
  1. M

    Which sci-fi novels have a real literary value?

    Can you recommend me some really intense sci-fi novels with real literary value? I`m looking fore writes in the line of Stanislaw Lem, Poul Anderson, Jack Vance, etc. Nothing with alien invasions and castles and all that, i want some original stories please.
  2. B

    what are some literary references to the battle of balaclava?

    I am writing a research paper and I would like to include some literary references not including "The Charge of the Light Brigade"
  3. S

    The most pretentious "literary" book you've read?

    Definitely I'd say Finnegans wake! Anyone with me?
  4. A

    Funny poem with literary merit?

    I have to present a poem with literary merit to my English class. I'm having trouble finding a poem with levity as I do not want to come off serious. Any help...?
  5. T

    Does anybody know some good Sci-fi and Fantasy Publishers or Literary Agencies?

    I've churned out a novel and wish to begin my journey to getting published.
  6. M

    Help with English: literary devices?

    can someone identify 2 literary devices in the following poem? "One day we will look back and realize, Our kids all died…. for nothing. One day, America will be forced to abandon Iraq. The American people will have enough Of war, personal sacrifice and waste of treasury. American voters will...
  7. M

    Help with English: literary devices?

    can someone identify 2 literary devices in the following poem? "One day we will look back and realize, Our kids all died…. for nothing. One day, America will be forced to abandon Iraq. The American people will have enough Of war, personal sacrifice and waste of treasury. American voters will...
  8. T

    Literary agent question?

    I queried an agent that I felt was a good agent for my manuscript. When I first sent it, I only sent the query letter. Then the agent asked for the first ten pages. A week later I got a rejection from her. She used my real name and the title of my manuscript. The rest of the letter was form...
  9. U

    Blog-type website for posting your literary works?

    I know about Wordpress, Livejournal, Blogger. I'm looking for a blog website that would allow me to post my literary works there and would have a very simple layout. I know the above mentioned blogs offer different layout. But are there any websites that are targeted at writers?
  10. K

    Literary Devices in The Iliad Book 1?

    I need 10 literary devices found in Book 1 of The Iliad. Please explain their significance to the piece of work, thanks!
  11. E

    Where can I find literary reviews? Specifically, James Baldwin's Going to

    Meet the Man? I have one from the NY Times but I'm trying to find some reviews of "Going to Meet the Man". I was hoping to find more reviews on the short story but instead keep finding reviews of the entire book. I want to find some older and newer reviews, but anything will help. I don't need...
  12. G

    Kurt Vonnegut Quotes -Literary Techniques??? HELP?

    Here is a quote from Kurt Vonnegut's Hocus Pocus: Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance. What literary device would you say was used there????? (stuff like aphorism, metaphor, etc. that kind of stuff)
  13. Y

    Literary Criticism on Persuasion?

    Anyone know where I can get literary critisism on this Jane Austen book? I need everything I can get, please someone help :) Persuasion by Jane Austen
  14. I

    Help Wide Sargasso Sea Literary Analysis ideas?

    I am doing a literary analysis on 'The Wide Sargasso Sea' by Jean Rhys. I READ THE BOOK,but I am having a hard time thinking up a topic and a thesis. I was thinking maybe doing something about the diverging views between Rochester and Antoinette on slavery, but I don't know what proof I could...
  15. E

    A Tale of Two Cities Literary Analysis Introduction?

    I can't understand anything about my teacher's instruction about this. -.- I don't know how should I start the introduction. She just said I have to put these things: - gives an overview of the nature/importance of the paper -overview/tenses of the story -content of the paper and what the reader...
  16. T

    Compare William Bradford, John Winthrop, and roger Williams as literary stylists...?

    Can you solve this wee riddle sfs? who can decode this message? D-0-F-R-Y-S-X-B O-L Q Z-G-L-L-T-K they are ALL letters lol il gee yez a clue the letter H translates to I il gee yez a clue the letter O translates to I first clue is wrong soz doh!
  17. A

    Literary Allusions hunt!?

    I need magazine articles, news paper articles, BOOKS, posters, with literary allusions. It cannot be from the internet though, i need to be able to cut it out or tear it out. I wont get credit if its from an internet source. Literary Allusion: ex. In Farenheit 451, the book, it referes to...
  18. C

    Literary devices in "Why Don't we Complain?" by William F Buckley?

    If anyone has read the story what are some literary devices he used and quotes to support them.
  19. P

    Literary criticism of The Adventures of Huck Finn?

    I need a suitable length and in depth internet link to a literary criticism over the Adventure of Huck Finn. It can be positive or negative, as long as there are at least 4 major points that can be drawn from it. Web links would be much appreciated! I don't know where to look.
  20. A

    Please answer today: According to Terry Eagleton's Literary Theory...?

    What is Literature?