
  1. W

    Was anyone laughing when Candy Crowley corrected Romney on act of terror comment?

    I never laugh so hard. Come on Romney cannot be that stupid to not to think that it was going to be on the transcript
  2. J

    did you hear joe biden laughing in the background of this debate?

    i swore he'd jump in and interrupt
  3. S

    I feel lightheaded and I can't stop laughing. Are these the symptoms of an illness?

    I've been having a very bad headache for a week now. It was significantly worse yesterday. I haven't eaten regularly. Now, I feel very strange in my head. I've never been high but I imagine this this what people who smoke weed must feel like. I feel lightheaded, which is very strange because for...
  4. J

    Is there such thing as polite laughing a lot? And does she like me?

    So I met a girl today who was with/is friends with a girl I'm pretty sure likes me. Well I kept talking with this first girl and she would laugh at almost if not all of the jokes I would make and it really wasn't that hard at all to get her to laugh, but sometimes it seemed like it was a polite...
  5. C

    What does it mean when you are crying and laughing?

    I'm not talking about laughing too hard then crying but in terms of sadness. I've never really felt this type of emotion before... The girl that I liked for over four years and I couldn't get her. I asked her out before, 2 years ago, but I kept denying myself from her answer and continued to...
  6. S

    What if aliens do exist and they're laughing at us in space?

    Do you think they exist?
  7. A

    How to discourage a child's bad behaviour when you can't stop laughing?

    I minded a child who is outgoing and loud. He does things which I find are funny but are actually bad. An example, he did a dance and pretended to eat trash and took a cup out of the trash can and started drinking. it was funny but I told him not to as he would get sick but could not stop laughing.
  8. N

    whats this old foreign song called with a baby laughing at every pause of the

    the singer.? I remember the singer (a man) sings, sounding more like he's telling a story, and then takes a pause. a baby laughs hard then the song continues. it goes on and on, at one point of the pause the baby cries and the music kicks in (instrumental) I know it isn't much to go with but I...
  9. M

    when see people standing around laughing and talking to each they...

    ...really enjoy it? you know the people that you see having "ordinary" friendly conversations and talking. joking with each other. etc. do they really enjoy it? how different thant the people that like to be alone and be on the computer, etc? and HOW THE ATTITUDES ARE DIFFERENT? why? how do...
  10. S

    How does laughing gas work?

    why does laughing gas make people laugh?
  11. D

    Why does she keep laughing at me?

    There's a girl in seventh grade, only one year below my grade, who is really starting to get on my nerves. We have one class together; we both take accelerated math. During the class she constantly stares at me and laughs. As the class goes on, she sits in the corner with her friends and...
  12. C

    Have you ever dreamed of something hilarious and you wake up laughing?

  13. Caine7SFG

    Glasgow Rangers Laughing Stock?

    Bill Ng is on the verge of walking away, ticketus have come back to haunt the gers, NG has now cast his eye on buying a hotel instead of the gers, so much for his love of them....... Kennedy is told his bid is unacceptable. Would you phone if you were making a multi million pound offer for...
  14. Y

    What type of drug would help to keep me from laughing?

    I'm making a very important presentation tomorrow regarding something completely serious, but there is one part of the presentation I simply can't not laugh out loud at. It's worrying me. What sort of drug could help me? I was thinking a few mgs of valium might?
  15. J

    What is the word for laughing once without any humor and?

    and it's kind of the same thing but when you make a noise in the back of your throat as you laugh humorlously. Like saying. Oh please afterwards. Or you've got to be kidding me. WHat is the describing word for that laugh of sorts. It's basically one exhale that makes a noise in the throat as it...
  16. G

    See Anderson Cooper Lose It on Live TV—What's Got Him Laughing Hysterically This Time

    Anderson Cooper has gotten another crack at a priceless on-air crack-up! If you'll recall, the CNN host became a viral-video sensation last summer when he succumbed to an on-air...
  17. M

    Am I a bad person for laughing my @$$ off at this?

    I was on FB and reading my friend's sister's status about getting a job while she's pregnant. One of her friends told her she couldn't get a job because she's pregnant, to which my friend replied it's illegal to refuse someone based on the fact they're pregnant (Unless the job requires you to...
  18. G

    Tennessee, the Laughing Stock State becomes ... A Laughing Stock

    Tennessee is where the famous Scopes Trial of 1925 played out, and more recently two state level state bills (one house and one senate) are in play in a move by legislatures to further enhance Tennessee's reputation as a place where people don't value education and would not know of valid...
  19. M

    Who else is laughing at how brainwashed the Obamabot sheeple are?

    I proposed a legitimate question that I'll now supplement with evidence and link below that was denounced by the Obamabots by resorting to vitriol, blatant denial and just a sheer lack of intellect. Expected, but it's still appalling at how delusional you liberals continue to be...
  20. P

    Am i a bad person for laughing at stupid questions and answers on yahoo answers?

    Yea iv seen some dumb questions like "is it considered cheating if my gf sleeps with a retarted person" or answers. This one guy asked how to get rid of an oily face and this one guy answered "you shouldnt get rid of your face even if it is oily". I start cracking up XD. Am i a bad person?