
  1. S

    Is the introduction of the Scarlet Letter a part of the actual literary piece?

    In the beginning of the version of The Scarlet Letter I have, there is about 40 pages of author Nathaniel Hawthorne talking about...something. It doesn't seem to be part of the story about Hester Prynne. I am reading the book for school, so I'm wondering if it is necessary to even read the...
  2. E

    Who are some good literary agents?

    My friend is trying to publish a book and I am too. Who are some good literary agents? Thanks.
  3. R

    Difference between literary plot motif and author theme?

    I'm trying to write a book review essay on the Scarlet Pimpernel as a placement test for a class I'm taking. The assignment says that i have to "Pick One Author theme that you saw played out over and over in the book, such as selfishness brings heartache or love is blind." and then the second...
  4. A

    Find an ironic literary work or film. Explain the "multivocal nature" of the irony

    Find an ironic literary work or film. Explain the "multivocal nature" of the irony in the work.? Chapter 26: Is He Serious? And Other Ironies Book: How To Read Literature Like A Professor by Thomas C. Foster
  5. M

    Discuss a time when your appreciation of a literary work was enhanced by

    understanding symbol or pattern? please help!! I have to answer this question for a report on the book How to read literature like a professional
  6. J

    What is the literary term for using another author's poem style as a guide?

    For example, say I'm using the schem of one of Poe's poems, but I'm using totally different words and the meaning is totally different. How do I give credit to Poe? Is it an adaptation? Rendition? What is the term for this?
  7. T

    for what reasons would a literary agent say that they are not the right agent...

    ...for you? I am getting the same rejection notice from literary agents that they are not the right agent for me.
  8. B

    Can you give me an example of two works of literature and a literary device ?

    I'm Sort of confused on what exactly are they. Just an example of a work of literature and an example of a literary device would be fine.
  9. B

    Does anyone know any reputable literary criticisms about Aldous Huxley's...

    ...novel 'Island'? I've looked and I haven't been able to find much on the intertubes. Can someone link me to a site where there are respectable criticisms? If you have one already found on 'Island' that would be immensely better!
  10. D

    Who is the baddest, meanest literary villain you've read?

    What makes them so sick?
  11. G

    Can someone give two sentences that are general statements about literary elements?

    Just two sentences to start my essay with.....
  12. M

    Once a book publisher is found, does a literary agent absorb any of the

    costs of publishing? Or is that just something that is out-of-pocket for the author??? IF IT IS INDEED OUT OF POCKET, then is the publisher paid per book sold, or do they require a lump sum up front???
  13. M

    Once a book publisher is found, does a literary agent absorb any of the

    costs of publishing? Or is that just something that is out-of-pocket for the author??? IF IT IS INDEED OUT OF POCKET, then is the publisher paid per book sold, or do they require a lump sum up front???
  14. S

    Suggest a book on literary theory and criticism?

    I'm looking for a comprehensive book on literary theory and criticism which explains all the major theories. I need something that is easy to read and understand, straightforward and simple but at the same time not too reductionist. Not necessarily an anthology of critical essays but a book that...
  15. S

    Your First Novel for Literary Analysis?

    I want to read a novel which is kind of typical for writing literary analysis. Not so difficult or not too boring would be nice.
  16. D

    Does this song have any literary elements?

    Simile? metaphor Ty for any answers There is unrest in the forest, There is trouble with the trees, For the maples want more sunlight And the oaks ignore their please. The trouble with the maples, (And they're quite convinced they're right) They say the oaks are just too lofty And they grab...
  17. T

    Where Have All The Literary Agents Gone?

    I'm looking for an agent to represent along the lines of comedy, fiction, non-fiction. Yet all the agents I find on the internet seem more into shall i say, "feminine" genres. So i have to ask, where are all the other ones?
  18. R

    Is there literary value in smacking gently but with zest and broad good...

    ...humor a wife's posterior? I love to smack my wife's posterior but she rebukes me. What to do? My wife was endowed by the Creator with what can perhaps be considered the juiciest, best formed posterior ever to grace a pair of designer jeans. I met her whilst drunk at Jean-Louis' Cabaret. No...
  19. W

    Will somebody please rant about how how farming can be symbolism in literary

    works for manhood? English is a dumb major. I always make A's on my papers, and all I do is rant about bs metaphors and hidden meanings of literary works. My mind is a little fried from focusing on physics and cal 3 and I thinks I wrote all I can for the states question. Please help!
  20. J

    Question about public relations in the literary world?

    I was just wondering if a novelist has control of their own exposure if they become famous. Is it at all possible to be as reclusive as say J.D. Salinger or Harper Lee in this day and age? Can an author refuse to do book signings, conferences, or even have their picture taken for the back on...