
  1. T

    Problem jailbreaking Iphone 3gs!!!?

    I am almost finished jail breaking my iphone 3gs and I have gone through this process repeatedly! Once I get SO close to finishing, it just freezes. It starts rotating like it's loading. But then it just freezes. It's been like this an hour now. I could go back and repeat the process, but I have...
  2. B

    I need help jailbreaking my iphone 4?

    Ok i finally completed the step of "jailbreak" on resnow...and came to the screen of a pineapple on my iphone but then it just turns on? Did I do this right? If so whats the next step... its just a picture of a pineapple and no words or letters
  3. D

    Jailbreaking Iphone 4 for verizon?

    Hi i want to jailbreak my iphone 4 but will verizon give me a new phone with my insurance if i break it after it has been jailbroken?
  4. D

    Help Jailbreaking iphone 3gs?

    hi im having problems trying to use blackra1n it keeps frezin in the running bit. does anyone know any other sites or ways to jailbreak for free im using iso 4.2.1
  5. J

    what does jailbreaking do to your iPhone 4.3.5? pros & cons (unlocked on h20 )?

    So i have an iPhone 4 with 4.3.5 and its unlocked and running on H20 wireless... i want to be able to send MMS.. but i guess you have to jailbreak it? i can't seem to find the info i need online.. i want the pros and cons, what am i going to have to do different? is it going to mess up the...
  6. G

    Jailbreaking my iTouch?

    I was just a bit curious about a few things with jailbreaking: 1. What software works best? 2. What are the risks (WSOD, etc.)? 3. Will my apps be damaged/corrupted? Any useful information is accepted, thanks!
  7. S

    Jailbreaking my itouch 2g MC model?!?!?!?

    Greenpois0n RC6.1 seems to work but the cydia doesnt load. Redsn0w 0.9.6b4 doesnt work because MC model, the 0.9.4 does not recognize, any other way to get it to work? i have a pc
  8. E

    Jailbreaking an iPhone 4?

    So I want to jailbreak my phone because by doing so i know i can get things in an app that i would normally have to pay for.. Ive already bought the app in the app store (not jailbreak app), i want to jail break to make 'in app purchases' for free. However i do not want to have my iPhone...
  9. S

    i need help on jailbreaking itouch?

    so i have a 4th gen itouch and its a 4.3.5 and i need help jailbreaking it untethered. does anyone know the link for jailbreaking it
  10. K

    Jailbreaking My iTouch.?

    I have a 2nd Gen ( I believe ) iPod Touch, Version 4.2.1. It has no camera or anything. I would like to jailbreak it but no methods so far have worked. I tried going online and downloading, and I got a spam-filled torrent site that messed my PC up. I tried going to jailbreakme.com on my iTouch...
  11. J

    When jailbreaking the iphone, the Verizon Iphone 16 GB, should I use...

    ...jailbreakme.com or Ziphone? I need advice because I want to download Cydia.
  12. Y

    jailbreaking itouch 2 gen?

    if i jailbreak my itouch, will my games be reseted? & what is the easiest way to jailbreak an itouch 2 gen? thanks ! (:
  13. R

    How do I enable MMS and FaceTime on my iPhone 4 without jailbreaking?

    I used a Gevey sim card to unlock my iPhone 4 so I can use T-Mobile service with it - It's been working great except for not being able to send picture messages or use FaceTime. I tried Googling it but I keep finding solutions involving jailbreaking and using Cydia, which I don't want to do. Is...
  14. A

    Is there a way to get paid iphone apps for free without jailbreaking?

    So I want this one app called Order and Chaos Online, it $10 in all. Is there anyway I can get it for free?
  15. M

    jailbreaking the iphone 4?

    I'm kind of wary about jailbreaking mine. Because I've read online that AT&T's phone insurance won't cover it if you've jailbroken it. How would I even go about jailbreaking my iphone 4? Help please? Also, reviews? Have you done it to your iphone?
  16. G

    Is jailbreaking and using your iphone to get apps....?

    Is jailbreaking and using your iphone to get apps that cost money illegal???? thanks
  17. P

    Having trouble with iphone while jailbreaking?

    i was jailbreaking my iphone using green posin. when the compter said done jailbreaking i pulled out the usb wire and now my phone just shows some white code stuff white a black background.
  18. A

    does jailbreaking the iphone 4 from verizon cause the 3g speed to slow down?

    Like the loading times or video buffering?
  19. K

    Jailbreaking my iPhone 3G with 3.1.3 software?

    Just got my dad's old iPhone 3. I put in my SIM card and plugged it into iTunes. The "let's get started" screen is up, and the first thing it says is "activate your iPhone with AT&T." From what I understand, jailbreaking or unlocking makes it where you're not charged for the iPhone data plan on...
  20. M

    how to tether iphone 4 to ipad 2 without jailbreaking?

    how to tether an iphone 4 to ipad 2 without jailbreaking either