
  1. SnowAngel1

    People keep laughing at me for no reason, how do I stop it?

    For example today in PE class I was talking to this girl about how cold it was. I was like "This cold weather makes my muscle cramp up I need to get exercising" and this girl next to us just starts laughing for no reason. I was being serious :( Or in my history class I was telling someone I like...
  2. J

    Can you literally die from laughing too hard?

    'Cause I've been L.M.A.O. at this funny I made
  3. D

    Why is she laughing at me????

    Why is she laughing at me???????? Why are her friends making it a big deal...............? anyway I was talking wih a group of girls in class they asked me what I thought about oher girls in the class. so when it got to a girl (I said I do not like her anymore) and they said ANYMORE. So they...
  4. D

    why do water come out of my eyes when I'm laughing?

    it happens even when im smiling i thought maybe i should start washing my face in the morning, i thought it will go away but nah
  5. D

    Anyone else laughing at Sharpton complaining about others bringing race...

    ...into a debate? Isn't that all he does or get payed to do? FYI hes on the Hannity show right now. Typical Lib & Dem behavior, only ok when you do it right?
  6. T

    Andy Gray & Richard Keys Laughing At Women's Football...?

    . The Daily mail should dig this up too!!! themindfluxv2 - I totally agree I was pissing myself laughing by the end!!
  7. T

    when i got stoned with my brother everything was fine we were laughing

    our heads off and all that.? Yea me and my brother got stoned i was laughing soooo hard i almost pissed my pants i was all relaxed and warm and happy, then later on i started to get kind of paranoid like my friend stole the weed off my uncle and it was only one bud but i kept thinking he was...
  8. Y

    How do I tell a guy I like him without him laughing in my face?

    Not that he would laugh in my face, but no matter what I'd still be embarrassed. Help?
  9. D

    What youtube videos are you laughing at right now?

    Llamas with hats are awesome eh some may find disturbing any recommendations?
  10. E

    why do you hiccup after laughing really hard?

    this happens to me all the time. im just curious why this happens cause its really weird
  11. J

    What are u like on laughing gas or loopy medicine if have ever had some ?

    when i had to get a hip surgary or shot for something but they had to put a needle in it and draw flewed out i forgot what it was called. They couldn't put me to sleep b/c its only 10 to 20 min thing so why would they put me to sleep for only for that long ? I was really scared so they gave that...
  12. R

    Do i have a laughing disease?

    Sometimes i think about funny things and it makes me laugh , me and my friend laugh about the randomness things ... sometimes we would see a broken tree branch and will be laughing lols ... like do we have some kind of disorder and lately we've asking ourselves if we were crazy and we make crazy...
  13. C

    People were laughing at my voice in class!!!?

    Ok so I had to read a little paragraph in class and while I was reading people were laughing at me. Later I heard someone say I talk like a retard. I don't know why. I have read other paragraphs in the past in English and no one has laughed at me and I don't see why they were today :(. After in...
  14. K

    I really want to do a successful prank call but I just can't stop laughing?

    Any tips on how not to laugh ? I laugh so easily
  15. K

    I really want to do a successful prank call but I just can't stop laughing?

    Any tips on how not to laugh ? I laugh so easily
  16. I

    Laughing and blushing all the time, this is getting annoying?!?

    I'm not a shy person at all, I'm social at my highschool but whenever I talk to guys that I think are cute I laugh at pretty much EVERYTHING they say and I know that gets annoying but I can't help it, and I feel myself blushing if they say anything directly to me? It's getting so frustrating, I...
  17. F

    What is this popular Youtube video of the girl laughing with the face morph thing?

    Y do u care dear ?
  18. C

    Is it rude to burst out laughing everytime you see someone type with horribly

    bad grammar? For example, people who type like this: "lik ZOMG!!!1!1!! ewww u r lik...soooo ghhheeyy!!!" "ZOMG i totaly luv justin bieber & mily cyrus i tink theyy shood be a cupple!111!!!!1" Everytime I see people who type stuff like that I burst out in hysterical laughter and my husband...
  19. Y

    How come I try to make friends everyone ends up laughing at me?

    Everytime I try to make friends the right way and literally I get laughed at by the whole school like im a laughing stock? I go to highschool and everyone makes fun of me for no reason. No matter what I do, the same story happens over and over again. Its like a "to do list" where the school...
  20. B

    If I get depressed why can't I have laughing gas?

    Just a little. I need a good laugh.