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    Blocking Inflammation Reverses Early-Stage Alcoholic Liver Disease In Mice

    More than 12000 deaths per year are attributed to alcoholic liver disease (ALD). Early stages of ALD are believed to be reversible, but there is no definitive treatment available. The early stages of ALD are associated with increased activation of inflammatory pathways. In this issue of the...
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    Future News: Stewart Downing may have to play accountant if he wants to stay at Liver

    After suggesting that Stewart Downing may need to convert to a left back to salvage his Liverpool career, new manager Brendan Rodgers has changed his mind and decided that the winger's future can only be in the club's accounting department. "He's good with numbers," Rodgers said of...
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    In Animal Model Of Liver Disease, New Drug Successfully Halts Fibrosis

    A study published in the online journal Hepatology reports a potential new NADPH oxidase (NOX) inhibitor therapy for liver fibrosis, a scarring process associated with chronic liver disease that can lead to loss of liver function. "While numerous studies have now demonstrated that advanced liver...
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    Liver Cancer Cells Stop Making Glucose As They Become Cancerous; Findings May Lead To

    As liver cancer develops, tumor cells lose the ability to produce and release glucose into the bloodstream, a key function of healthy liver cells for maintaining needed blood-sugar levels. The findings come from a study by scientists at The Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center - Arthur G...
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    Liver Cancer Could Be Due To Absence Of Tiny Molecule

    The absence of a tiny, abundant liver-specific microRNA (miRNA) molecule may lead to liver cancer, say researchers who tested the idea in mice and write about their findings in a paper published online this week in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. They suggest their findings show it may...
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    Measuring Liver Stiffness Can Predict Liver Failure, Cancer And Mortality In Cirrhoti

    Researchers from Spain established that liver stiffness, measured by transient elastography (TE), is an independent predictor of liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and mortality in cirrhotic patients coinfected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or acquired immune deficiency...
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    Exercise Does Not Improve Lipoprotein Levels In Obese Patients With Fatty Liver Disea

    New research found that moderate exercise does not improve lipoprotein concentrations in obese patients with non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Results published in the June issue of Hepatology, a journal of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, report that moderate...
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    Less Inflammation Seen In Patients With NAFLD, A Common Liver Disease, Who Consume Mo

    NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) is the most common type of liver disease in the developed world, affecting up to one-third of the US population. NAFLD is often associated with obesity and other parameters of the so-called "metabolic syndrome," which is a major risk factor for the...
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    Hi. So just found out I have fatty liver:( Is it be irreversible?

    I am overweight and have high cholesterol. I plan on exercising and changing my diet BUT its just so hard I LOVE LOVE LOVE FOOD!!!.is there anything out there that can help me curb my diet??? and is it irreversible????
  10. L

    Hi. So just found out I have fatty liver:( Is it be irreversible?

    I am overweight and have high cholesterol. I plan on exercising and changing my diet BUT its just so hard I LOVE LOVE LOVE FOOD!!!.is there anything out there that can help me curb my diet??? and is it irreversible????
  11. I

    I have high ALT and Cholesterol and doc wants a liver songram 5 months if not...

    ...lowered. Am I in danger? I have high ALT and cholesterol and doc wants a liver songram 5 months if not lowered. Am I in danger? How can I lower ALT and Cholesterol? Doc says I am overweight so he says I should just exercise...
  12. M

    Elevated ALT (liver) test?

    I'm a 22 year old female and for the past 3ish months my liver function tests have been elevated. At first it was 1-2 points over and they said it was no biggie. Then I had it tested again a month later and it was up by a bit more. They began to monitor it every 6 weeks. I had it done 2 weeks...
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    Researchers Identify A Novel Therapeutic Approach For Liver Cancer

    Cancer of the liver rare in the United States but the third-leading cause of cancer death worldwide can result from environmental exposures or infections like chronic hepatitis, but the link is poorly understood. Now, researchers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have identified a mechanism in...
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    Scalable Amounts Of Liver And Pancreas Precursor Cells Created Using New Stem Cell Pr

    Scientists in Canada have overcome a key research hurdle to developing regenerative treatments for diabetes and liver disease with a technique to produce medically useful amounts of endoderm cells from human pluripotent stem cells. The research, published in Biotechnology and Bioengineering, can...
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    What could be the cause of elevated ALT liver enzymes?

    Im 17 years old and i got a blood test done and everything that was tested for came back to be in perfect condition, except one thing, i had slightly elevated ALT liver enzymes. The second blood test my ALT level stayed consistent at 71. What could be the cause of this elevated liver enzyme? I...
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    Researchers Surprised To Find Fatty Liver Disease Poses No Excess Risk For Death

    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a common condition associated with obesity and heart disease long thought to undermine health and longevity. But a new study by Johns Hopkins researchers suggests the condition does not affect survival. A report on the study was published online last...
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    Advanced Liver Disease - The Economic Cost

    Health care costs for hepatitis C patients with end-stage liver disease are nearly 2.5 times higher than those in the early stages, according to a Henry Ford Hospital study. Although infection with the hepatitis C virus increases health care costs overall, the specific impact of the disease's...
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    Testing Of 'Micro'-Chemo And Cancer Pill Combo In Liver Cancer Patients

    A combination of an oral drug, called sorafenib, and a method for injecting microbeads of chemotherapy directly into tumors has been proven safe for liver cancer patients and may improve outcomes for those who have these fast-growing, deadly tumors whose numbers are on the rise in the U.S...
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    Predicting Long-Term Survival After Liver Re-Transplantation

    Liver re-transplantation generally has an inferior outcome compared with a patient's first transplant, due to the technical demands of the surgery and because patients are often sicker than they were at the time of their first procedure. UCLA researchers, basing their work on 26 years worth of...
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    My Liver Enzymes are AST 209, ALT 299?

    How serious are these and how long would it take to return to normal w/o consuming alcohol? I am a 44 yo Caucasian male. Any input is appreciated. Thank you! Thanks pecola... Saw my Dr today, that's when I got the results. He wants me to cut out the booze for a month and then get another...