take a liver tonic, liver cleansing diet or anything else? thanks any info appreciated
  19. P

    does interferon treatment make liver cancer likely in the future?

    i just heard this, i am not sure if it is true.